AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
No Matches
Todo List
Member account_commandscript::HandleAccountDeleteCommand (ChatHandler *handler, char const *args)
This function has to be enhanced to respect the login/realm split (delete char, delete account chars in realm then delete account)
: in some cases map not present, and in some cases need do without die
: creature type (demon, undead etc.) is not stored in dbc
: the archievements 1162 and 1163 requires a special rating which can't be found in the dbc
: target entry is missing
: title id is not mentioned in dbc
: itemlevel is mentioned in text but not present in dbc
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::areaReference
: This rank is NOT the index from AreaTable.dbc
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::do_emote
: where is the information about the target stored?
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::equip_epic_item
: where is the required itemlevel stored?
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::kill_creature
: also used for player deaths..
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::rank
: This rank is NOT the index from CharTitles.dbc
Member AchievementCriteriaEntry::special_pvp_kill
: are those special criteria stored in the dbc or do we have to add another sql table?
Member AchievementMgr::BuildAllDataPacket (WorldPacket *data) const
: This should be 1 if it is a failed timed criteria
Member ApparitionMisc
: Actual emote and BroadcastTextId need to be sniffed. Probably the entire event to begin with.... There is a possibility that the unused texts are chosen by random for specific parts of the speech. (making it look like they are preset, when in fact, they are not)
Member ArenaTeam::GetRatingMod (uint32 ownRating, uint32 opponentRating, bool won)
: Replace this hack with using the confidence factor (limiting the factor to 2.0f)
Member Aura::_UnapplyForTarget (Unit *target, Unit *caster, AuraApplication *auraApp)
: Figure out why this happens
Member Aura::HandleAuraSpecificMods (AuraApplication const *aurApp, Unit *caster, bool apply, bool onReapply)

: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.

: This should be moved to similar function in spell::hit

Member Aura::IsProcTriggeredOnEvent (AuraApplication *aurApp, ProcEventInfo &eventInfo) const



: this needs to be unified for all kinds of auras

Member Aura::RefreshDuration (bool withMods=false)
- Look to convert to std::chrono
Member AuraEffect::CalculatePeriodic (Unit *caster, bool create=false, bool load=false)
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member AuraEffect::CleanupTriggeredSpells (Unit *target)
: is there a spell flag, which can solve this in a more sophisticated way?
Member AuraEffect::HandleAuraModSchoolImmunity (AuraApplication const *aurApp, uint8 mode, bool apply) const
: optimalize this cycle - use RemoveAurasWithInterruptFlags call or something else
Member AuraEffect::HandlePeriodicTriggerSpellAuraTick (Unit *target, Unit *caster) const
: effect trigger spell may be independant on spell targets, and executed in spell finish phase
Member AuraEffect::HandlePreventFleeing (AuraApplication const *aurApp, uint8 mode, bool apply) const
: find a way to cancel fleeing for assistance. Currently this will only stop creatures fleeing due to low health that could not find nearby allies to flee towards.
Member Battlefield::Battlefield ()
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member Battlefield::HandlePlayerEnterZone (Player *player, uint32 zone)
: Send a packet to announce it to player
Member Battlefield::InvitePlayerToWar (Player *player)
: needed ?
Member BattlefieldWG::~BattlefieldWG () override

