AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
No Matches
InstanceMap Class Reference

#include "Map.h"

Inheritance diagram for InstanceMap:
Map GridRefMgr< NGridType > RefMgr< TO, FROM > LinkedListHead

Public Member Functions

 InstanceMap (uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, uint8 SpawnMode, Map *_parent)
 ~InstanceMap () override
bool AddPlayerToMap (Player *) override
void RemovePlayerFromMap (Player *, bool) override
void AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap () override
void Update (const uint32, const uint32, bool thread=true) override
void CreateInstanceScript (bool load, std::string data, uint32 completedEncounterMask)
bool Reset (uint8 method, GuidList *globalSkipList=nullptr)
uint32 GetScriptId () const
std::string const & GetScriptName () const
InstanceScriptGetInstanceScript ()
InstanceScript const * GetInstanceScript () const
void PermBindAllPlayers ()
void UnloadAll () override
EnterState CannotEnter (Player *player, bool loginCheck=false) override
void SendResetWarnings (uint32 timeLeft) const
uint32 GetMaxPlayers () const
uint32 GetMaxResetDelay () const
void InitVisibilityDistance () override
std::string GetDebugInfo () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Map
 Map (uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, uint8 SpawnMode, Map *_parent=nullptr)
 ~Map () override
MapEntry const * GetEntry () const
bool CanUnload (uint32 diff)
virtual bool AddPlayerToMap (Player *)
virtual void RemovePlayerFromMap (Player *, bool)
virtual void AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap ()
template<class T >
bool AddToMap (T *, bool checkTransport=false)
template<class T >
void RemoveFromMap (T *, bool)
void VisitNearbyCellsOf (WorldObject *obj, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor)
void VisitNearbyCellsOfPlayer (Player *player, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor)
virtual void Update (const uint32, const uint32, bool thread=true)
float GetVisibilityRange () const
void SetVisibilityRange (float range)
virtual void InitVisibilityDistance ()
void PlayerRelocation (Player *, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void CreatureRelocation (Creature *creature, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void GameObjectRelocation (GameObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void DynamicObjectRelocation (DynamicObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o)
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void Visit (const Cell &cell, TypeContainerVisitor< T, CONTAINER > &visitor)
bool IsRemovalGrid (float x, float y) const
bool IsGridLoaded (float x, float y) const
void LoadGrid (float x, float y)
void LoadAllCells ()
bool UnloadGrid (NGridType &ngrid)
virtual void UnloadAll ()
uint32 GetId () const
Map const * GetParent () const
std::shared_mutex & GetMMapLock () const
void HandleDelayedVisibility ()
float GetHeight (float x, float y, float z, bool checkVMap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
float GetGridHeight (float x, float y) const
float GetMinHeight (float x, float y) const
TransportGetTransportForPos (uint32 phase, float x, float y, float z, WorldObject *worldobject=nullptr)
void GetFullTerrainStatusForPosition (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, PositionFullTerrainStatus &data, uint8 reqLiquidType=MAP_ALL_LIQUIDS)
LiquidData const GetLiquidData (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, uint8 ReqLiquidType)
bool GetAreaInfo (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, uint32 &mogpflags, int32 &adtId, int32 &rootId, int32 &groupId) const
uint32 GetAreaId (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const
uint32 GetZoneId (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const
void GetZoneAndAreaId (uint32 phaseMask, uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid, float x, float y, float z) const
float GetWaterLevel (float x, float y) const
bool IsInWater (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const
bool IsUnderWater (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const
bool HasEnoughWater (WorldObject const *searcher, float x, float y, float z) const
bool HasEnoughWater (WorldObject const *searcher, LiquidData const &liquidData) const
void MoveAllCreaturesInMoveList ()
void MoveAllGameObjectsInMoveList ()
void MoveAllDynamicObjectsInMoveList ()
void RemoveAllObjectsInRemoveList ()
virtual void RemoveAllPlayers ()
uint32 GetInstanceId () const
uint8 GetSpawnMode () const
virtual EnterState CannotEnter (Player *, bool)
const char * GetMapName () const
Difficulty GetDifficulty () const
bool IsRegularDifficulty () const
MapDifficulty const * GetMapDifficulty () const
bool Instanceable () const
bool IsDungeon () const
bool IsNonRaidDungeon () const
bool IsRaid () const
bool IsRaidOrHeroicDungeon () const
bool IsHeroic () const
bool Is25ManRaid () const
bool IsBattleground () const
bool IsBattleArena () const
bool IsBattlegroundOrArena () const
bool GetEntrancePos (int32 &mapid, float &x, float &y)
void AddObjectToRemoveList (WorldObject *obj)
void AddObjectToSwitchList (WorldObject *obj, bool on)
virtual void DelayedUpdate (const uint32 diff)
void resetMarkedCells ()
bool isCellMarked (uint32 pCellId)
void markCell (uint32 pCellId)
void resetMarkedCellsLarge ()
bool isCellMarkedLarge (uint32 pCellId)
void markCellLarge (uint32 pCellId)
bool HavePlayers () const
uint32 GetPlayersCountExceptGMs () const
void AddWorldObject (WorldObject *obj)
void RemoveWorldObject (WorldObject *obj)
void SendToPlayers (WorldPacket const *data) const
PlayerList const & GetPlayers () const
void ScriptsStart (std::map< uint32, std::multimap< uint32, ScriptInfo > > const &scripts, uint32 id, Object *source, Object *target)
 Put scripts in the execution queue.
void ScriptCommandStart (ScriptInfo const &script, uint32 delay, Object *source, Object *target)
template<class T >
void AddToActive (T *obj)
template<class T >
void RemoveFromActive (T *obj)
template<class T >
void SwitchGridContainers (T *obj, bool on)
void UpdateIteratorBack (Player *player)
TempSummonSummonCreature (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, uint32 duration=0, WorldObject *summoner=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0, uint32 vehId=0, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime, bool checkTransport=true)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, float rotation0=0.0f, float rotation1=0.0f, float rotation2=0.0f, float rotation3=0.0f, uint32 respawnTime=100, bool checkTransport=true)
