AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
#include "GameObject.h"
Public Member Functions | |
GameObject () | |
~GameObject () override | |
void | BuildValuesUpdate (uint8 updateType, ByteBuffer *data, Player *target) override |
void | AddToWorld () override |
void | RemoveFromWorld () override |
void | CleanupsBeforeDelete (bool finalCleanup=true) override |
uint32 | GetDynamicFlags () const override |
void | ReplaceAllDynamicFlags (uint32 flag) override |
virtual bool | Create (ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, uint32 name_id, Map *map, uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float ang, G3D::Quat const &rotation, uint32 animprogress, GOState go_state, uint32 artKit=0) |
void | Update (uint32 p_time) override |
GameObjectTemplate const * | GetGOInfo () const |
GameObjectTemplateAddon const * | GetTemplateAddon () const |
GameObjectData const * | GetGameObjectData () const |
GameObjectValue const * | GetGOValue () const |
bool | IsTransport () const |
bool | IsDestructibleBuilding () const |
ObjectGuid::LowType | GetSpawnId () const |
void | SetLocalRotationAngles (float z_rot, float y_rot, float x_rot) |
void | SetLocalRotation (G3D::Quat const &rot) |
void | SetTransportPathRotation (float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw) |
G3D::Quat const & | GetLocalRotation () const |
int64 | GetPackedLocalRotation () const |
G3D::Quat | GetWorldRotation () const |
std::string const & | GetNameForLocaleIdx (LocaleConstant locale_idx) const override |
void | SaveToDB (bool saveAddon=false) |
void | SaveToDB (uint32 mapid, uint8 spawnMask, uint32 phaseMask, bool saveAddon=false) |
bool | LoadFromDB (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, Map *map) |
bool | LoadGameObjectFromDB (ObjectGuid::LowType guid, Map *map, bool addToMap=true) |
void | DeleteFromDB () |
void | SetOwnerGUID (ObjectGuid owner) |
ObjectGuid | GetOwnerGUID () const |
Unit * | GetOwner () const |
void | SetSpellId (uint32 id) |
uint32 | GetSpellId () const |
time_t | GetRespawnTime () const |
time_t | GetRespawnTimeEx () const |
void | SetRespawnTime (int32 respawn) |
void | SetRespawnDelay (int32 respawn) |
void | Respawn () |
bool | isSpawned () const |
bool | isSpawnedByDefault () const |
void | SetSpawnedByDefault (bool b) |
uint32 | GetRespawnDelay () const |
void | Refresh () |
void | DespawnOrUnsummon (Milliseconds delay=0ms, Seconds forcedRespawnTime=0s) |
void | Delete () |
void | GetFishLoot (Loot *loot, Player *loot_owner) |
void | GetFishLootJunk (Loot *loot, Player *loot_owner) |
GameobjectTypes | GetGoType () const |
void | SetGoType (GameobjectTypes type) |
GOState | GetGoState () const |
void | SetGoState (GOState state) |
uint8 | GetGoArtKit () const |
void | SetGoArtKit (uint8 artkit) |
uint8 | GetGoAnimProgress () const |
void | SetGoAnimProgress (uint8 animprogress) |
void | SetPhaseMask (uint32 newPhaseMask, bool update) override |
void | EnableCollision (bool enable) |
GameObjectFlags | GetGameObjectFlags () const |
bool | HasGameObjectFlag (GameObjectFlags flags) const |
void | SetGameObjectFlag (GameObjectFlags flags) |
void | RemoveGameObjectFlag (GameObjectFlags flags) |
void | ReplaceAllGameObjectFlags (GameObjectFlags flags) |
void | Use (Unit *user) |
LootState | getLootState () const |
void | SetLootState (LootState s, Unit *unit=nullptr) |
uint16 | GetLootMode () const |
bool | HasLootMode (uint16 lootMode) const |
void | SetLootMode (uint16 lootMode) |
void | AddLootMode (uint16 lootMode) |
void | RemoveLootMode (uint16 lootMode) |
void | ResetLootMode () |
void | AddToSkillupList (ObjectGuid playerGuid) |
bool | IsInSkillupList (ObjectGuid playerGuid) const |
void | AddUniqueUse (Player *player) |
void | AddUse () |
uint32 | GetUseCount () const |
uint32 | GetUniqueUseCount () const |
void | SaveRespawnTime () override |
void | SaveRespawnTime (uint32 forceDelay) |
Player * | GetLootRecipient () const |
Group * | GetLootRecipientGroup () const |
void | SetLootRecipient (Creature *creature) |
void | SetLootRecipient (Map *map) |
bool | IsLootAllowedFor (Player const *player) const |
bool | HasLootRecipient () const |
void | SetLootGenerationTime () |
uint32 | GetLootGenerationTime () const |
GameObject * | GetLinkedTrap () |
void | SetLinkedTrap (GameObject *linkedTrap) |
bool | hasQuest (uint32 quest_id) const override |
bool | hasInvolvedQuest (uint32 quest_id) const override |
bool | ActivateToQuest (Player *target) const |
void | UseDoorOrButton (uint32 time_to_restore=0, bool alternative=false, Unit *user=nullptr) |
void | ResetDoorOrButton () |
void | TriggeringLinkedGameObject (uint32 trapEntry, Unit *target) |
bool | IsNeverVisible () const override |
bool | IsAlwaysVisibleFor (WorldObject const *seer) const override |
bool | IsInvisibleDueToDespawn () const override |
uint8 | getLevelForTarget (WorldObject const *target) const override |
GameObject * | LookupFishingHoleAround (float range) |
void | CastSpell (Unit *target, uint32 spell) |
void | SendCustomAnim (uint32 anim) |
bool | IsInRange (float x, float y, float z, float radius) const |
void | ModifyHealth (int32 change, Unit *attackerOrHealer=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0) |
void | SetDestructibleBuildingModifyState (bool allow) |
void | SetDestructibleState (GameObjectDestructibleState state, Player *eventInvoker=nullptr, bool setHealth=false) |
GameObjectDestructibleState | GetDestructibleState () const |
void | EventInform (uint32 eventId) |
virtual uint32 | GetScriptId () const |
GameObjectAI * | AI () const |
std::string const & | GetAIName () const |
void | SetDisplayId (uint32 displayid) |
uint32 | GetDisplayId () const |
void | GetRespawnPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float *ori=nullptr) const |
void | SetPosition (float x, float y, float z, float o) |
void | SetPosition (const Position &pos) |
bool | IsStaticTransport () const |
bool | IsMotionTransport () const |
Transport * | ToTransport () |
Transport const * | ToTransport () const |
StaticTransport * | ToStaticTransport () |
StaticTransport const * | ToStaticTransport () const |
MotionTransport * | ToMotionTransport () |
