Method WorldObject:GetGameObjectsInRange [-] [+]

Returns a table of GameObject objects in sight of the WorldObject or within the given range and/or with a specific entry ID


gameObjectsInRange = WorldObject:GetGameObjectsInRange( range )

gameObjectsInRange = WorldObject:GetGameObjectsInRange( range, entryId )

gameObjectsInRange = WorldObject:GetGameObjectsInRange( range, entryId, hostile )


number range (533)

Valid numbers: all decimal numbers.

number entryId (0)

Optionally set entry ID of game objects to find.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number hostile (0)

0 both, 1 hostile, 2 friendly.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


table gameObjectsInRange

Table of GameObjects.

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