void SummonCreatureGroup (uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr)
CorpseGetCorpse (ObjectGuid const guid)
CreatureGetCreature (ObjectGuid const guid)
GameObjectGetGameObject (ObjectGuid const guid)
TransportGetTransport (ObjectGuid const guid)
DynamicObjectGetDynamicObject (ObjectGuid const guid)
PetGetPet (ObjectGuid const guid)
MapStoredObjectTypesContainerGetObjectsStore ()
CreatureBySpawnIdContainerGetCreatureBySpawnIdStore ()
GameObjectBySpawnIdContainerGetGameObjectBySpawnIdStore ()
std::unordered_set< Corpse * > const * GetCorpsesInCell (uint32 cellId) const
CorpseGetCorpseByPlayer (ObjectGuid const &ownerGuid) const
MapInstancedToMapInstanced ()
MapInstanced const * ToMapInstanced () const
InstanceMapToInstanceMap ()
InstanceMap const * ToInstanceMap () const
BattlegroundMapToBattlegroundMap ()
BattlegroundMap const * ToBattlegroundMap () const
float GetWaterOrGroundLevel (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr, bool swim=false, float collisionHeight=DEFAULT_COLLISION_HEIGHT) const
float GetHeight (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
bool isInLineOfSight (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, uint32 phasemask, LineOfSightChecks checks, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags) const
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, PathGenerator *path, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
 Check if a given source can reach a specific point following a path and normalize the coords. Use this method for long paths, otherwise use the overloaded method with the start coords when you need to do a quick check on small segments.
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
 validate the new destination and set reachable coords Check if a given unit can reach a specific point on a segment and set the correct dest coords NOTE: use this method with small segments.
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
bool CheckCollisionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true) const
 validate the new destination and set coords Check if a given unit can face collisions in a specific segment
void Balance ()
void RemoveGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model)
void InsertGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model)
bool ContainsGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model) const
DynamicMapTree const & GetDynamicMapTree () const
bool GetObjectHitPos (uint32 phasemask, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz, float modifyDist)
float GetGameObjectFloor (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
time_t GetLinkedRespawnTime (ObjectGuid guid) const
time_t GetCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const
time_t GetGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const
void SaveCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime)
void RemoveCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid)
void SaveGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime)
void RemoveGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid)
void LoadRespawnTimes ()
void DeleteRespawnTimes ()
time_t GetInstanceResetPeriod () const
void LoadCorpseData ()
void DeleteCorpseData ()
void AddCorpse (Corpse *corpse)
void RemoveCorpse (Corpse *corpse)
CorpseConvertCorpseToBones (ObjectGuid const ownerGuid, bool insignia=false)
void RemoveOldCorpses ()
void SendInitTransports (Player *player)
void SendRemoveTransports (Player *player)
void SendZoneDynamicInfo (Player *player)
void SendInitSelf (Player *player)
void PlayDirectSoundToMap (uint32 soundId, uint32 zoneId=0)
void SetZoneMusic (uint32 zoneId, uint32 musicId)
void SetZoneWeather (uint32 zoneId, WeatherState weatherId, float weatherGrade)
void SetZoneOverrideLight (uint32 zoneId, uint32 lightId, Milliseconds fadeInTime)
void UpdateEncounterState (EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry, Unit *source)
void LogEncounterFinished (EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry)
void DoForAllPlayers (std::function< void(Player *)> exec)
GridMapGetGrid (float x, float y)
void EnsureGridCreated (const GridCoord &)
bool AllTransportsEmpty () const
void AllTransportsRemovePassengers ()
TransportsContainer const & GetAllTransports () const
template<HighGuid high>
ObjectGuid::LowType GenerateLowGuid ()
void AddUpdateObject (Object *obj)
void RemoveUpdateObject (Object *obj)
size_t GetActiveNonPlayersCount () const
virtual std::string GetDebugInfo () const
void AddToGrid (Creature *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (GameObject *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (DynamicObject *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (Corpse *obj, Cell const &cell)
void SwitchGridContainers (Creature *obj, bool on)
void SwitchGridContainers (GameObject *obj, bool on)
void DeleteFromWorld (Player *player)
void InitializeObject (Creature *)
void InitializeObject (GameObject *)
bool AddToMap (MotionTransport *obj, bool)
void RemoveFromMap (MotionTransport *obj, bool remove)
void AddToActive (Creature *c)
void AddToActive (DynamicObject *d)
void AddToActive (GameObject *d)
void RemoveFromActive (Creature *c)
void RemoveFromActive (DynamicObject *obj)
void RemoveFromActive (GameObject *obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GridRefMgr< NGridType >
GridReference< NGridType > * getFirst ()
GridReference< NGridType > * getLast ()
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
iterator rbegin ()
iterator rend ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RefMgr< TO, FROM >
 RefMgr ()=default
virtual ~RefMgr ()
Reference< TO, FROM > * getFirst ()
Reference< TO, FROM > const * getFirst () const
Reference< TO, FROM > * getLast ()
Reference< TO, FROM > const * getLast () const
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
iterator rbegin ()
iterator rend ()
void clearReferences ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LinkedListHead
 LinkedListHead ()
bool IsEmpty () const
LinkedListElementgetFirst ()
LinkedListElement const * getFirst () const
LinkedListElementgetLast ()
LinkedListElement const * getLast () const
void insertFirst (LinkedListElement *pElem)
void insertLast (LinkedListElement *pElem)
uint32 getSize () const
void incSize ()
void decSize ()