MotionTransport const * | ToMotionTransport () const |
float | GetStationaryX () const override |
float | GetStationaryY () const override |
float | GetStationaryZ () const override |
float | GetStationaryO () const override |
float | GetInteractionDistance () const |
void | UpdateModelPosition () |
bool | IsAtInteractDistance (Position const &pos, float radius) const |
bool | IsAtInteractDistance (Player const *player, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr) const |
bool | IsWithinDistInMap (Player const *player) const |
SpellInfo const * | GetSpellForLock (Player const *player) const |
bool | ValidateGameobjectType () const |
bool | IsInstanceGameobject () const |
uint8 | GameobjectStateToInt (GOState *state) const |
bool | IsAllowedToSaveToDB () const |
void | AllowSaveToDB (bool enable) |
void | SaveStateToDB () |
std::string | GetDebugInfo () const override |
bool | IsWithinDistInMap (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const |
Public Member Functions inherited from WorldObject | |
~WorldObject () override | |
virtual void | Update (uint32) |
void | _Create (ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, HighGuid guidhigh, uint32 phaseMask) |
void | AddToWorld () override |
void | RemoveFromWorld () override |
void | GetNearPoint2D (WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float distance, float absAngle, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const |
void | GetNearPoint2D (float &x, float &y, float distance, float absAngle, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const |
void | GetNearPoint (WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float &z, float searcher_size, float distance2d, float absAngle, float controlZ=0, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const |
void | GetVoidClosePoint (float &x, float &y, float &z, float size, float distance2d=0, float relAngle=0, float controlZ=0) const |
bool | GetClosePoint (float &x, float &y, float &z, float size, float distance2d=0, float angle=0, WorldObject const *forWho=nullptr, bool force=false) const |
void | MovePosition (Position &pos, float dist, float angle) |
Position | GetNearPosition (float dist, float angle) |
void | MovePositionToFirstCollision (Position &pos, float dist, float angle) |
Position | GetFirstCollisionPosition (float startX, float startY, float startZ, float destX, float destY) |
Position | GetFirstCollisionPosition (float destX, float destY, float destZ) |
Position | GetFirstCollisionPosition (float dist, float angle) |
Position | GetRandomNearPosition (float radius) |
void | GetContactPoint (WorldObject const *obj, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d=CONTACT_DISTANCE) const |
void | GetChargeContactPoint (WorldObject const *obj, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d=CONTACT_DISTANCE) const |
float | GetObjectSize () const |
virtual float | GetCombatReach () const |
void | UpdateGroundPositionZ (float x, float y, float &z) const |
void | UpdateAllowedPositionZ (float x, float y, float &z, float *groundZ=nullptr) const |
void | GetRandomPoint (const Position &srcPos, float distance, float &rand_x, float &rand_y, float &rand_z) const |
Position | GetRandomPoint (const Position &srcPos, float distance) const |
uint32 | GetInstanceId () const |
virtual void | SetPhaseMask (uint32 newPhaseMask, bool update) |
uint32 | GetPhaseMask () const |
bool | InSamePhase (WorldObject const *obj) const |
bool | InSamePhase (uint32 phasemask) const |
uint32 | GetZoneId () const |
uint32 | GetAreaId () const |
void | GetZoneAndAreaId (uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid) const |
bool | IsOutdoors () const |
LiquidData const & | GetLiquidData () const |
InstanceScript * | GetInstanceScript () const |
std::string const & | GetName () const |
void | SetName (std::string const &newname) |
virtual std::string const & | GetNameForLocaleIdx (LocaleConstant) const |
float | GetDistance (WorldObject const *obj) const |
float | GetDistance (const Position &pos) const |
float | GetDistance (float x, float y, float z) const |
float | GetDistance2d (WorldObject const *obj) const |
float | GetDistance2d (float x, float y) const |
float | GetDistanceZ (WorldObject const *obj) const |
bool | IsSelfOrInSameMap (WorldObject const *obj) const |
bool | IsInMap (WorldObject const *obj) const |
bool | IsWithinDist3d (float x, float y, float z, float dist) const |
bool | IsWithinDist3d (const Position *pos, float dist) const |
bool | IsWithinDist2d (float x, float y, float dist) const |
bool | IsWithinDist2d (const Position *pos, float dist) const |
bool | IsWithinDist (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const |
bool | IsWithinDistInMap (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const |
bool | IsWithinLOS (float x, float y, float z, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS) const |
bool | IsWithinLOSInMap (WorldObject const *obj, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const |
Position | GetHitSpherePointFor (Position const &dest, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const |
void | GetHitSpherePointFor (Position const &dest, float &x, float &y, float &z, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const |
bool | GetDistanceOrder (WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, bool is3D=true) const |
bool | IsInRange (WorldObject const *obj, float minRange, float maxRange, bool is3D=true) const |
bool | IsInRange2d (float x, float y, float minRange, float maxRange) const |
bool | IsInRange3d (float x, float y, float z, float minRange, float maxRange) const |
bool | isInFront (WorldObject const *target, float arc=M_PI) const |
bool | isInBack (WorldObject const *target, float arc=M_PI) const |
bool | IsInBetween (WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, float size=0) const |
virtual void | CleanupsBeforeDelete (bool finalCleanup=true) |
virtual void | SendMessageToSet (WorldPacket const *data, bool self) const |
virtual void | SendMessageToSetInRange (WorldPacket const *data, float dist, bool self) const |
virtual void | SendMessageToSet (WorldPacket const *data, Player const *skipped_rcvr) const |
