Class Player [-] [+]
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject, Unit
AddBonusTalent |
Add bonus talents count to the Player |
AddComboPoints |
Adds combo points to the Player |
AddItem |
Adds the given amount of the specified item entry to the player. |
AddLifetimeKills | |
AddQuest |
Tries to add the given quest entry for the Player. |
AdvanceAllSkills |
Advances all of the Players skills to the amount specified |
AdvanceSkill |
Advances a Players specific skill to the amount specified |
AdvanceSkillsToMax |
Advances all of the Players weapon skills to the maximum amount available |
AreaExploredOrEventHappens |
Completes the Quest if a Quest area is explored, or completes the Quest |
CanBlock |
Returns |
CanCompleteQuest |
Returns |
CanCompleteRepeatableQuest |
Returns |
CanEquipItem |
Returns true if the player can equip the given Item or item entry to the given slot, false otherwise. |
CanFly |
Returns |
CanParry |
Returns |
CanRewardQuest |
Returns |
CanShareQuest |
Returns |
CanSpeak |
Returns |
CanTitanGrip |
Returns |
CanUninviteFromGroup |
Returns |
CanUseItem |
Returns |
ClearComboPoints |
Clears the Players combo points |
CompleteQuest |
Completes the given quest entry for the Player and tries to satisfy all quest requirements. |
DurabilityLoss |
Damages specified Item |
DurabilityLossAll |
Damages all Items equipped. If inventory is true, damages Items in bags |
DurabilityPointLossForEquipSlot |
Sets durability loss for an Item in the specified slot |
DurabilityPointsLoss |
Sets durability loss for the specified Item |
DurabilityPointsLossAll |
Sets durability loss on all Items equipped |
DurabilityRepair |
Repairs Item at specified position. |
DurabilityRepairAll |
Repairs all Items. |
EquipItem |
Equips the given item or item entry to the given slot. Returns the equipped item or nil. |
FailQuest | |
GetAccountId |
Returns the Players account ID |
GetAccountName |
Returns the Players account name |
GetAchievementCriteriaProgress |
Returns the progress of the Player for the specified achievement criteria. |
GetAchievementPoints |
Returns the Players current amount of Achievement Points |
GetActiveSpec |
Returns the Players active spec ID |
GetArenaPoints |
Returns the Players current amount of Arena Points |
GetBaseSkillValue |
Returns base skill value |
GetBattlegroundId |
Returns the Players current BattleGround ID |
GetBattlegroundTypeId |
Returns the Players current BattleGround type ID |
GetBonusTalentCount |
Get bonus talents count from the Player |
GetChampioningFaction |
Returns the faction ID the Player is currently flagged as champion for |
GetChatTag |
Returns active GM chat tag |
GetCoinage |
Returns the Players amount of money in copper |
GetComboPoints |
Returns Player's combo points |
GetComboTarget |
Returns Unit target combo points are on |
GetCompletedAchievementsCount |
Returns the Players current amount of Achievements Completed |
GetCompletedQuestsCount |
Returns the Players completed quest count |
GetCorpse | |
GetDbLocaleIndex |
Returns the Players database locale index |
GetDbcLocale |
Returns the Players game client locale |
GetDifficulty |
Returns raid or dungeon difficulty |
GetDrunkValue |
Returns the Players current level of intoxication |
GetEquippedItemBySlot | |
GetFreeTalentPoints |
Returns the Players free talent point amount |
GetGMRank |
Returns the Players GM Rank |
GetGlyph |
Get glyphId of the glyph slot specified by |
GetGossipTextId |
Returns the database textID of the WorldObject's gossip header text for the Player |
GetGroup | |
GetGroupInvite |
Returns Group invitation |
GetGuild | |
GetGuildId | |
GetGuildName | |
GetGuildRank |
Returns the Players current guild rank |
GetHealthBonusFromStamina |
Returns health bonus from amount of stamina |
GetHomebind |
Returns the Player homebind location. |
GetHonorPoints |
Returns the Players current amount of Honor Points |
GetInGameTime |
Returns the amount of time the Player has spent ingame |
GetItemByEntry |
Returns an Item from the player by entry. |
GetItemByGUID |
Returns an Item from the player by guid. |
GetItemByPos |
Returns an item in given bag on given slot. |
GetItemCount | |
GetLatency |
Returns the Players current latency in MS |
GetLevelPlayedTime |
Returns the Players time played at current level |
GetLifetimeKills |
Returns the Players lifetime Honorable Kills |
GetMailCount |
Returns the amount of mails in the player's mailbox. |
GetMailItem |
Returns a mailed Item by guid. |
GetManaBonusFromIntellect |
Returns mana bonus from amount of intellect |
GetMaxSkillValue |
Returns max value of specified skill |
GetNextRandomRaidMember |
Returns a random Raid Member Player object within radius specified of Player |
GetOriginalGroup | |
GetOriginalSubGroup |
Returns Players original sub group |