Private Attributes

bool m_resetAfterUnload
bool m_unloadWhenEmpty
uint32 i_script_id

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Map
enum  EnterState {
  CAN_ENTER = 0 ,
typedef MapRefMgr PlayerList
typedef std::unordered_multimap< ObjectGuid::LowType, Creature * > CreatureBySpawnIdContainer
typedef std::unordered_multimap< ObjectGuid::LowType, GameObject * > GameObjectBySpawnIdContainer
- Public Types inherited from GridRefMgr< NGridType >
typedef LinkedListHead::Iterator< GridReference< NGridType > > iterator
- Public Types inherited from RefMgr< TO, FROM >
typedef LinkedListHead::Iterator< Reference< TO, FROM > > iterator
- Public Types inherited from LinkedListHead
typedef Iterator< LinkedListElementiterator
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Map
static bool ExistMap (uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy)
static bool ExistVMap (uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy)
static void DeleteRespawnTimesInDB (uint16 mapId, uint32 instanceId)
- Public Attributes inherited from Map
std::unordered_set< Unit * > i_objectsForDelayedVisibility
CreatureGroupHolderType CreatureGroupHolder
DataMap CustomData
- Protected Types inherited from Map
typedef std::set< WorldObject * > ActiveNonPlayers
- Protected Attributes inherited from Map
std::mutex Lock
std::mutex GridLock
std::shared_mutex MMapLock
MapEntry const * i_mapEntry
uint8 i_spawnMode
uint32 i_InstanceId
uint32 m_unloadTimer
float m_VisibleDistance
DynamicMapTree _dynamicTree
time_t _instanceResetPeriod
MapRefMgr m_mapRefMgr
MapRefMgr::iterator m_mapRefIter
ActiveNonPlayers m_activeNonPlayers
ActiveNonPlayers::iterator m_activeNonPlayersIter
TransportsContainer _transports
TransportsContainer::iterator _transportsUpdateIter

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ InstanceMap()

InstanceMap::InstanceMap ( uint32  id,
uint32  InstanceId,
uint8  SpawnMode,
Map _parent 
2805 : Map(id, InstanceId, SpawnMode, _parent),
2807 instance_data(nullptr), i_script_id(0)
2809 //lets initialize visibility distance for dungeons
2812 // the timer is started by default, and stopped when the first player joins
2813 // this make sure it gets unloaded if for some reason no player joins
2816 // pussywizard:
2817 if (IsRaid())
2818 if (time_t resetTime = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetResetTimeFor(id, Difficulty(SpawnMode)))
2819 if (time_t extendedResetTime = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetExtendedResetTimeFor(id, Difficulty(SpawnMode)))
2820 _instanceResetPeriod = extendedResetTime - resetTime;
std::uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:108
#define sInstanceSaveMgr
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:202
Definition: Map.h:167
Definition: IWorld.h:249
Definition: DBCEnums.h:271
#define sWorld
Definition: World.h:451
Definition: Map.h:312
uint32 m_unloadTimer
Definition: Map.h:705
bool IsRaid() const
Definition: Map.h:449
time_t _instanceResetPeriod
Definition: Map.h:708
bool m_resetAfterUnload
Definition: Map.h:840
bool m_unloadWhenEmpty
Definition: Map.h:841
InstanceScript * instance_data
Definition: Map.h:842
void InitVisibilityDistance() override
Definition: Map.cpp:2830
uint32 i_script_id
Definition: Map.h:843

References Map::_instanceResetPeriod, CONFIG_INSTANCE_UNLOAD_DELAY, InitVisibilityDistance(), Map::IsRaid(), Map::m_unloadTimer, MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY, sInstanceSaveMgr, and sWorld.

◆ ~InstanceMap()

InstanceMap::~InstanceMap ( )
2825 delete instance_data;
2826 instance_data = nullptr;
2827 sInstanceSaveMgr->DeleteInstanceSaveIfNeeded(GetInstanceId(), true);
uint32 GetInstanceId() const
Definition: Map.h:418

References Map::GetInstanceId(), instance_data, and sInstanceSaveMgr.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPlayerToMap()

bool InstanceMap::AddPlayerToMap ( Player player)

Reimplemented from Map.