virtual uint8 | getLevelForTarget (WorldObject const *) const |
void | PlayDistanceSound (uint32 sound_id, Player *target=nullptr) |
void | PlayDirectSound (uint32 sound_id, Player *target=nullptr) |
void | PlayRadiusSound (uint32 sound_id, float radius) |
void | PlayDirectMusic (uint32 music_id, Player *target=nullptr) |
void | PlayRadiusMusic (uint32 music_id, float radius) |
void | SendObjectDeSpawnAnim (ObjectGuid guid) |
virtual void | SaveRespawnTime () |
void | AddObjectToRemoveList () |
float | GetGridActivationRange () const |
float | GetVisibilityRange () const |
virtual float | GetSightRange (WorldObject const *target=nullptr) const |
bool | CanSeeOrDetect (WorldObject const *obj, bool ignoreStealth=false, bool distanceCheck=false, bool checkAlert=false) const |
void | SendPlayMusic (uint32 Music, bool OnlySelf) |
virtual void | SetMap (Map *map) |
virtual void | ResetMap () |
Map * | GetMap () const |
Map * | FindMap () const |
void | SetZoneScript () |
void | ClearZoneScript () |
ZoneScript * | GetZoneScript () const |
TempSummon * | SummonCreature (uint32 id, const Position &pos, TempSummonType spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, uint32 despwtime=0, uint32 vehId=0, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false) const |
TempSummon * | SummonCreature (uint32 id, float x, float y, float z, float ang=0, TempSummonType spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, uint32 despwtime=0, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false) |
GameObject * | SummonGameObject (uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime, bool checkTransport=true, GOSummonType summonType=GO_SUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN) |
Creature * | SummonTrigger (float x, float y, float z, float ang, uint32 dur, bool setLevel=false, CreatureAI *(*GetAI)(Creature *)=nullptr) |
void | SummonCreatureGroup (uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr) |
Creature * | FindNearestCreature (uint32 entry, float range, bool alive=true) const |
GameObject * | FindNearestGameObject (uint32 entry, float range, bool onlySpawned=false) const |
GameObject * | FindNearestGameObjectOfType (GameobjectTypes type, float range) const |
Player * | SelectNearestPlayer (float distance=0) const |
void | GetGameObjectListWithEntryInGrid (std::list< GameObject * > &lList, uint32 uiEntry, float fMaxSearchRange) const |
void | GetCreatureListWithEntryInGrid (std::list< Creature * > &lList, uint32 uiEntry, float fMaxSearchRange) const |
void | GetDeadCreatureListInGrid (std::list< Creature * > &lList, float maxSearchRange, bool alive=false) const |
void | DestroyForNearbyPlayers () |
virtual void | UpdateObjectVisibility (bool forced=true, bool fromUpdate=false) |
void | BuildUpdate (UpdateDataMapType &data_map, UpdatePlayerSet &player_set) override |
void | GetCreaturesWithEntryInRange (std::list< Creature * > &creatureList, float radius, uint32 entry) |
void | SetPositionDataUpdate () |
void | UpdatePositionData () |
void | AddToObjectUpdate () override |
void | RemoveFromObjectUpdate () override |
void | AddToNotify (uint16 f) |
void | RemoveFromNotify (uint16 f) |
bool | isNeedNotify (uint16 f) const |
uint16 | GetNotifyFlags () const |
bool | NotifyExecuted (uint16 f) const |
void | SetNotified (uint16 f) |
void | ResetAllNotifies () |
bool | isActiveObject () const |
void | setActive (bool isActiveObject) |
bool | IsFarVisible () const |
bool | IsVisibilityOverridden () const |
void | SetVisibilityDistanceOverride (VisibilityDistanceType type) |
void | SetWorldObject (bool apply) |
bool | IsPermanentWorldObject () const |
bool | IsWorldObject () const |
bool | IsInWintergrasp () const |
Transport * | GetTransport () const |
float | GetTransOffsetX () const |
float | GetTransOffsetY () const |
float | GetTransOffsetZ () const |
float | GetTransOffsetO () const |
uint32 | GetTransTime () const |
int8 | GetTransSeat () const |
virtual ObjectGuid | GetTransGUID () const |
void | SetTransport (Transport *t) |
virtual float | GetStationaryX () const |
virtual float | GetStationaryY () const |
virtual float | GetStationaryZ () const |
virtual float | GetStationaryO () const |
float | GetMapWaterOrGroundLevel (float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr) const |
float | GetMapHeight (float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float distanceToSearch=50.0f) const |
float | GetFloorZ () const |
float | GetMinHeightInWater () const |
Get the minimum height of a object that should be in water to start floating/swim. More... | |
virtual float | GetCollisionHeight () const |
virtual float | GetCollisionWidth () const |
virtual float | GetCollisionRadius () const |
void | AddAllowedLooter (ObjectGuid guid) |
void | ResetAllowedLooters () |
void | SetAllowedLooters (GuidUnorderedSet const looters) |
bool | HasAllowedLooter (ObjectGuid guid) const |
GuidUnorderedSet const & | GetAllowedLooters () const |
void | RemoveAllowedLooter (ObjectGuid guid) |
std::string | GetDebugInfo () const override |
Public Member Functions inherited from Object | |
virtual | ~Object () |
bool | IsInWorld () const |
virtual void | AddToWorld () |
virtual void | RemoveFromWorld () |
ObjectGuid | GetGUID () const |
PackedGuid const & | GetPackGUID () const |
uint32 | GetEntry () const |
void | SetEntry (uint32 entry) |
float | GetObjectScale () const |
virtual void | SetObjectScale (float scale) |
virtual uint32 | GetDynamicFlags () const |
bool | HasDynamicFlag (uint32 flag) const |
virtual void | SetDynamicFlag (uint32 flag) |
virtual void | RemoveDynamicFlag (uint32 flag) |
virtual void | ReplaceAllDynamicFlags (uint32 flag) |
TypeID | GetTypeId () const |
bool | isType (uint16 mask) const |
virtual void | BuildCreateUpdateBlockForPlayer (UpdateData *data, Player *target) |
void | SendUpdateToPlayer (Player *player) |
void | BuildValuesUpdateBlockForPlayer (UpdateData *data, Player *target) |
void | BuildOutOfRangeUpdateBlock (UpdateData *data) const |
void | BuildMovementUpdateBlock (UpdateData *data, uint32 flags=0) const |
virtual void | DestroyForPlayer (Player *target, bool onDeath=false) const |