: Implement proper support for vehicle+player teleportation

: Use spell victory/defeat in wg instead of RewardMarkOfHonor() && RewardHonor

: Add proper implement of achievement

Member Battleground::AddSpiritGuide (uint32 type, float x, float y, float z, float o, TeamId teamId)
: Fix display here
Member Battleground::BGObjects
: make this protected:
Member BattlegroundAV::AddAVCreature (uint16 cinfoid, uint16 type)
: look if this can be done by database + also add this for the wingcommanders
Member blySays
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member boss_akilzon::boss_akilzonAI::UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
: fix it in correct way, that causes player to can fly until logout
Member boss_black_knight::boss_black_knightAI::UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
: Multiple variations + not always happening, from video sources, needs sniff to transition from DB.
Member boss_faction_championsAI::EventMapGCD (EventMap &e, uint32 delay, uint32 gcd=0)
- Convert to std::chrono
Member boss_hadronox::boss_hadronoxAI::UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member boss_sartharion_shadron::boss_sartharion_shadronAI::ExecuteEvent (uint32 eventId) override
: inpect JustSummoned
Member boss_talon_king_ikiss::CanAIAttack (Unit const *) const override
: remove this once pets stop going through doors.
Member ByteBuffer::read< std::string > ()
Make a ByteBuffer.cpp and move all this inlining to it.
Member CharacterFlags
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member Creature::CanAssistTo (Unit const *u, Unit const *enemy, bool checkfaction=true) const
: Implement aggro range, detection range and assistance range templates
Member Creature::SelectLevel (bool changelevel=true)
: set UNIT_FIELD_POWER*, for some creature class case (energy, etc)
Member CreatureFlagsExtra
: Implement missing flags from TC in places that custom flags from xinef&pussywizzard use flag values.
Member CreatureMovementData::CreatureMovementData ()
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member DatabaseWorkerPool< T >::DirectCommitTransaction (SQLTransaction< T > &transaction)
More elegant way
Class DBCFile::Exception
: Add a close function?
Member DeathKnightSpells
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member deathsdoorfell
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member elderClearwater
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member eTrickSpells
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member eWGText
: Handle this with creature_text ?
Member ExtractGameobjectModels ()
: extract .mdl files, if needed
: Not Yet Implemented (NYI)
Member GameEventMgr::LoadFromDB ()
: Change to uint8
Member GameObject::ModifyHealth (int32 change, Unit *attackerOrHealer=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0)
: is there any packet for healing?
Member GameObject::Update (uint32 p_time) override

This is activation radius. Casting radius must be selected from spell data.

Move activated state code to GO_ACTIVATED, in this place just check for activation and set state.

Member Garments
get text for each NPC
: Sent when items are moved in gbank - all players with bank open will send tab query
Member GmTicket::_needMoreHelp
: find out the use of this, and then store it in DB
Member go_dragonflayer_cage::OnGossipHello (Player *player, GameObject *go) override
prisoner should help player for a short period of time
Member gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectAddCommand (ChatHandler *handler, GameObjectEntry objectId, Optional< int32 > spawnTimeSecs)
is it really necessary to add both the real and DB table guid here ?
Member Guardian::InitStatsForLevel (uint8 level)
: Move stat mods code to pet passive auras
Member HunterSpells
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member instance_blackwing_lair::instance_blackwing_lair_InstanceMapScript::SetBossState (uint32 type, EncounterState state) override
: after dynamic spawns
Member instance_trial_of_the_champion::instance_trial_of_the_champion_InstanceMapScript::DoSummonGrandChampion (uint32 BossNumber, uint8 BossOrder)
: Missing Argent Raid Spectator cheers.
Member item_commandscript::HandleItemMoveCommand (ChatHandler *handler, uint8 srcSlot, uint8 dstSlot)
- move item to other slot
Member LeviathanSpells
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member lfg::LFGPlayerScript::OnLogin (Player *player) override
- Restore LfgPlayerData and send proper status to player if it was in a group
Member LockSmith
: Key to the Focusing Iris (And Heroic) Should be given by Alexstrasza, check broadcasttext ID 32832 & 32836
Member Log::ShouldLog (std::string const &type, LogLevel level) const
: Use cache to store "Type.sub1.sub2": "Type" equivalence, should
Member LootTemplate::LootGroup::Verify (LootStore const &lootstore, uint32 id, uint8 group_id) const
: replace with 100% when DBs will be ready
Member LootTemplate::Verify (LootStore const &store, uint32 Id) const
: References validity checks
Member Map::ScriptsProcess ()
: Allow gameobjects to be targets and casters
Member MapMgr::IsValidMAP (uint32 mapid, bool startUp)
: add check for battleground template
Member MapMgr::PlayerCannotEnter (uint32 mapid, Player *player, bool loginCheck=false)
: this is not a good place to send the message
Member Metric::FormatInfluxDBTagValue (std::string const &value)
: should handle '=' and ',' characters too
Member Metric::Metric ()
: should format TagKey and FieldKey too in the same way as TagValue
Member MMAP::MapBuilder::buildSingleTile (uint32 mapID, uint32 tileX, uint32 tileY)
: delete the old tile as the user clearly wants to rebuild it
Member MMAP::TileBuilder::buildMoveMapTile (uint32 mapID, uint32 tileX, uint32 tileY, MeshData &meshData, float bmin[3], float bmax[3], dtNavMesh *navMesh)
: special flags for DYNAMIC polygons, ie surfaces that can be turned on and off
Member Movement::MoveSpline::init_spline (const MoveSplineInitArgs &args)
: what to do in such cases? problem is in input data (all points are at same coords)
: Check if PITCH_UP and PITCH_DOWN really belong here..
if needed: add more flags to this masks that are exclusive to players
Member npc_daranelle::npc_daranelleAI::MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *who) override
Move the below to updateAI and run if this statement == true
Class npc_kerlonian
make concept similar as "ringo" -escort. Find a way to run the scripted attacks, if player are choosing road.
Member npc_pos_deathwhisper_necrolyte::npc_pos_deathwhisper_necrolyteAI::InitializeAI () override
This spell check is invalid
Member npc_pos_deathwhisper_necrolyte::npc_pos_deathwhisper_necrolyteAI::JustEngagedWith (Unit *) override
This spell check is invalid
Member npc_pos_leader::npc_pos_leaderAI::UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override

