Class Global [-] [+]
These functions can be used anywhere at any time, including at start-up.
AddTaxiPath |
Adds a taxi path to a specified map, returns the used pathId. |
AddVendorItem |
Adds an Item to a vendor and updates the world database. |
AuthDBExecute |
Executes a SQL query on the login database. |
AuthDBQuery |
Executes a SQL query on the login database and returns an ElunaQuery. |
AuthDBQueryAsync |
Executes an asynchronous SQL query on the character database and passes an ElunaQuery to a callback function. |
Ban |
Ban's a Player's account, character or IP |
CharDBExecute |
Executes a SQL query on the character database. |
CharDBQuery |
Executes a SQL query on the character database and returns an ElunaQuery. |
CharDBQueryAsync |
Executes an asynchronous SQL query on the character database and passes an ElunaQuery to a callback function. |
ClearBattleGroundEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all BattleGround events, or one type of event. |
ClearCreatureEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a Creature's events, or one type of event. |
ClearCreatureGossipEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a Creature's gossip events, or one type of event. |
ClearGameObjectEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a GameObject's events, or one type of event. |
ClearGameObjectGossipEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a GameObject's gossip events, or one type of event. |
ClearGroupEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all Group events, or one type of Group event. |
ClearGuildEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all Guild events, or one type of Guild event. |
ClearInstanceEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of an instanced Map's events, or one type of event. |
ClearItemEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of an Item's events, or one type of event. |
ClearItemGossipEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of an Item's gossip events, or one type of event. |
ClearMapEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a non-instanced Map's events, or one type of event. |
ClearPacketEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a WorldPacket opcode's events, or one type of event. |
ClearPlayerEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all Player events, or one type of Player event. |
ClearPlayerGossipEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a Player's gossip events, or one type of event. |
ClearServerEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all server events, or one type of event. |
ClearSpellEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a Spell's events, or one type of event. |
ClearUniqueCreatureEvents |
Unbinds event handlers for either all of a Creature's events, or one type of event. |
CreateLongLong |
Returns an object representing a |
CreateLuaEvent |
Registers a global timed event. |
CreatePacket |
Creates a WorldPacket. |
CreateULongLong |
Returns an object representing an |
GetActiveGameEvents |
Returns the currently active game events. |
GetAreaName |
Returns the area or zone's name. |
GetCoreExpansion |
Returns emulator's supported expansion. |
GetCoreName |
Returns emulator's name. |
GetCoreVersion |
Returns emulator version |
GetCurrTime |
Returns the server's current time. |
GetGUIDEntry |
Returns the entry ID from a GUID. |
GetGUIDLow |
Returns the low GUID from a GUID. |
GetGUIDType |
Returns the type ID from a GUID. |
GetGameTime |
Returns game time in seconds |
GetGossipMenuOptionLocale |
Gets the localized OptionText and BoxText for a specific gossip menu option. If the text for the specified locale is not found, it returns the default text. |
GetGuildByLeaderGUID |
Returns Guild by the leader's GUID |
GetGuildByName |
Returns a Guild by name. |
GetItemGUID |
Builds an Item's GUID. |
GetItemLink |
Returns an chat link for an Item. |
GetItemTemplate | |
GetLuaEngine |
Returns Lua engine's name. |
GetMapById |
Returns a Map by ID. |
GetMapEntrance |
Return the entrance position (x, y, z, o) of the specified dungeon map id |
GetObjectGUID |
Builds a GameObject's GUID. |
GetOwnerHalaa |
Gets the faction which is the current owner of Halaa in Nagrand 0 = Alliance 1 = Horde |
GetPlayerByGUID |
Finds and Returns Player by guid if found |
GetPlayerByName |
Finds and Returns Player by name if found |
GetPlayerCount |
Returns the amount of Players in the world. |
GetPlayerGUID |
Builds a Player's GUID |
GetPlayersInWorld |
Returns a table with all the current Players in the world |
GetQuest |
Returns Quest template |
GetRealmID | |
GetSpellInfo | |
GetStateInstanceId |
Returns the instance ID of the Lua state. Returns 0 for continent maps and the world state. |
GetStateMap |
Returns the Map pointer of the Lua state. Returns null for the "World" state. |
GetStateMapId |
Returns the map ID of the Lua state. Returns -1 for the "World" state. |
GetTimeDiff |
Returns the difference between an old timestamp and the current time. |
GetUnitGUID |
Builds a Creature's GUID. |
HttpRequest |
Performs a non-blocking HTTP request. |
IsBagPos |
Returns |
IsBankPos |
Returns |
IsCompatibilityMode |
Returns |
IsEquipmentPos |
Returns |
IsGameEventActive |
Returns |
IsInventoryPos |
Returns |
Kick |
Kicks a Player from the server. |
LookupEntry |
Returns the instance of the specified DBC (DatabaseClient) store. |
PerformIngameSpawn |
Performs an in-game spawn and returns the Creature or GameObject spawned. |
PrintDebug |
Prints given parameters to the debug log. |
PrintError |
Prints given parameters to the error log. |
PrintInfo |
Prints given parameters to the info log. |
RegisterBGEvent |
Registers a BattleGround event handler. |
RegisterCreatureEvent |
Registers a Creature event handler. |
RegisterCreatureGossipEvent |
Registers a Creature gossip event handler. |
RegisterGameObjectEvent |
Registers a GameObject event handler. |
RegisterGameObjectGossipEvent |
Registers a GameObject gossip event handler. |
RegisterGroupEvent |
Registers a Group event handler. |
RegisterGuildEvent |
Registers a Guild event handler. |
RegisterInstanceEvent | |
RegisterItemEvent |
Registers an Item event handler. |
RegisterItemGossipEvent |
Registers an Item gossip event handler. |
RegisterMapEvent | |
RegisterPacketEvent |
Registers a WorldPacket event handler. |
RegisterPlayerEvent |
Registers a Player event handler. |
RegisterPlayerGossipEvent |
Registers a Player gossip event handler. |
RegisterServerEvent |
Registers a server event handler. |
RegisterSpellEvent |
Registers a Spell event handler. |
RegisterUniqueCreatureEvent | |
ReloadEluna |
Reloads the Lua engine. |
RemoveEventById |
Removes a global timed event specified by ID. |
RemoveEvents |
Removes all global timed events. |
RunCommand |
Runs a command. |
SaveAllPlayers |
Saves all Players. |
SendMail |
Sends mail to a Player. |
SendWorldMessage |
Sends a message to all Players online. |
SetOwnerHalaa |
Sets the owner of Halaa in Nagrand to the respective faction 0 = Alliance 1 = Horde |
StartGameEvent |
Starts the event by eventId, if force is set, the event will force start regardless of previous event state. |
StopGameEvent |
Stops the event by eventId, if force is set, the event will force stop regardless of previous event state. |
VendorRemoveAllItems |
Removes all Items from a vendor and updates the database. |
VendorRemoveItem |
Removes an Item from a vendor and updates the database. |
WorldDBExecute |
Executes a SQL query on the world database. |
WorldDBQuery |
Executes a SQL query on the world database and returns an ElunaQuery. |
WorldDBQueryAsync |
Executes an asynchronous SQL query on the world database and passes an ElunaQuery to a callback function. |
bit_and |
Performs a bitwise AND (a & b). |
bit_lshift |
Performs a bitwise left-shift (a << b). |
bit_not |
Performs a bitwise NOT (~a). |
bit_or |
Performs a bitwise OR (a | b). |
bit_rshift |
Performs a bitwise right-shift (a >> b). |
bit_xor |
Performs a bitwise XOR (a ^ b). |