int32 | GetInt32Value (uint16 index) const |
uint32 | GetUInt32Value (uint16 index) const |
uint64 | GetUInt64Value (uint16 index) const |
float | GetFloatValue (uint16 index) const |
uint8 | GetByteValue (uint16 index, uint8 offset) const |
uint16 | GetUInt16Value (uint16 index, uint8 offset) const |
ObjectGuid | GetGuidValue (uint16 index) const |
void | SetInt32Value (uint16 index, int32 value) |
void | SetUInt32Value (uint16 index, uint32 value) |
void | UpdateUInt32Value (uint16 index, uint32 value) |
void | SetUInt64Value (uint16 index, uint64 value) |
void | SetFloatValue (uint16 index, float value) |
void | SetByteValue (uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 value) |
void | SetUInt16Value (uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint16 value) |
void | SetInt16Value (uint16 index, uint8 offset, int16 value) |
void | SetGuidValue (uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) |
void | SetStatFloatValue (uint16 index, float value) |
void | SetStatInt32Value (uint16 index, int32 value) |
bool | AddGuidValue (uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) |
bool | RemoveGuidValue (uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) |
void | ApplyModUInt32Value (uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) |
void | ApplyModInt32Value (uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) |
void | ApplyModUInt64Value (uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) |
void | ApplyModPositiveFloatValue (uint16 index, float val, bool apply) |
void | ApplyModSignedFloatValue (uint16 index, float val, bool apply) |
void | ApplyPercentModFloatValue (uint16 index, float val, bool apply) |
void | SetFlag (uint16 index, uint32 newFlag) |
void | RemoveFlag (uint16 index, uint32 oldFlag) |
void | ToggleFlag (uint16 index, uint32 flag) |
bool | HasFlag (uint16 index, uint32 flag) const |
void | ApplyModFlag (uint16 index, uint32 flag, bool apply) |
void | SetByteFlag (uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 newFlag) |
void | RemoveByteFlag (uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 newFlag) |
bool | HasByteFlag (uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 flag) const |
void | SetFlag64 (uint16 index, uint64 newFlag) |
void | RemoveFlag64 (uint16 index, uint64 oldFlag) |
void | ToggleFlag64 (uint16 index, uint64 flag) |
bool | HasFlag64 (uint16 index, uint64 flag) const |
void | ApplyModFlag64 (uint16 index, uint64 flag, bool apply) |
void | ClearUpdateMask (bool remove) |
uint16 | GetValuesCount () const |
virtual bool | hasQuest (uint32) const |
virtual bool | hasInvolvedQuest (uint32) const |
virtual void | BuildUpdate (UpdateDataMapType &, UpdatePlayerSet &) |
void | BuildFieldsUpdate (Player *, UpdateDataMapType &) |
void | SetFieldNotifyFlag (uint16 flag) |
void | RemoveFieldNotifyFlag (uint16 flag) |
void | ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex (uint32) |
bool | IsPlayer () const |
Player * | ToPlayer () |
Player const * | ToPlayer () const |
Creature * | ToCreature () |
Creature const * | ToCreature () const |
Unit * | ToUnit () |
Unit const * | ToUnit () const |
bool | IsGameObject () const |
GameObject * | ToGameObject () |
GameObject const * | ToGameObject () const |
bool | IsCorpse () const |
Corpse * | ToCorpse () |
Corpse const * | ToCorpse () const |
bool | IsDynamicObject () const |
DynamicObject * | ToDynObject () |
DynamicObject const * | ToDynObject () const |
bool | IsItem () const |
virtual std::string | GetDebugInfo () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from WorldLocation | |
WorldLocation (uint32 _mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f) | |
WorldLocation (uint32 mapId, Position const &position) | |
void | WorldRelocate (const WorldLocation &loc) |
void | WorldRelocate (uint32 mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f) |
void | SetMapId (uint32 mapId) |
uint32 | GetMapId () const |
void | GetWorldLocation (uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y) const |
void | GetWorldLocation (uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y, float &z) const |
void | GetWorldLocation (uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o) const |
void | GetWorldLocation (WorldLocation *location) const |
WorldLocation | GetWorldLocation () const |
std::string | GetDebugInfo () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Position | |
Position (float x=0, float y=0, float z=0, float o=0) | |
Position (Position const &loc) | |
Position (Position &&)=default | |
Position & | operator= (const Position &)=default |
Position & | operator= (Position &&)=default |
bool | operator== (Position const &a) const |
bool | operator!= (Position const &a) |
operator G3D::Vector3 () const | |
void | Relocate (float x, float y) |
void | Relocate (float x, float y, float z) |
void | Relocate (float x, float y, float z, float orientation) |
void | Relocate (const Position &pos) |
void | Relocate (const Position *pos) |
void | RelocatePolarOffset (float angle, float dist, float z=0.0f) |
void | RelocateOffset (const Position &offset) |
void | SetOrientation (float orientation) |
float | GetPositionX () const |
float | GetPositionY () const |
float | GetPositionZ () const |
float | GetOrientation () const |
void | GetPosition (float &x, float &y) const |
void | GetPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z) const |
void | GetPosition (float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o) const |
Position | GetPosition () const |
Position::PositionXYZStreamer | PositionXYZStream () |
Position::PositionXYZOStreamer | PositionXYZOStream () |
bool | IsPositionValid () const |
float | GetExactDist2dSq (const float x, const float y) const |
float | GetExactDist2dSq (Position const &pos) const |
float | GetExactDist2dSq (Position const *pos) const |
float | GetExactDist2d (const float x, const float y) const |
float | GetExactDist2d (Position const &pos) const |
float | GetExactDist2d (Position const *pos) const |
float | GetExactDistSq (float x, float y, float z) const |
float | GetExactDistSq (Position const &pos) const |