This spell check is invalid

: (Initial RP, when zoning in the instance) is not complete.

: Argent Raid Spectator - FX - Missing spawns for Toc5 (map 650), ToC25 probably matches positions, needs a sniff to confirm.
Member npc_taldaram_flamesphere::IsSummonedBy (WorldObject *) override
: replace with DespawnOrUnsummon
Class npc_thrall_warchief
verify abilities/timers
Member npc_twilight_volunteer::MovementInform (uint32 type, uint32 id) override
: Visual is not working. (cosmetic)
Member Object::BuildMovementUpdate (ByteBuffer *data, uint16 flags) const

Research the proper formula

Allow players to aquire this updateflag.

Member OutdoorPvPNASpells
: "sometimes" set to neutral
Member PathGenerator::BuildPointPath (float const *startPoint, float const *endPoint)
check the exact cases
Member PathGenerator::BuildPolyPath (G3D::Vector3 const &startPos, G3D::Vector3 const &endPos)

play with the values here

we can merge it with getPathPolyByPosition() loop

Member Pet::LoadPetFromDB (Player *owner, uint32 petEntry, uint32 petnumber, bool current, uint32 healthPct=0, bool fullMana=false)
pets should be summoned from real cast instead of just faking it?
Member Player::_addSpell (uint32 spellId, uint8 addSpecMask, bool temporary, bool learnFromSkill=false)
confirm if rogues start wth lockpicking skill at level 1 but only recieve the spell to use it at level 16
Member Player::CanUninviteFromGroup (ObjectGuid targetPlayerGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty) const
: Should also be sent when anyone has recently left combat, with an aprox ~5 seconds timer.
Member Player::CanUseItem (Item *pItem, bool not_loading=true) const
: when you right-click already equipped item it throws EQUIP_ERR_NO_REQUIRED_PROFICIENCY.
Member Player::Create (ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, CharacterCreateInfo *createInfo)
: need more checks against packet modifications
Member Player::GetDodgeFromAgility (float &diminishing, float &nondiminishing)
: research if talents/effects that increase total agility by x% should increase non-diminishing part
Member Player::GiveLevel (uint8 level)
find some better solution
Member Player::HandleDrowning (uint32 time_diff)

: Check this formula

: Check this formula

Member Player::Regenerate (Powers power)
: possible use of miscvalueb instead of amount
Member Player::RestoreSpellMods (Spell *spell, uint32 ownerAuraId=0, Aura *aura=nullptr)
track these changes correctly
Member Player::SendPreparedQuest (ObjectGuid guid)
verify if check for !quest->IsDaily() is really correct (possibly not)
Member Player::SetVirtualItemSlot (uint8 i, Item *item)
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member Player::Update (uint32 time) override
add weapon, skill check
Member Player::UpdateFFAPvPState (bool reset=true)
: should we always synchronize UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, 1 of controller
Member PlayerDumpWriter::GetDump (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, std::string &dump)

Add a dump level option to skip some non-important tables

Add instance/group..

