Method Global:RegisterPlayerGossipEvent [-] [+]
Registers a Player gossip event handler.
Note that you can not use GOSSIP_EVENT_ON_HELLO
with this hook. It does nothing since players dont have an "on hello".
enum GossipEvents { GOSSIP_EVENT_ON_HELLO = 1, // (event, player, object) - Object is the Creature/GameObject/Item. Can return false to do default action. For item gossip can return false to stop spell casting. GOSSIP_EVENT_ON_SELECT = 2, // (event, player, object, sender, intid, code, menu_id) - Object is the Creature/GameObject/Item/Player, menu_id is only for player gossip. Can return false to do default action. GOSSIP_EVENT_COUNT };
cancel = RegisterPlayerGossipEvent( menu_id, event, function )
cancel = RegisterPlayerGossipEvent( menu_id, event, function, shots )
number event
Player gossip event Id, refer to GossipEvents above.
Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
function function
Function to register.
number shots (0)
The number of times the function will be called, 0 means "always call this function".
Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
function cancel
A function that cancels the binding when called.