float | GetExactDistSq (Position const *pos) const |
float | GetExactDist (float x, float y, float z) const |
float | GetExactDist (Position const &pos) const |
float | GetExactDist (Position const *pos) const |
void | GetPositionOffsetTo (const Position &endPos, Position &retOffset) const |
Position | GetPositionWithOffset (Position const &offset) const |
float | GetAngle (const Position *pos) const |
float | GetAngle (float x, float y) const |
float | GetAbsoluteAngle (float x, float y) const |
float | GetAbsoluteAngle (Position const &pos) const |
float | GetAbsoluteAngle (Position const *pos) const |
float | GetRelativeAngle (const Position *pos) const |
float | GetRelativeAngle (float x, float y) const |
float | ToAbsoluteAngle (float relAngle) const |
void | GetSinCos (float x, float y, float &vsin, float &vcos) const |
bool | IsInDist2d (float x, float y, float dist) const |
bool | IsInDist2d (const Position *pos, float dist) const |
bool | IsInDist (float x, float y, float z, float dist) const |
bool | IsInDist (const Position *pos, float dist) const |
bool | IsWithinBox (const Position ¢er, float xradius, float yradius, float zradius) const |
bool | HasInArc (float arcangle, const Position *pos, float targetRadius=0.0f) const |
bool | HasInLine (Position const *pos, float width) const |
std::string | ToString () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from GridObject< GameObject > | |
bool | IsInGrid () const |
void | AddToGrid (GridRefMgr< GameObject > &m) |
void | RemoveFromGrid () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | SetGoArtKit (uint8 artkit, GameObject *go, ObjectGuid::LowType lowguid=0) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object | |
static ObjectGuid | GetGUID (Object const *o) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Position | |
static float | NormalizeOrientation (float o) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static std::unordered_map< int, goEventFlag > | gameObjectToEventFlag = { } |
Protected Types | |
typedef std::map< uint32, ObjectGuid > | ChairSlotAndUser |
Protected Member Functions | |
bool | AIM_Initialize () |
GameObjectModel * | CreateModel () |
void | UpdateModel () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from WorldObject | |
WorldObject (bool isWorldObject) | |
virtual void | ProcessPositionDataChanged (PositionFullTerrainStatus const &data) |
void | SetLocationMapId (uint32 _mapId) |
void | SetLocationInstanceId (uint32 _instanceId) |
virtual bool | IsNeverVisible () const |
virtual bool | IsAlwaysVisibleFor (WorldObject const *) const |
virtual bool | IsInvisibleDueToDespawn () const |
virtual bool | IsAlwaysDetectableFor (WorldObject const *) const |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Object | |
Object () | |
void | _InitValues () |
void | _Create (ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, uint32 entry, HighGuid guidhigh) |
std::string | _ConcatFields (uint16 startIndex, uint16 size) const |
bool | _LoadIntoDataField (std::string const &data, uint32 startOffset, uint32 count) |
uint32 | GetUpdateFieldData (Player const *target, uint32 *&flags) const |
void | BuildMovementUpdate (ByteBuffer *data, uint16 flags) const |
virtual void | BuildValuesUpdate (uint8 updateType, ByteBuffer *data, Player *target) |
virtual void | AddToObjectUpdate ()=0 |
virtual void | RemoveFromObjectUpdate ()=0 |
void | AddToObjectUpdateIfNeeded () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from MovableMapObject | |
MovableMapObject ()=default | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | CheckRitualList () |
void | ClearRitualList () |
void | RemoveFromOwner () |
void | SwitchDoorOrButton (bool activate, bool alternative=false) |
void | UpdatePackedRotation () |
bool | _IsWithinDist (WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool, bool) const override |
Object distance/size - overridden from Object::_IsWithinDist. Needs to take in account proper GO size. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
GameObjectAI * | m_AI |
bool | m_saveStateOnDb = false |
protected |
explicit |
References GAMEOBJECT_END, GO_NOT_READY, loot, lootingGroupLowGUID, m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding, m_cooldownTime, m_despawnDelay, m_despawnRespawnTime, m_goData, m_goInfo, m_groupLootTimer, m_lootGenerationTime, m_lootRecipientGroup, m_lootState, Object::m_objectType, Object::m_objectTypeId, m_packedRotation, m_respawnDelayTime, m_respawnTime, m_restockTime, m_spawnedByDefault, m_spawnId, m_spellId, m_stationaryPosition, Object::m_updateFlag, m_usetimes, Object::m_valuesCount, Position::Relocate(), ResetLootMode(), Loot::sourceGameObject, TYPEID_GAMEOBJECT, TYPEMASK_GAMEOBJECT, UPDATEFLAG_LOWGUID, UPDATEFLAG_POSITION, UPDATEFLAG_ROTATION, and UPDATEFLAG_STATIONARY_POSITION.
Referenced by Create(), and MotionTransport::CreateGOPassenger().
override |
inlineoverrideprivatevirtual |
Object distance/size - overridden from Object::_IsWithinDist. Needs to take in account proper GO size.
Following check does check 3d distance
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References WorldObject::GetObjectSize(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), and IsInRange().
bool GameObject::ActivateToQuest | ( | Player * | target | ) | const |
References GameObjectTemplate::_generic, BATTLEGROUND_AV, BG_AV_OBJECTID_MINE_N, BG_AV_OBJECTID_MINE_S, DIALOG_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_QUESTGIVER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS, Player::GetBattleground(), Object::GetEntry(), GetGOInfo(), GetGoType(), Player::GetQuestDialogStatus(), Player::GetQuestStatus(), Player::GetTeamId(), GameObjectTemplate::goober, Player::HasQuestForGO(), LootStore::HaveQuestLootForPlayer(), LootTemplates_Gameobject, QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE, GameObjectTemplate::questId, GameObjectTemplate::questID, and GameObjectTemplate::spellFocus.
Referenced by BuildValuesUpdate().
inline |
References m_LootMode.
void GameObject::AddToSkillupList | ( | ObjectGuid | playerGuid | ) |
References WorldObject::GetMap(), IN_MILLISECONDS, Map::IsDungeon(), m_SkillupList, and MINUTE.