2938 if (m_resetAfterUnload) // this instance has been reset, it's not meant to be used anymore
2939 return false;
2941 if (IsDungeon())
2942 {
2943 Group* group = player->GetGroup();
2945 // get an instance save for the map
2946 InstanceSave* mapSave = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetInstanceSave(GetInstanceId());
2947 if (!mapSave)
2948 {
2949 LOG_ERROR("maps", "InstanceMap::Add: InstanceSave does not exist for map {} spawnmode {} with instance id {}", GetId(), GetSpawnMode(), GetInstanceId());
2950 return false;
2951 }
2953 // check for existing instance binds
2954 InstancePlayerBind* playerBind = sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerGetBoundInstance(player->GetGUID(), GetId(), Difficulty(GetSpawnMode()));
2955 if (playerBind && playerBind->perm)
2956 {
2957 if (playerBind->save != mapSave)
2958 {
2959 LOG_ERROR("maps", "InstanceMap::Add: player {} ({}) is permanently bound to instance {}, {}, {}, {} but he is being put into instance {}, {}, {}, {}",
2960 player->GetName(), player->GetGUID().ToString(), playerBind->save->GetMapId(), playerBind->save->GetInstanceId(), playerBind->save->GetDifficulty(),
2961 playerBind->save->CanReset(), mapSave->GetMapId(), mapSave->GetInstanceId(), mapSave->GetDifficulty(), mapSave->CanReset());
2962 return false;
2963 }
2964 }
2965 else if (player->GetSession()->PlayerLoading() && playerBind && playerBind->save != mapSave)
2966 {
2967 // Prevent "Convert to Raid" exploit to reset instances
2968 return false;
2969 }
2970 else
2971 {
2972 playerBind = sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerBindToInstance(player->GetGUID(), mapSave, false, player);
2973 // pussywizard: bind lider also if not yet bound
2974 if (Group* g = player->GetGroup())
2975 if (g->GetLeaderGUID() != player->GetGUID())
2976 if (!sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerGetBoundInstance(g->GetLeaderGUID(), mapSave->GetMapId(), mapSave->GetDifficulty()))
2977 {
2978 sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerCreateBoundInstancesMaps(g->GetLeaderGUID());
2979 sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerBindToInstance(g->GetLeaderGUID(), mapSave, false, ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(g->GetLeaderGUID()));
2980 }
2981 }
2983 // increase current instances (hourly limit)
2984 // xinef: specific instances are still limited
2985 if (!group || !group->isLFGGroup() || !group->IsLfgRandomInstance())
2988 if (!playerBind->perm && !mapSave->CanReset() && group && !group->isLFGGroup() && !group->IsLfgRandomInstance())
2989 {
2991 data << uint32(60000);
2993 data << uint8(0);
2994 player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data);
2995 player->SetPendingBind(mapSave->GetInstanceId(), 60000);
2996 }
2997 }
2999 // initialize unload state
3000 m_unloadTimer = 0;
3001 m_resetAfterUnload = false;
3002 m_unloadWhenEmpty = false;
3004 // this will acquire the same mutex so it cannot be in the previous block
3005 Map::AddPlayerToMap(player);
3007 if (instance_data)
3010 return true;
std::uint8_t uint8
Definition: Define.h:110
#define LOG_ERROR(filterType__,...)
Definition: Log.h:159
Definition: Opcodes.h:357
Player * FindConnectedPlayer(ObjectGuid const guid)
Definition: ObjectAccessor.cpp:262
Seconds GetGameTime()
Definition: GameTime.cpp:38
static ObjectGuid GetGUID(Object const *o)
Definition: Object.h:106
std::string const & GetName() const
Definition: Object.h:446
std::string ToString() const
Definition: ObjectGuid.cpp:47
void AddInstanceEnterTime(uint32 instanceId, time_t enterTime)
Definition: Player.h:2400
WorldSession * GetSession() const
Definition: Player.h:1948
Group * GetGroup()
Definition: Player.h:2418
void SetPendingBind(uint32 instanceId, uint32 bindTimer)
Definition: Player.h:2388
Definition: Group.h:168
bool isLFGGroup(bool restricted=false) const
Definition: Group.cpp:2204
bool IsLfgRandomInstance() const
Definition: Group.h:312
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:39
InstanceSave * save
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:40
bool perm
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:41
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:56
uint32 GetInstanceId() const
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:61
uint32 GetMapId() const
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:62
Difficulty GetDifficulty() const
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:63
bool CanReset() const
Definition: InstanceSaveMgr.h:81
uint32 GetCompletedEncounterMask() const
Definition: InstanceScript.h:248
virtual void OnPlayerEnter(Player *)
Definition: InstanceScript.h:183
bool IsDungeon() const
Definition: Map.h:447
uint8 GetSpawnMode() const
Definition: Map.h:419
uint32 GetId() const
Definition: Map.h:378
virtual bool AddPlayerToMap(Player *)
Definition: Map.cpp:506
Definition: WorldPacket.h:27
void SendPacket(WorldPacket const *packet)
Send a packet to the client.
Definition: WorldSession.cpp:207
bool PlayerLoading() const
Definition: WorldSession.h:335