Member PointMovementGenerator< T >::DoInitialize (T *)
: rename this flag to something more appropriate since it is set to true even without speed change now.
Member PosSummonSpawner [3]
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet (MySQLStmt *stmt, MySQLResult *result, uint64 rowCount, uint32 fieldCount)
: remove Field::GetCString and use std::string_view in C++17
Member Puppet::Update (uint32 time) override
: why long distance .die does not remove it
Find the correct spell
Member ScriptMgr::CreateBattleground (BattlegroundTypeId typeId)
: Implement script-side battlegrounds.
Member SmartScript::SmartScript ()
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member Spell::AddUnitTarget (Unit *target, uint32 effectMask, bool checkIfValid=true, bool implicit=true)

: seduction should be casted only on humanoids (not demons)

: this is a hack

Member Spell::CheckCast (bool strict)
: determine if there is some flag to enable/disable the check
Member Spell::CheckEffectTarget (Unit const *target, uint32 eff) const
: below shouldn't be here, but it's temporary
Member Spell::CheckItems ()

Needs review

: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.

Member Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget (TargetInfo *target)
: check how broad this rule should be
Member Spell::DoSpellHitOnUnit (Unit *unit, uint32 effectMask, bool scaleAura)
: this cause soul transfer bugged
Member Spell::DoTriggersOnSpellHit (Unit *unit, uint8 effMask)

: remove/cleanup this, as this table is not documented and people are doing stupid things with it

: move this code to scripts

Member Spell::EffectCreateItem2 (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: ExecuteLogEffectCreateItem(i, m_spellInfo->Effects[i].ItemType);
Member Spell::EffectCreateRandomItem (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: ExecuteLogEffectCreateItem(i, m_spellInfo->Effects[i].ItemType);
Member Spell::EffectFeedPet (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: fix crash when a spell has two effects, both pointed at the same item target
Member Spell::EffectInterruptCast (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: not all spells that used this effect apply cooldown at school spells
Member Spell::EffectOpenLock (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: Add script for spell 41920 - Filling, becouse server it freze when use this spell
Member Spell::EffectPull (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: create a proper pull towards distract spell center for distract
Member Spell::EffectResurrectPet (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: Better to fail Hunter's "Revive Pet" at cast instead of here when casting ends
Member Spell::EffectSchoolDMG (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: should this be put on taken but not done?
Member Spell::EffectScriptEffect (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: we must implement hunter pet summon at login there (spell 6962)
Member Spell::EffectSendEvent (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: there should be a possibility to pass dest target to event script
Member Spell::EffectTriggerSpell (SpellEffIndex effIndex)
: move those to spell scripts
Member Spell::IsAutoActionResetSpell () const
changed SPELL_INTERRUPT_FLAG_AUTOATTACK -> SPELL_INTERRUPT_FLAG_INTERRUPT to fix compile - is this check correct at all?
Member Spell::PrepareTriggersExecutedOnHit ()

: move this to scripts

: move this to scripts

Member Spell::SelectEffectTypeImplicitTargets (uint8 effIndex)

: this is a workaround - target shouldn't be stored in target map for those spells

: this is a workaround - corpses should be added to spell target map too, but we can't do that so we add owner instead

Member Spell::SelectImplicitCasterDestTargets (SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType)
fix this check
Member Spell::SelectImplicitTrajTargets (SpellEffIndex effIndex, SpellImplicitTargetInfo const &targetType)
: all calculation should be based on src instead of m_caster
Member spell_ahn_kahet_swarmer_aura::HandleDummy (SpellEffIndex)
: move spell id to enum
Member spell_dk_anti_magic_shell_raid::CalculateAmount (AuraEffect const *, int32 &amount, bool &)
: this should absorb limited amount of damage, but no info on calculation formula
Class spell_gen_5000_gold
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member spell_gen_summon_elemental::AfterRemove (AuraEffect const *, AuraEffectHandleModes)
this check is maybe wrong
Member spell_gen_vehicle_scaling_aura::CalculateAmount (AuraEffect const *, int32 &amount, bool &)