Referenced by Spell::EffectOpenLock().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
References WorldObject::AddToWorld(), EnableCollision(), Map::GetGameObjectBySpawnIdStore(), GetGoState(), Object::GetGUID(), WorldObject::GetMap(), Map::GetObjectsStore(), GO_STATE_READY, TypeUnorderedMapContainer< OBJECT_TYPES, KEY_TYPE >::Insert(), Map::InsertGameObjectModel(), Object::IsInWorld(), IsTransport(), loot, m_model, m_spawnId, WorldObject::m_zoneScript, ZoneScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), Loot::sourceWorldObjectGUID, sScriptMgr, and GameObjectModel::UpdatePosition().
Referenced by AddObjectHelper(), and Map::AddToMap().
void GameObject::AddUniqueUse | ( | Player * | player | ) |
References AddUse(), Object::GetGUID(), and m_unique_users.
Referenced by Spell::EffectTransmitted(), and Use().
inline |
References m_usetimes.
Referenced by AddUniqueUse(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), go_soulwell::go_soulwellAI::GossipHello(), go_simon_cluster::OnGossipHello(), and Use().
inline |
References m_AI.
Referenced by Player::AddQuestAndCheckCompletion(), Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget(), EventInform(), WorldSession::HandleGameobjectReportUse(), WorldSession::HandleGossipSelectOptionOpcode(), WorldSession::HandleQuestgiverChooseRewardOpcode(), TempSummon::InitSummon(), SmartScript::IsSmart(), go_suppression_device::OnLootStateChanged(), Spell::SendLoot(), SetLootState(), MotionTransport::Update(), Update(), and Use().
protected |
References GameObjectAI::InitializeAI(), m_AI, and FactorySelector::SelectGameObjectAI().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::Update(), and Update().
inline |
References m_saveStateOnDb.
Referenced by instance_deadmines::instance_deadmines_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_gnomeregan::instance_gnomeregan_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_scholomance::instance_scholomance_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), and instance_stratholme::instance_stratholme_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
References Object::_changesMask, Object::_fieldNotifyFlags, ActivateToQuest(), ByteBuffer::append(), UpdateMask::AppendToPacket(), GameObjectTemplate::chest, CONFIG_OBJECT_SPARKLES, GAMEOBJECT_DYNAMIC, GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_QUESTGIVER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT, GameObjectUpdateFieldFlags, UpdateMask::GetBit(), UpdateMask::GetBlockCount(), GetGOInfo(), GetGoState(), GetGoType(), Object::GetGUID(), GetOwnerGUID(), Player::GetSession(), GO_DYNFLAG_LO_ACTIVATE, GO_DYNFLAG_LO_SPARKLE, GO_FLAG_LOCKED, GO_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE, GO_STATE_READY, GameObjectTemplate::groupLootRules, HasLootRecipient(), Player::IsGameMaster(), WorldSession::IsGMAccount(), IsLootAllowedFor(), Object::m_uint32Values, Object::m_valuesCount, UpdateMask::SetBit(), UpdateMask::SetCount(), sWorld, ToMotionTransport(), ToStaticTransport(), UF_FLAG_OWNER, UF_FLAG_PUBLIC, and UPDATETYPE_VALUES.
References SpellInfo::CalcCastTime(), Unit::CastSpell(), SpellInfo::Effects, ObjectGuid::Empty, Object::GetGUID(), GetOwner(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), GetTemplateAddon(), Object::HasByteFlag(), MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS, Object::SetByteFlag(), Unit::SetFaction(), Unit::SetImmuneToNPC(), Unit::SetInFront(), Unit::SetLevel(), Unit::SetOwnerGUID(), Unit::SetUnitFlag(), sScriptMgr, sSpellMgr, WorldObject::SummonTrigger(), TARGET_REFERENCE_TYPE_CASTER, UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_FFA_PVP, UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2, and UNIT_FLAG_PLAYER_CONTROLLED.
Referenced by npc_midsummer_ribbon_pole_target::DoFlameCircleChecks(), instance_onyxias_lair::instance_onyxias_lair_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_harpoon_canon::OnGossipHello(), SmartScript::ProcessAction(), go_direbrew_mole_machine::go_direbrew_mole_machineAI::Reset(), npc_deaths_door_fell_cannon_target_bunny::npc_deaths_door_fell_cannon_target_bunnyAI::SpellHit(), Update(), go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::UpdateAI(), go_witherbark_totem_bundle::go_witherbark_totem_bundleAI::UpdateAI(), and Use().
private |
References GameObjectTemplate::animSpell, CURRENT_CHANNELED_SPELL, GetGOInfo(), GetOwnerGUID(), ObjectAccessor::GetPlayer(), GetSpellId(), m_unique_users, and GameObjectTemplate::summoningRitual.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
Reimplemented in MotionTransport, and StaticTransport.
References WorldObject::GetTransport(), Object::IsInWorld(), WorldObject::m_movementInfo, Object::m_uint32Values, MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT, RemoveFromOwner(), RemoveFromWorld(), MovementInfo::RemoveMovementFlag(), Transport::RemovePassenger(), MovementInfo::TransportInfo::Reset(), WorldObject::SetTransport(), ToTransport(), and MovementInfo::transport.
Referenced by MotionTransport::CleanupsBeforeDelete(), and StaticTransport::CleanupsBeforeDelete().
private |
References GameObjectTemplate::animSpell, CURRENT_CHANNELED_SPELL, GetGOInfo(), ObjectAccessor::GetPlayer(), GetSpellId(), m_unique_users, and GameObjectTemplate::summoningRitual.
virtual |
Reimplemented in StaticTransport.