References Player::AddInstanceEnterTime(), Map::AddPlayerToMap(), InstanceSave::CanReset(), ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(), InstanceScript::GetCompletedEncounterMask(), InstanceSave::GetDifficulty(), GameTime::GetGameTime(), Player::GetGroup(), Object::GetGUID(), Map::GetId(), InstanceSave::GetInstanceId(), Map::GetInstanceId(), InstanceSave::GetMapId(), WorldObject::GetName(), Player::GetSession(), Map::GetSpawnMode(), instance_data, Map::IsDungeon(), Group::isLFGGroup(), Group::IsLfgRandomInstance(), LOG_ERROR, m_resetAfterUnload, Map::m_unloadTimer, m_unloadWhenEmpty, InstanceScript::OnPlayerEnter(), InstancePlayerBind::perm, WorldSession::PlayerLoading(), InstancePlayerBind::save, WorldSession::SendPacket(), Player::SetPendingBind(), sInstanceSaveMgr, SMSG_INSTANCE_LOCK_WARNING_QUERY, and ObjectGuid::ToString().

◆ AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap()

void InstanceMap::AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap ( )

Reimplemented from Map.

3033 if (!m_unloadTimer && !HavePlayers())
bool HavePlayers() const
Definition: Map.h:475
virtual void AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap()
Definition: Map.cpp:937

References Map::AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap(), CONFIG_INSTANCE_UNLOAD_DELAY, Map::HavePlayers(), Map::m_unloadTimer, m_unloadWhenEmpty, MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY, and sWorld.

◆ CannotEnter()

Map::EnterState InstanceMap::CannotEnter ( Player player,
bool  loginCheck = false 

Reimplemented from Map.

2868 if (!loginCheck && player->GetMapRef().getTarget() == this)
2869 {
2870 LOG_ERROR("maps", "InstanceMap::CanEnter - player {} ({}) already in map {}, {}, {}!",
2871 player->GetName(), player->GetGUID().ToString(), GetId(), GetInstanceId(), GetSpawnMode());
2874 }
2876 // allow GM's to enter
2877 if (player->IsGameMaster())
2878 return Map::CannotEnter(player, loginCheck);
2880 // cannot enter if the instance is full (player cap), GMs don't count
2881 uint32 maxPlayers = GetMaxPlayers();
2882 if (GetPlayersCountExceptGMs() >= (loginCheck ? maxPlayers + 1 : maxPlayers))
2883 {
2884 LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Instance '{}' of map '{}' cannot have more than '{}' players. Player '{}' rejected", GetInstanceId(), GetMapName(), maxPlayers, player->GetName());
2887 }
2889 // cannot enter while an encounter is in progress on raids
2890 bool checkProgress = (IsRaid() || GetId() == 668 /*HoR*/);
2891 if (checkProgress && GetInstanceScript() && GetInstanceScript()->IsEncounterInProgress())
2892 {
2895 }
2897 // xinef: dont allow LFG Group to enter other instance that is selected
2898 if (Group* group = player->GetGroup())
2899 if (group->isLFGGroup())
2900 if (!sLFGMgr->inLfgDungeonMap(group->GetGUID(), GetId(), GetDifficulty()))
2901 {
2904 }
2906 // cannot enter if instance is in use by another party/soloer that have a permanent save in the same instance id
2907 PlayerList const& playerList = GetPlayers();
2908 if (!playerList.IsEmpty())
2909 for (PlayerList::const_iterator i = playerList.begin(); i != playerList.end(); ++i)
2910 if (Player* iPlayer = i->GetSource())
2911 {
2912 if (iPlayer == player) // login case, player already added to map
2913 continue;
2914 if (iPlayer->IsGameMaster()) // bypass GMs
2915 continue;
2916 if (!player->GetGroup()) // player has not group and there is someone inside, deny entry
2917 {
2920 }
2921 // player inside instance has no group or his groups is different to entering player's one, deny entry
2922 if (!iPlayer->GetGroup() || iPlayer->GetGroup() != player->GetGroup())
2923 {
2926 }
2927 break;
2928 }
2930 return Map::CannotEnter(player, loginCheck);
#define LOG_DEBUG(filterType__,...)
Definition: Log.h:171
#define sLFGMgr
Definition: LFGMgr.h:638
Definition: Player.h:791
Definition: Player.h:778
Definition: Player.h:781
TO * getTarget() const
Definition: Reference.h:95
Definition: Player.h:1046
bool IsGameMaster() const
Definition: Player.h:1136
MapReference & GetMapRef()
Definition: Player.h:2441
void SendTransferAborted(uint32 mapid, TransferAbortReason reason, uint8 arg=0)
Definition: Player.cpp:11612
virtual bool IsEncounterInProgress() const
Definition: InstanceScript.cpp:121
MapRefMgr PlayerList
Definition: Map.h:483
virtual EnterState CannotEnter(Player *, bool)
Definition: Map.h:437
uint32 GetPlayersCountExceptGMs() const
Definition: Map.cpp:2729
const char * GetMapName() const
Definition: Map.cpp:2519
Difficulty GetDifficulty() const
Definition: Map.h:442
PlayerList const & GetPlayers() const
Definition: Map.h:484
Definition: Map.h:432
Definition: Map.h:433
Definition: Map.h:424
Definition: Map.h:434
Definition: Map.h:430
uint32 GetMaxPlayers() const
Definition: Map.cpp:3193
InstanceScript * GetInstanceScript()
Definition: Map.h:825
LinkedListHead::Iterator< MapReference const > const_iterator
Definition: MapRefMgr.h:29