Reserach coeffs for different vehicles

Research possibility of scaling down

Member spell_hun_chimera_shot::HandleScriptEffect (SpellEffIndex)
: Caster uses unitTarget?
Class spell_item_elixir_of_shadows
Temporary fix until pet restrictions vs player restrictions are investigated
Member spell_mage_ice_barrier::CalculateSpellAmount (Unit *caster, int32 amount, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, const AuraEffect *aurEff)
: Rework
Member spell_mage_ice_barrier_aura::CalculateSpellAmount (Unit *caster, int32 amount, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, const AuraEffect *aurEff)
: Rework
Class spell_mage_polymorph_cast_visual
move out of here and rename - not a mage spell
Member spell_q12589_shoot_rjr::HandleDummy (SpellEffIndex)
Make crunchy perform emote eat when he reaches the bird
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member SpellEffects [TOTAL_SPELL_EFFECTS]

: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE

: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE

: Figure out a more accurate name for the following familyflag(s)
Member SpellInfo::CheckShapeshift (uint32 form) const
: Find a way to disable use of these spells clientside
Member SpellInfo::LoadSpellSpecific () const
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member SpellMgr::LoadEnchantCustomAttr ()
: find a better check
Member SpellMgr::LoadSpellInfoCustomAttributes ()
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member SpellSummary
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Class SpellTargetSelector
: Add more checks from Spell::CheckCast
: NYI 75 spells in 3.0.3, something unfriendly
: NYI 22 spells in 3.0.3, no idea...
: NYI 3 spells, requires something near?
: NYI Lightwell, Jeeves, Gnomish Alarm-o-bot, Build vehicles(wintergrasp)
: NYI 51 spells in 3.0.3, something defensive
: NYI Force of Nature, Shadowfiend, Feral Spirit, Summon Water Elemental
: NYI 51 spells in 3.0.3, no idea, many quest related
: NYI 49 spells in 3.0.3, some mounts
: NYI Guides, player follows
: NYI 12 spells in 3.0.3, no idea
: NYI 4 spells in 3.0.3, no idea
: NYI 0 spells in 3.3.5, unused
: NYI 616 spells in 3.0.3, something friendly
: NYI 30 spells in 3.0.3, no idea
: NYI 52 spells in 3.0.3, pets mostly
: NYI 861 spells in 3.0.3
: NYI 13 spells in 3.0.3, mostly controllable
Member TEST (FormulasTest, Gain)
: create mocks of Player and Creature
Member Texts

: Missing Sinclari Trigger announcements (32204) Look at its creature_text for more info.

: Activation Crystals (go_vh_activation_crystal) (193611) are spammable, should be a 1 time use per crystal.

Member TotemAI::Permissible (Creature const *creature)
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member trollmodel []
generalize these models with race from dbc
Member TurretAI::CanAIAttack (Unit const *who) const override
: use one function to replace it
Member Unit::AddUnitState (uint32 f)
: move this in Object class or move GetUInt32value here but keep consistency
Member Unit::Attack (Unit *victim, bool meleeAttack)
: Implement aggro range, detection range and assistance range templates
Member Unit::CastSpell (SpellCastTargets const &targets, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, CustomSpellValues const *value, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty)
: this is a workaround - not needed anymore, but required for some scripts :(
Member Unit::DealMeleeDamage (CalcDamageInfo *damageInfo, bool durabilityLoss)
: Move this to a packet handler
Member Unit::HandleDummyAuraProc (Unit *victim, uint32 damage, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procEx, uint32 cooldown, ProcEventInfo const &eventInfo)

: need more info (cooldowns/PPM)

: It should be moved to database, shouldn't it?

: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.