References Object::_Create(), FlaggedValuesArray32< T_VALUES, T_FLAGS, FLAG_TYPE, ARRAY_SIZE >::AddFlag(), Map::AddToMap(), FlaggedValuesArray32< T_VALUES, T_FLAGS, FLAG_TYPE, ARRAY_SIZE >::AddValue(), AIM_Initialize(), ASSERT, GameObjectValue::Building, GameObjectTemplate::building, Create(), CreateModel(), GameObjectTemplate::damagedNumHits, GameObjectTemplate::displayId, GameObjectTemplate::entry, GameObjectValue::FishingHole, GameObject(), GAMEOBJECT_FACTION, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGNODE, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP, Map::GenerateLowGuid(), ZoneScript::GetGameObjectEntry(), GetGOInfo(), Map::GetId(), WorldObject::GetInstanceScript(), Position::GetOrientation(), GetScriptId(), GetSpawnId(), GetTemplateAddon(), GO_STATE_READY, GameObjectValue::Health, GameObjectTemplate::intactNumHits, INVISIBILITY_GENERAL, INVISIBILITY_TRAP, GameObjectAddon::invisibilityType, GameObjectAddon::InvisibilityValue, GameObjectTemplate::invisible, GameObjectTemplate::IsInfiniteGameObject(), IsInstanceGameobject(), GameObjectTemplate::IsLargeGameObject(), Position::IsPositionValid(), WorldObject::LastUsedScriptID, LOG_ERROR, m_goInfo, m_goValue, WorldObject::m_invisibility, m_model, m_stationaryPosition, WorldObject::m_stealth, WorldObject::m_zoneScript, MAX_GAMEOBJECT_TYPE, GameObjectValue::MaxHealth, GameObjectValue::MaxOpens, GameObjectTemplate::maxSuccessOpens, GameObjectTemplate::minSuccessOpens, GameObjectTemplate::name, Position::NormalizeOrientation(), Position::Relocate(), ReplaceAllGameObjectFlags(), SetDisplayId(), Object::SetEntry(), SetGoAnimProgress(), SetGoArtKit(), SetGoState(), SetGoType(), SetLinkedTrap(), SetLocalRotation(), SetLocalRotationAngles(), WorldObject::SetMap(), WorldObject::SetName(), Object::SetObjectScale(), SetPhaseMask(), SetTransportPathRotation(), Object::SetUInt32Value(), WorldObject::SetVisibilityDistanceOverride(), WorldObject::SetZoneScript(), GameObjectTemplate::size, sObjectMgr, STEALTH_TRAP, GameObjectTemplate::stealthed, SwitchDoorOrButton(), GameObjectTemplate::type, WorldObject::UpdatePositionData(), and urand().
Referenced by Battleground::AddObject(), Create(), Spell::EffectDuel(), Spell::EffectSummonObject(), Spell::EffectSummonObjectWild(), Spell::EffectTransmitted(), OutdoorPvPSI::HandleDropFlag(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectAddCommand(), LoadGameObjectFromDB(), Battlefield::SpawnGameObject(), Map::SummonGameObject(), and WorldObject::SummonGameObject().
protected |
References GameObjectModel::Create(), and sWorld.
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), and UpdateModel().
void GameObject::Delete | ( | ) |
References WorldObject::AddObjectToRemoveList(), ClearRitualList(), GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SUMMONING_RITUAL, GetGOInfo(), Object::GetGUID(), GetTemplateAddon(), GO_NOT_READY, GO_STATE_READY, m_spawnId, RemoveFromOwner(), ReplaceAllGameObjectFlags(), WorldObject::SendObjectDeSpawnAnim(), SetGoState(), SetLootState(), and sPoolMgr.
Referenced by MotionTransport::DelayedTeleportTransport(), OPvPCapturePoint::DelCapturePoint(), OPvPCapturePoint::DelObject(), go_ahune_ice_stone::GossipSelect(), OutdoorPvPSI::HandleCustomSpell(), instance_razorfen_downs::instance_razorfen_downs_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_ulduar_working_harpoon::OnGossipHello(), Unit::RemoveAllGameObjects(), Unit::RemoveGameObject(), Update(), go_celestial_planetarium_access::go_celestial_planetarium_accessAI::UpdateAI(), and Use().
void GameObject::DeleteFromDB | ( | ) |
References WorldObject::GetMap(), m_spawnId, Map::RemoveGORespawnTime(), PreparedStatementBase::SetData(), sObjectMgr, WORLD_DEL_EVENT_GAMEOBJECT, WORLD_DEL_GAMEOBJECT, and WorldDatabase.
void GameObject::DespawnOrUnsummon | ( | Milliseconds | delay = 0ms , |
Seconds | forcedRespawnTime = 0s |
) |
References Object::GetGUID(), GetLinkedTrap(), GetTemplateAddon(), GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED, GO_STATE_READY, m_despawnDelay, m_despawnRespawnTime, m_goData, m_spawnId, ReplaceAllGameObjectFlags(), WorldObject::SendObjectDeSpawnAnim(), SetGoState(), SetLootState(), SetRespawnTime(), GameObjectData::spawntimesecs, and sPoolMgr.
Referenced by Spell::EffectActivateObject(), instance_deadmines::instance_deadmines_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_molten_core::instance_molten_core_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_hyjal::instance_mount_hyjal_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_temple_of_ahnqiraj::instance_temple_of_ahnqiraj_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_strange_pool::OnGossipHello(), SmartScript::ProcessAction(), go_ahune_ice_spear::Reset(), go_skull_pile::SendActionMenu(), go_firework_show::SpawnNextFirework(), npc_midsummer_bonfire::StampOut(), and Update().
void GameObject::EnableCollision | ( | bool | enable | ) |
References DISABLE_TYPE_GO_LOS, GameObjectModel::enable(), Object::GetEntry(), WorldObject::GetPhaseMask(), DisableMgr::IsDisabledFor(), and m_model.
Referenced by AddToWorld(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), SetDestructibleState(), SetGoState(), and SetPhaseMask().
void GameObject::EventInform | ( | uint32 | eventId | ) |
References AI(), GameObjectAI::EventInform(), WorldObject::m_zoneScript, and ZoneScript::ProcessEvent().
Referenced by MotionTransport::DoEventIfAny(), SetDestructibleState(), and Use().
Referenced by SaveStateToDB().
std::string const & GameObject::GetAIName | ( | ) | const |
References Object::GetEntry(), and sObjectMgr.
Referenced by GetDebugInfo().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
Reimplemented in MotionTransport.
References GetAIName(), WorldObject::GetDebugInfo(), GetGoState(), GetScriptId(), and GetSpawnId().