References MapRefMgr::begin(), Map::CANNOT_ENTER_ALREADY_IN_MAP, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_INSTANCE_BIND_MISMATCH, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_MAX_PLAYERS, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_UNSPECIFIED_REASON, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_ZONE_IN_COMBAT, Map::CannotEnter(), MapRefMgr::end(), Map::GetDifficulty(), Player::GetGroup(), Object::GetGUID(), Map::GetId(), Map::GetInstanceId(), GetInstanceScript(), Map::GetMapName(), Player::GetMapRef(), GetMaxPlayers(), WorldObject::GetName(), Map::GetPlayers(), Map::GetPlayersCountExceptGMs(), Map::GetSpawnMode(), Reference< TO, FROM >::getTarget(), LinkedListHead::IsEmpty(), InstanceScript::IsEncounterInProgress(), Player::IsGameMaster(), Map::IsRaid(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, Player::SendTransferAborted(), sLFGMgr, ObjectGuid::ToString(), TRANSFER_ABORT_MAP_NOT_ALLOWED, TRANSFER_ABORT_MAX_PLAYERS, and TRANSFER_ABORT_ZONE_IN_COMBAT.

◆ CreateInstanceScript()

void InstanceMap::CreateInstanceScript ( bool  load,
std::string  data,
uint32  completedEncounterMask 
3040 if (instance_data)
3041 {
3042 return;
3043 }
3045 bool isOtherAI = false;
3047 sScriptMgr->OnBeforeCreateInstanceScript(this, instance_data, load, data, completedEncounterMask);
3049 if (instance_data)
3050 isOtherAI = true;
3052 // if Eluna AI was fetched succesfully we should not call CreateInstanceData nor set the unused scriptID
3053 if (!isOtherAI)
3054 {
3055 InstanceTemplate const* mInstance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(GetId());
3056 if (mInstance)
3057 {
3058 i_script_id = mInstance->ScriptId;
3059 instance_data = sScriptMgr->CreateInstanceScript(this);
3060 }
3061 }
3063 if (!instance_data)
3064 return;
3066 // use mangos behavior if we are dealing with Eluna AI
3067 // initialize should then be called only if load is false
3068 if (!isOtherAI || !load)
3069 {
3071 }
3073 if (load)
3074 {
3075 instance_data->SetCompletedEncountersMask(completedEncounterMask, false);
3076 if (data != "")
3077 instance_data->Load(data.c_str());
3078 }
#define sObjectMgr
Definition: ObjectMgr.h:1640
#define sScriptMgr
Definition: ScriptMgr.h:2702
virtual void Load(char const *data)
Definition: InstanceScript.cpp:365
void SetCompletedEncountersMask(uint32 newMask, bool save)
Definition: InstanceScript.cpp:651
virtual void Initialize()
Definition: InstanceScript.h:149
Definition: Map.h:273
uint32 ScriptId
Definition: Map.h:275

References Map::GetId(), i_script_id, InstanceScript::Initialize(), instance_data, InstanceScript::Load(), InstanceTemplate::ScriptId, InstanceScript::SetCompletedEncountersMask(), sObjectMgr, and sScriptMgr.

Referenced by MapInstanced::CreateInstance().

◆ GetDebugInfo()

std::string InstanceMap::GetDebugInfo ( ) const

Reimplemented from Map.

4039 std::stringstream sstr;
4040 sstr << Map::GetDebugInfo() << "\n"
4041 << std::boolalpha
4042 << "ScriptId: " << GetScriptId() << " ScriptName: " << GetScriptName();
4043 return sstr.str();
virtual std::string GetDebugInfo() const
Definition: Map.cpp:4028
uint32 GetScriptId() const
Definition: Map.h:823
std::string const & GetScriptName() const
Definition: Map.cpp:3126

References Map::GetDebugInfo(), GetScriptId(), and GetScriptName().

◆ GetInstanceScript() [1/2]

◆ GetInstanceScript() [2/2]

InstanceScript const * InstanceMap::GetInstanceScript ( ) const
826{ return instance_data; }

References instance_data.

◆ GetMaxPlayers()

uint32 InstanceMap::GetMaxPlayers ( ) const
3195 MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficulty();
3196 if (mapDiff && mapDiff->maxPlayers)
3197 return mapDiff->maxPlayers;
3199 return GetEntry()->maxPlayers;
MapDifficulty const * GetMapDifficulty() const
Definition: Map.cpp:3188
MapEntry const * GetEntry() const
Definition: Map.h:318
uint32 maxPlayers
Definition: DBCStructure.h:1329
Definition: DBCStructure.h:2195
uint32 maxPlayers
Definition: DBCStructure.h:2200

References Map::GetEntry(), Map::GetMapDifficulty(), MapEntry::maxPlayers, and MapDifficulty::maxPlayers.