Member Unit::HandleProcTriggerSpell (Unit *victim, uint32 damage, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procEx, uint32 cooldown, uint32 procPhase, ProcEventInfo &eventInfo)
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member Unit::Kill (Unit *killer, Unit *victim, bool durabilityLoss=true, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, Spell const *spell=nullptr)
: do instance binding anyway if the charmer/owner is offline
Member Unit::ModSpellCastTime (SpellInfo const *spellProto, int32 &castTime, Spell *spell=nullptr)
:(MadAgos) Eventually check and delete the bool argument
Member Unit::resetAttackTimer (WeaponAttackType type=BASE_ATTACK)
- Look to convert to std::chrono
Member Unit::SetCharm (Unit *target, bool apply)
: maybe we can use this flag to check if controlled by player
Member Unit::SetFacingToObject (WorldObject *object)
figure out under what conditions creature will move towards object instead of facing it where it currently is.
Member Unit::SpellCriticalDamageBonus (Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 damage, Unit const *victim)
: write here full calculation for melee/ranged spells
Member Unit::SpellCriticalHealingBonus (Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 damage, Unit const *victim)
: write here full calculation for melee/ranged spells
Member Unit::SpellHitResult (Unit *victim, Spell const *spell, bool canReflect=false)
: client not show miss log for this spells - so need find info for this in dbc and use it!
Member Unit::SpellHitResult (Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spell, bool canReflect=false)
: client not show miss log for this spells - so need find info for this in dbc and use it!
Member Unit::SpellTakenCritChance (Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, float doneChance, WeaponAttackType attackType, bool skipEffectCheck) const
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member Unit::UpdateSpeed (UnitMoveType mtype, bool forced)
possible affect only on MOVE_RUN
Member UnitAI::JustEnteredCombat (Unit *)
Never invoked right now. Preparation for Combat Threat refactor
Member UnitAI::JustExitedCombat ()
Never invoked right now. Preparation for Combat Threat refactor
Member UnitAura::FillTargetMap (std::map< Unit *, uint8 > &targets, Unit *caster) override
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member VisibilityDistances [AsUnderlyingType(VisibilityDistanceType::Max)]
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE
Member VMAP::TileAssembler::convertWorld2 ()
remove extractor hack and uncomment below line:
Member WardenWin::HandleData (ByteBuffer &buff) override
: test it.
Member WMOGroup::ConvertToVMAPGroupWmo (FILE *output, bool preciseVectorData)
: compress to bit field
Member World::getAllowMovement () const override
Actions on m_allowMovement still to be implemented Is movement allowed?
Member World::LoadConfigSettings (bool reload=false) override
Add MonsterSight in worldserver.conf or put it as define
Member WorldObject::DestroyForNearbyPlayers ()
: this is for puppet
Member WorldSession::HandleCalendarGetCalendar (WorldPacket &recvData)
: Fix this, how we do know how many and what holidays to send?
Member WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode (WorldPacket &recvPacket)
: Preparation for #23204
Member WorldSession::HandleCharCreateOpcode (WorldPacket &recvPacket)

what to if account already has characters of both races?

check if cinematic already shown? (already logged in?; cinematic field)

Member WorldSession::HandleLogoutRequestOpcode (WorldPackets::Character::LogoutRequest &logoutRequest)
: Possibly add RBAC permission to log out in combat
Member WorldSession::HandlePetActionHelper (Unit *pet, ObjectGuid guid1, uint32 spellid, uint16 flag, ObjectGuid guid2)
: Not sure whether the fallthrough was a mistake (forgetting a break) or intended. This should be double-checked.
Member WorldSession::HandlePetitionBuyOpcode (WorldPacket &recvData)
: find correct opcode
Member WorldSession::HandleSpellClick (WorldPacket &recvData)
: Unit::SetCharmedBy: 28782 is not in world but 0 is trying to charm it! -> crash
Member WorldSession::HandleUseItemOpcode (WorldPacket &recvPacket)
: add check
Member WorldSession::ReadAddonsInfo (ByteBuffer &data)
: Find out when to not use CRC/pubkey, and other possible states.
Member WorldSession::SendAddonsInfo ()
: Find out the meaning of this.
Member WorldSocket::ReadDataHandler ()
: handle this packet in the same way of CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP
: this import is not necessary for compilation and marked as unused by the IDE