GetPhaseMaskForSpawn |
Returns the normal phase of the player instead of the actual phase possibly containing GM phase |
GetPlayerIP |
Returns the Players IP address |
GetPlayerSettingValue |
Gets a setting value for the Player |
GetPureMaxSkillValue |
Returns max value of specified skill without bonus' |
GetPureSkillValue |
Returns skill value without bonus' |
GetQuestLevel |
Returns the quest level of the Players Quest specified by object |
GetQuestRewardStatus |
Returns |
GetQuestStatus |
Returns the status of the Players Quest specified by entry ID |
GetReputation |
Returns the amount of reputation the Player has with the faction specified |
GetReputationRank |
Returns the Players reputation rank of faction specified |
GetReqKillOrCastCurrentCount |
Returns Quest required Creature or GameObject count |
GetRestBonus |
Returns the Players current resting bonus |
GetSelection | |
GetShieldBlockValue |
Returns the Players current shield block value |
GetSkillPermBonusValue |
Returns skill permanent bonus value |
GetSkillTempBonusValue |
Returns skill temporary bonus value |
GetSkillValue |
Returns skill value |
GetSpecsCount |
Returns the amount of available specs the Player currently has |
GetSpellCooldownDelay | |
GetSpells |
Returns the Player spells list |
GetSubGroup |
Returns Players current sub group |
GetTeam |
Returns the Players [TeamId] |
GetTotalPlayedTime |
Returns the Players total time played |
GetTrader |
Returns the Player that is currently trading with this Player |
GetXP |
Returns the Player's experience points |
GetXPRestBonus |
Returns rested experience bonus |
GiveXP |
Gives the Player experience |
GossipAddQuests |
Adds the gossip items to the Player's gossip for the quests the given WorldObject can offer to the player. |
GossipClearMenu |
Clears the Players current gossip item list. |
GossipComplete |
Closes the Players currently open Gossip Menu. |
GossipMenuAddItem |
Adds a new item to the gossip menu shown to the Player on next call to Player:GossipSendMenu. |
GossipSendMenu |
Sends the current gossip items of the player to him as a gossip menu with header text from the given textId. |
GossipSendPOI |
Sends POI to the location on your map |
GroupCreate | |
GroupEventHappens | |
GroupInvite |
Makes the Player invite another player to a group. |
HasAchieved |
Returns |
HasAtLoginFlag |
Returns true if Player has specified login flag |
HasCasterSpec |
Returns |
HasHealSpec |
Returns |
HasItem |
Returns |
HasMeleeSpec |
Returns |
HasQuest |
Returns |
HasQuestForGO |
Returns true if Player has Quest for GameObject |
HasQuestForItem |
Returns |
HasSkill |
Returns |
HasSpell |
Returns |
HasSpellCooldown |
Returns |
HasTalent |
Returns |
HasTankSpec |
Returns |
HasTitle |
Returns |
InArena |
Returns |
InBattleground |
Returns |
InBattlegroundQueue |
Returns |
IncompleteQuest |
Sets the given quest entry incomplete for the Player. |
Returns |
IsAcceptingWhispers |
Returns |
IsAlliance |
Returns |
Returns |
IsFalling |
Returns |
IsFlying |
Returns |
IsGM |
Returns |
IsGMChat | |
IsGMVisible | |
IsGroupVisibleFor | |
IsHonorOrXPTarget |
Returns |
IsHorde |
Returns |
IsImmuneToDamage |
Returns |
IsInArenaTeam |
Returns |
IsInGroup | |
IsInGuild | |
IsInSameGroupWith |
Returns |
IsInSameRaidWith |
Returns |
IsInWater |
Returns |
IsMoving |
Returns |
IsRested |
Returns |
IsTaxiCheater |
Returns |
IsVisibleForPlayer |
Returns |
KickPlayer |
Kicks the Player from the server |
KillPlayer |
Kills the Player |
KilledMonsterCredit |
Gives Quest monster killed credit |
LearnSpell | |
LearnTalent |
Learn the Player the talent specified by talent_id and talentRank |
LeaveBattleground |
Forces the Player to leave a BattleGround |
LogoutPlayer |
Forces the Player to log out |
ModifyArenaPoints |
Adds or detracts from the Players current Arena Points |
ModifyHonorPoints |
Adds or detracts from the Players current Honor Points |
ModifyMoney |
Adds or subtracts from the Players money in copper |
Mute |
Mutes the Player for the amount of seconds specified |
RemoveArenaSpellCooldowns |
Remove cooldowns on spells that have less than 10 minutes of cooldown from the Player, similarly to when you enter an arena. |
RemoveBonusTalent |
Remove bonus talents count to the Player |
RemoveFromBattlegroundRaid |
Forcefully removes the Player from a BattleGround raid group |
RemoveFromGroup | |
RemoveItem |
Removes the given amount of the specified Item from the player. |
RemoveLifetimeKills |
Removes specified amount of lifetime kills |
RemoveQuest |
Removes the given quest entry from the Player. |
RemoveSpell | |
RemovedInsignia |
Loots Player's bones for insignia |
ResetAchievements |
Reset the Players completed achievements |
ResetAllCooldowns |
Resets all of the Player's cooldowns |
ResetPetTalents |