Referenced by CannotEnter(), and AchievementMgr::UpdateAchievementCriteria().

◆ GetMaxResetDelay()

uint32 InstanceMap::GetMaxResetDelay ( ) const
3204 MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficulty();
3205 return mapDiff ? mapDiff->resetTime : 0;
uint32 resetTime
Definition: DBCStructure.h:2199

References Map::GetMapDifficulty(), and MapDifficulty::resetTime.

◆ GetScriptId()

uint32 InstanceMap::GetScriptId ( ) const
823{ return i_script_id; }

References i_script_id.

Referenced by ScriptMgr::CreateInstanceScript(), and GetDebugInfo().

◆ GetScriptName()

std::string const & InstanceMap::GetScriptName ( ) const
3128 return sObjectMgr->GetScriptName(i_script_id);

References i_script_id, and sObjectMgr.

Referenced by GetDebugInfo().

◆ InitVisibilityDistance()

void InstanceMap::InitVisibilityDistance ( )

Reimplemented from Map.

2832 //init visibility distance for instances
2835 // pussywizard: this CAN NOT exceed MAX_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE
2836 switch (GetId())
2837 {
2838 case 429: // Dire Maul
2839 case 550: // The Eye
2840 case 578: // The Nexus: The Oculus
2841 m_VisibleDistance = 175.0f;
2842 break;
2843 case 649: // Trial of the Crusader
2844 case 650: // Trial of the Champion
2845 case 595: // Culling of Startholme
2846 case 658: // Pit of Saron
2847 m_VisibleDistance = 150.0f;
2848 break;
2849 case 615: // Obsidian Sanctum
2850 case 616: // Eye of Eternity
2851 case 603: // Ulduar
2852 case 668: // Halls of Reflection
2853 case 631: // Icecrown Citadel
2854 case 724: // Ruby Sanctum
2855 m_VisibleDistance = 200.0f;
2856 break;
2857 case 531: // Ahn'Qiraj Temple
2858 m_VisibleDistance = 300.0f;
2859 break;
2860 }
float m_VisibleDistance
Definition: Map.h:706
static float GetMaxVisibleDistanceInInstances()
Definition: World.h:324

References Map::GetId(), World::GetMaxVisibleDistanceInInstances(), and Map::m_VisibleDistance.

Referenced by InstanceMap().

◆ PermBindAllPlayers()

void InstanceMap::PermBindAllPlayers ( )
3133 if (!IsDungeon())
3134 return;
3136 InstanceSave* save = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetInstanceSave(GetInstanceId());
3137 if (!save)
3138 {
3139 LOG_ERROR("maps", "Cannot bind players because no instance save is available for instance map (Name: {}, Entry: {}, InstanceId: {})!", GetMapName(), GetId(), GetInstanceId());
3140 return;
3141 }
3143 Player* player;
3144 Group* group;
3145 // group members outside the instance group don't get bound
3146 for (MapRefMgr::iterator itr = m_mapRefMgr.begin(); itr != m_mapRefMgr.end(); ++itr)
3147 {
3148 player = itr->GetSource();
3149 group = player->GetGroup();
3151 // players inside an instance cannot be bound to other instances
3152 // some players may already be permanently bound, in this case nothing happens
3153 InstancePlayerBind* bind = sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerGetBoundInstance(player->GetGUID(), save->GetMapId(), save->GetDifficulty());
3155 if (!bind || !bind->perm)
3156 {
3158 data << uint32(0);
3159 player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data);
3160 sInstanceSaveMgr->PlayerBindToInstance(player->GetGUID(), save, true, player);
3161 }
3163 // Xinef: Difficulty change prevention
3164 if (group)
3166 }
Definition: Group.h:134
Definition: Opcodes.h:745
void SetDifficultyChangePrevention(DifficultyPreventionChangeType type)
Definition: Group.cpp:2476
MapRefMgr m_mapRefMgr
Definition: Map.h:710
iterator begin()
Definition: MapRefMgr.h:36
iterator end()
Definition: MapRefMgr.h:37

References MapRefMgr::begin(), DIFFICULTY_PREVENTION_CHANGE_BOSS_KILLED, MapRefMgr::end(), InstanceSave::GetDifficulty(), Player::GetGroup(), Object::GetGUID(), Map::GetId(), Map::GetInstanceId(), InstanceSave::GetMapId(), Map::GetMapName(), Player::GetSession(), Map::IsDungeon(), LOG_ERROR, Map::m_mapRefMgr, InstancePlayerBind::perm, WorldSession::SendPacket(), Group::SetDifficultyChangePrevention(), sInstanceSaveMgr, and SMSG_INSTANCE_SAVE_CREATED.

Referenced by boss_flame_leviathan::boss_flame_leviathanAI::BindPlayers(), boss_skeram::JustDied(), Unit::Kill(), instance_trial_of_the_champion::instance_trial_of_the_champion_InstanceMapScript::SetData(), and instance_halls_of_reflection::instance_halls_of_reflection_InstanceMapScript::Update().

