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Instalaci贸n del Core en Linux

Gu铆a de Instalaci贸n
Este art铆culo es parte de la Gu铆a de Instalaci贸n. Puede leerlo solo o hacer click en los links previos para navegar con facilidad entre los pasos.
<< Paso 1: Requisitos Paso 3: Instalaci贸n del Servidor >>

Software requerido

V茅ase Requisitos antes de continuar.

Obtener el c贸digo fuente

Elija UNO de los siguientes metodos, ejecute uno de los siguientes comandos git ... en su terminal.

  1. Clonar solo la rama master + el historial completo (Menor tama帽o - recomendado):

    git clone --branch master --single-branch azerothcore
  2. Clonar solo la rama master sin historial previo (el menor tama帽o):

    git clone --branch master --single-branch azerothcore --depth 1

    Nota: si usted quiere obtener el historial completo, use git fetch --unshallow.

  3. Clonar todas las ramas y todo el historial:

    git clone azerothcore

Esto crear谩 un directorio de azerothcore-wotlk que contiene los archivos fuente de AC.

Compilaci贸n del c贸digo fuente

Creaci贸n del directorio de la build

To avoid issues with updates and colliding source builds, we create a specific build-directory, so we avoid any possible issues due to that (if any might occur)

cd azerothcore
mkdir build
cd build

Configuring for compiling

Before running the CMake command, replace $HOME/azeroth-server/ with the path of the server installation (where you want to place the compiled binaries).

Parameter explanation for advanced users CMake options.

At this point, you must be in your "build/" directory.

Note: in the following command the variable $HOME is the path of the current user, so if you are logged as root, $HOME will be "/root". You can check the state of the environment variable, as follows:

echo $HOME

Note: in case you use a non-default package for clang, you need to replace it accordingly. For example, if you installed clang-6.0 then you have to replace clang with clang-6.0 and clang++ with clang++-6.0

cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/azeroth-server/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DTOOLS_BUILD=all -DSCRIPTS=static

To know the amount of cores available. You can use the following command

nproc --all

Then, replacing 6 with the number of threads that you want to execute, type:

make -j 6
make install


If you are still having problems, check:

Installation Guide
This article is a part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.
<< Step 1: Requirements Step 3: Server Setup >>