Resets the Players pets talent points |
ResetSpellCooldown |
Resets cooldown of the specified spell |
ResetTalents |
Resets the Players talents |
ResetTalentsCost |
Returns the Players accumulated talent reset cost |
ResetTypeCooldowns |
Resets cooldown of the specified category |
ResurrectPlayer |
Resurrects the Player. |
RewardQuest |
Rewards the given quest entry for the Player if he has completed it. |
RunCommand |
Run a chat command as if the player typed it into the chat |
SaveToDB |
Saves the Player to the database |
Say |
Sends say text from the Player |
SendAddonMessage |
Sends addon message to the Player receiver |
SendAreaTriggerMessage |
Sends an Area Trigger Message to the Player |
SendAuctionMenu |
Sends an auction house window to the Player from the Unit specified |
SendBroadcastMessage |
Sends a Broadcast Message to the Player |
SendCinematicStart |
Starts a cinematic for the Player |
SendGuildInvite |
Sends a guild invitation from the Players Guild to the Player object specified |
SendListInventory |
Sends a vendor window to the Player from the WorldObject specified. |
SendMovieStart |
Starts a movie for the Player |
SendNotification |
Sends a Notification to the Player |
SendPacket |
Sends a WorldPacket to the Player |
SendQuestTemplate |
Shows a quest accepting window to the Player for the given quest. |
SendShowBank |
Sends a bank window to the Player from the WorldObject specified. |
SendShowMailBox |
Shows the mailbox window to the player from specified guid. |
SendSpiritResurrect |
Sends a spirit resurrection request to the Player |
SendTabardVendorActivate |
Sends a tabard vendor window to the Player from the WorldObject specified |
SendTaxiMenu |
Sends a flightmaster window to the Player from the Creature specified |
SendTrainerList |
Sends a trainer window to the Player from the Creature specified |
SendUpdateWorldState |
Sends an update for the world state to the Player |
SetAcceptWhispers |
Toggles whether the Player accepts whispers or not |
SetAchievement |
Adds the specified achievement to the Players |
SetArenaPoints |
Sets the Players Arena Points to the amount specified |
SetAtLoginFlag |
Sets the Players login flag to the flag specified |
SetBindPoint |
Sets the Players home location to the location specified |
SetBonusTalentCount |
Set bonus talent count to a specific count for the Player |
SetCoinage |
Sets the Players amount of money to copper specified |
SetDrunkValue |
Sets the Players intoxication level to the level specified |
SetFactionForRace |
Sets the Players faction standing to that of the race specified |
SetFreeTalentPoints |
Sets the Players free talent points to the amount specified for the current spec |
SetGMChat |
Toggle Blizz (GM) tag |
SetGMVisible |
Toggles whether the Player has GM visibility on or off |
SetGameMaster |
Toggles the Players GM mode on or off |
SetGender |
Sets the Players gender to gender specified |
SetGlyph |
Adds a glyph specified by |
SetGuildRank |
Sets the Players guild rank to the rank specified |
SetHonorPoints |
Sets the Players Honor Points to the amount specified |
SetKnownTitle |
Adds the specified title to the Players list of known titles |
SetLifetimeKills |
Sets the Players amount of Lifetime Honorable Kills to the value specified |
SetPlayerLock |
Locks the player controls and disallows all movement and casting. |
SetPvPDeath |
Toggles PvP Death |
SetQuestStatus |
Sets Quest state |
SetReputation |
Sets the Players reputation amount for the faction specified |
SetRestBonus |
Sets the Players rest bonus to the amount specified |
SetSheath |
Sets the Players sheathe state to the state specified |
SetSkill |
Sets (increases) skill of the Player |
SetSpellPower |
The Player sets the spell power |
SetTaxiCheat |
Toggles whether the Player has taxi cheat enabled or not |
SpawnBones |
Converts Player's corpse to bones |
StartTaxi |
Attempts to start the taxi/flying to the given pathID |
SummonPlayer |
Sends a summon request to the player from the given summoner |
TalkedToCreature |
Gives Quest monster talked to credit |
Teleport |
Teleports a Player to the location specified |
TeleportTo |
Teleports Player to a predefined location based on the teleport name. |
TextEmote |
Sends a text emote from the Player |
ToggleAFK |
Toggle the Players 'Away From Keyboard' flag |
ToggleDND |
Toggle the Players 'Do Not Disturb' flag |
UnbindAllInstances |
Unbinds the Player from his instances except the one he currently is in. |
UnbindInstance |
Unbinds the Player from his instances except the one he currently is in. |
UnsetKnownTitle |
Removes a title by ID from the Players list of known titles |
UpdatePlayerSetting |
Sets a setting value for the Player |
Whisper |
Sends whisper text from the Player |
Yell |
Sends yell text from the Player |