◆ RemovePlayerFromMap()

void InstanceMap::RemovePlayerFromMap ( Player player,
bool  remove 

Reimplemented from Map.

3024 // pussywizard: moved m_unloadTimer to InstanceMap::AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap(), in this function if 2 players run out at the same time the instance won't close
3025 //if (!m_unloadTimer && m_mapRefMgr.getSize() == 1)
3026 // m_unloadTimer = m_unloadWhenEmpty ? MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY : std::max(sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_UNLOAD_DELAY), (uint32)MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY);
3027 Map::RemovePlayerFromMap(player, remove);
3028 player->SetPendingBind(0, 0);
virtual void RemovePlayerFromMap(Player *, bool)
Definition: Map.cpp:914

References Map::RemovePlayerFromMap(), and Player::SetPendingBind().

◆ Reset()

bool InstanceMap::Reset ( uint8  method,
GuidList globalSkipList = nullptr 
3086 if (method == INSTANCE_RESET_GLOBAL)
3087 {
3088 // pussywizard: teleport out immediately
3089 for (MapRefMgr::iterator itr = m_mapRefMgr.begin(); itr != m_mapRefMgr.end(); ++itr)
3090 {
3091 // teleport players that are no longer bound (can be still bound if extended id)
3092 if (!globalResetSkipList || std::find(globalResetSkipList->begin(), globalResetSkipList->end(), itr->GetSource()->GetGUID()) == globalResetSkipList->end())
3093 itr->GetSource()->RepopAtGraveyard();
3094 }
3096 // reset map only if noone is bound
3097 if (!globalResetSkipList || globalResetSkipList->empty())
3098 {
3099 // pussywizard: setting both m_unloadWhenEmpty and m_unloadTimer intended, in case RepopAtGraveyard failed
3100 if (HavePlayers())
3101 m_unloadWhenEmpty = true;
3103 m_resetAfterUnload = true;
3104 }
3106 return m_mapRefMgr.IsEmpty();
3107 }
3109 if (HavePlayers())
3110 {
3112 {
3113 for (MapRefMgr::iterator itr = m_mapRefMgr.begin(); itr != m_mapRefMgr.end(); ++itr)
3114 itr->GetSource()->SendResetFailedNotify(GetId());
3115 }
3116 }
3117 else
3118 {
3120 m_resetAfterUnload = true;
3121 }
3123 return m_mapRefMgr.IsEmpty();
Definition: Map.h:806
Definition: Map.h:807
Definition: Map.h:805
bool IsEmpty() const
Definition: LinkedList.h:97

References MapRefMgr::begin(), MapRefMgr::end(), Map::GetId(), Map::HavePlayers(), INSTANCE_RESET_ALL, INSTANCE_RESET_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY, INSTANCE_RESET_GLOBAL, LinkedListHead::IsEmpty(), Map::m_mapRefMgr, m_resetAfterUnload, Map::m_unloadTimer, m_unloadWhenEmpty, and MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY.

Referenced by InstanceSaveMgr::_ResetOrWarnAll(), Player::ResetInstances(), and Group::ResetInstances().

◆ SendResetWarnings()

void InstanceMap::SendResetWarnings ( uint32  timeLeft) const
3184 for (MapRefMgr::const_iterator itr = m_mapRefMgr.begin(); itr != m_mapRefMgr.end(); ++itr)
3185 itr->GetSource()->SendInstanceResetWarning(GetId(), itr->GetSource()->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()), timeLeft, false);

References MapRefMgr::begin(), MapRefMgr::end(), Map::GetId(), Map::IsRaid(), and Map::m_mapRefMgr.

Referenced by InstanceSaveMgr::_ResetOrWarnAll().

◆ UnloadAll()

void InstanceMap::UnloadAll ( )

Reimplemented from Map.

3171 ASSERT(!HavePlayers());
3174 {
3177 }
#define ASSERT
Definition: Errors.h:68
void DeleteCorpseData()
Definition: Map.cpp:4019
void DeleteRespawnTimes()
Definition: Map.cpp:3429
virtual void UnloadAll()
Definition: Map.cpp:1278

References ASSERT, Map::DeleteCorpseData(), Map::DeleteRespawnTimes(), Map::HavePlayers(), m_resetAfterUnload, and Map::UnloadAll().

◆ Update()

void InstanceMap::Update ( const uint32  t_diff,
const uint32  s_diff,
bool  thread = true 

Reimplemented from Map.

3015 Map::Update(t_diff, s_diff);
3017 if (t_diff)
3018 if (instance_data)
3019 instance_data->Update(t_diff);
virtual void Update(uint32)
Definition: InstanceScript.h:162
virtual void Update(const uint32, const uint32, bool thread=true)
Definition: Map.cpp:741

References instance_data, Map::Update(), and InstanceScript::Update().

Member Data Documentation

◆ i_script_id

uint32 InstanceMap::i_script_id

◆ instance_data

InstanceScript* InstanceMap::instance_data

◆ m_resetAfterUnload

bool InstanceMap::m_resetAfterUnload

Referenced by AddPlayerToMap(), Reset(), and UnloadAll().

◆ m_unloadWhenEmpty

bool InstanceMap::m_unloadWhenEmpty