Pages :
  1. Useful SQL snippets
    1. Introduction
    2. Loot and Reference Loot Issues
      1. Find what creatures drop an item directly
      2. Find which RLTs an item is in
      3. Find which creatures share a RLT
      4. Find number of items and level statistics for items in a given RLT
      5. Recursively find an item by name
    3. Miscellaneous Issues
      1. Find all static creatures given a name
      2. Find creatures that use a certain spell
      3. Find average wander distance for a creature
      4. Find other members of a node pool
      5. Find respawn timers for a class of object

Useful SQL snippets


These SQL queries are intended to be fast and easy-to-use tools that can help identify and troubleshoot problems in the AzerothCore database. They're here to be a quick reference to help when looking at DB-related problems. If anyone else has any similar useful queries, let me know and I'll add them. Similarly, if you have a common problem for which you'd like a query written, feel free to get in touch.

Loot and Reference Loot Issues

Find what creatures drop an item directly

Note that this doesn't count items dropped from RLTs.

SELECT, clt.chance, ct.maxlevel, it.ItemLevel
FROM `creature_template` ct
JOIN `creature_loot_template` clt ON ct.lootid = clt.entry
JOIN `item_template` it ON clt.item = it.entry
WHERE it.entry = XXXXX;

Find which RLTs an item is in

SELECT rlt.entry,
FROM `reference_loot_template` rlt
JOIN `item_template` it ON rlt.Item = it.entry
WHERE rlt.item = XXXXX;

Find which creatures share a RLT


SELECT distinct ct.entry,
FROM `creature_template` ct
JOIN `creature_loot_template` clt ON ct.lootid = clt.entry
WHERE clt.Reference = XXXXX;

Find number of items and level statistics for items in a given RLT

This is useful when determining which creatures should have a particular RLT in their drop tables.

SELECT COUNT(rlt.Item), MIN(it.ItemLevel), MAX(it.ItemLevel), AVG(it.ItemLevel)
FROM `item_template` it 
JOIN `reference_loot_template` rlt ON it.entry = rlt.item 
WHERE rlt.entry = XXXXX;

Recursively find an item by name

Note this is complex enough that Keira won't run it properly - you will need to run it from a MySQL command prompt. Thanks to @anguaive for this one.

SET @ITEM_NAME := 'insert name of item here';
SET @ITEM_ID := (SELECT `entry` FROM `item_template` WHERE `name` = @ITEM_NAME);

SELECT DISTINCT AS `creature`, @ITEM_NAME as `item` FROM (
    WITH RECURSIVE cte (`entry`, `item`, `reference`) AS (
    SELECT `entry`, `item`, `reference`
    FROM `reference_loot_template`
    WHERE `item` = @ITEM_ID
    SELECT r.entry, r.item, r.reference
    FROM `reference_loot_template` r
    INNER JOIN cte
    ON r.reference = cte.entry
    SELECT clt.entry
    FROM cte
    JOIN `creature_loot_template` clt ON clt.reference = cte.entry
    SELECT entry
    WHERE item = @ITEM_ID
) AS q
JOIN `creature_template` ct ON ct.lootid = q.entry

Miscellaneous Issues

Find creature information from a spawn GUID

Bug reports sometimes just reference a GUID with no other information about an NPC. This will find the creature a GUID belongs to.

SELECT ct.entry,, ct.minlevel, ct.maxlevel
FROM `creature_template` ct 
JOIN `creature` c ON ct.entry =
WHERE c.guid = XXXXX;

Find all static creatures given a name

You can just use part of the NPC's name (as here, 'Gordunni') and it will find all NPCs with that string in their name.

SELECT c.guid,
FROM `creature` c
JOIN `creature_template` ct ON ct.entry =
WHERE c.movementtype = 0 AND LIKE '%gordunni%';

Find creatures that use a certain spell

Note this is a bit rough and ready, and only works if the spell is in their first action slot. In this case, XXXX is the spell ID.

SELECT ct.entry,, ct.maxlevel, ss.action_param1
FROM `creature_template` ct
JOIN `smart_scripts` ss ON ct.entry = ss.entryorguid
WHERE ss.action_param1 = XXXXX;

Find average wander distance for a creature

Handy for fixing static creatures.

SELECT, AVG(c.wander_distance)
FROM `creature` c
WHERE = XXXX AND c.wander_distance > 0;

Find other members of a node pool

Given a node GUID, find if it belongs to a node pool and list the other members.

SELECT * FROM `pool_gameobject` WHERE `pool_entry` IN (
SELECT `pool_entry` from `pool_gameobject` WHERE guid = XXXX);

Find respawn timers for a class of object

Given a object's name, find the respawn timers for all spawns that match that name string.

SELECT, go.guid, go.spawntimesecs
FROM `gameobject_template` got
JOIN `gameobject` go ON got.entry =
WHERE name LIKE '%name-of-object%' 
ORDER BY go.spawntimesecs