Referenced by MotionTransport::GetDebugInfo().
inline |
Referenced by ModifyHealth().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_DISPLAYID, and Object::GetUInt32Value().
Referenced by GameObjectModelOwnerImpl::GetDisplayId(), and spell_zulfarrak_unlocking::HandleOpenLock().
inlineoverridevirtual |
References Loot::clear(), Loot::empty(), Loot::FillLoot(), WorldObject::GetZoneAndAreaId(), and LootTemplates_Fishing.
Referenced by Player::SendLoot().
References Loot::clear(), Loot::empty(), Loot::FillLoot(), WorldObject::GetZoneAndAreaId(), LOOT_MODE_JUNK_FISH, and LootTemplates_Fishing.
Referenced by Player::SendLoot().
inline |
References m_goData.
Referenced by GetScriptId(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectMoveCommand(), and SetGoArtKit().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, and Object::GetUInt32Value().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, and Object::GetByteValue().
Referenced by Spell::EffectDummy(), SaveToDB(), Update(), and Use().
inline |
inline |
References m_goInfo.
Referenced by ActivateToQuest(), BuildValuesUpdate(), Spell::CheckCast(), Spell::CheckEffectTarget(), CheckRitualList(), ClearRitualList(), Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), Delete(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), Spell::EffectOpenLock(), MotionTransport::EnableMovement(), BattlegroundSA::EventPlayerDamagedGO(), Player::GetDefaultGossipMenuForSource(), GetScriptId(), GetSpellForLock(), GetStationaryO(), GetStationaryX(), GetStationaryY(), GetStationaryZ(), GetTemplateAddon(), go_celestial_planetarium_access::go_celestial_planetarium_accessAI::GossipHello(), WorldSession::HandleAlterAppearance(), OutdoorPvPSI::HandleCustomSpell(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectMoveCommand(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectTurnCommand(), OPvPCapturePoint::HandlePlayerEnter(), OPvPCapturePoint::HandlePlayerLeave(), IsAtInteractDistance(), IsDestructibleBuilding(), IsMotionTransport(), IsNeverVisible(), IsStaticTransport(), IsTransport(), LoadGameObjectFromDB(), MotionTransport::LoadStaticPassengers(), ModifyHealth(), instance_naxxramas::instance_naxxramas_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_naxxramas::instance_naxxramas_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectRemove(), icecrown_citadel_teleport::OnGossipHello(), go_simon_cluster::OnGossipHello(), go_apexis_relic::OnGossipHello(), Acore::NearestGameObjectFishingHole::operator()(), Acore::GameObjectInRangeCheck::operator()(), Acore::GameObjectFocusCheck::operator()(), RemoveFromOwner(), Creature::SaveToDB(), SaveToDB(), BfCapturePoint::SendChangePhase(), OPvPCapturePoint::SendChangePhase(), Player::SendLoot(), Spell::SendLoot(), BfCapturePoint::SetCapturePointData(), SetLootState(), ToMotionTransport(), ToStaticTransport(), ToTransport(), BfCapturePoint::Update(), OPvPCapturePoint::Update(), MotionTransport::Update(), OPvPCapturePointNA::Update(), Update(), UpdateVisibilityOf_helper(), Use(), and UseDoorOrButton().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, and Object::GetByteValue().
Referenced by Map::_ScriptProcessDoor(), go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Activate(), AddToWorld(), BuildValuesUpdate(), instance_blackrock_spire::instance_blackrock_spireMapScript::Dragonspireroomcheck(), GetDebugInfo(), GameObjectModelOwnerImpl::GetPhaseMask(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectInfoCommand(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_oculus::instance_oculus_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_shadowforge_brazier::OnGossipHello(), SaveStateToDB(), SaveToDB(), SwitchDoorOrButton(), MotionTransport::Update(), StaticTransport::Update(), Update(), go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::UpdateAI(), and BattlegroundRV::UpdatePillars().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, and Object::GetByteValue().
Referenced by Map::_ScriptProcessDoor(), ActivateToQuest(), Spell::AddGOTarget(), BuildValuesUpdate(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), InstanceScript::DoUseDoorOrButton(), Spell::EffectSummonObjectWild(), GetInteractionDistance(), go_gilded_brazier::go_gilded_brazierAI::GossipHello(), WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(), WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes(), IsAtInteractDistance(), IsNeverVisible(), OutdoorPvP::OnGameObjectCreate(), OutdoorPvP::OnGameObjectRemove(), go_resonite_cask::OnGossipHello(), go_tablet_of_the_seven::OnGossipHello(), go_sacred_fire_of_life::OnGossipHello(), go_fel_crystalforge::OnGossipHello(), go_bashir_crystalforge::OnGossipHello(), Acore::NearestGameObjectTypeInObjectRangeCheck::operator()(), Player::PrepareGossipMenu(), SmartScript::ProcessAction(), Map::ScriptsProcess(), Spell::SendLoot(), Player::SendQuestGiverStatusMultiple(), SetDestructibleState(), SetLootState(), Update(), and Use().
inline |
References m_goValue.
Referenced by WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), and Transport::GetPathProgress().
float GameObject::GetInteractionDistance | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by IsAtInteractDistance().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GetOwner().
GameObject * GameObject::GetLinkedTrap | ( | ) |
References ObjectAccessor::GetGameObject(), and m_linkedTrap.
Referenced by DespawnOrUnsummon(), Spell::EffectSummonObjectWild(), Spell::EffectTransmitted(), RemoveFromWorld(), go_direbrew_mole_machine::go_direbrew_mole_machineAI::Reset(), TriggeringLinkedGameObject(), and Update().
inline |
inline |
inline |
References m_LootMode.
Referenced by gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectInfoCommand(), and Player::SendLoot().
Player * GameObject::GetLootRecipient | ( | ) | const |
References ObjectAccessor::FindConnectedPlayer(), and m_lootRecipient.
Group * GameObject::GetLootRecipientGroup | ( | ) | const |
References m_lootRecipientGroup, and sGroupMgr.
Referenced by IsLootAllowedFor().
inline |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References DEFAULT_LOCALE, Object::GetEntry(), WorldObject::GetName(), and sObjectMgr.
Referenced by gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectRespawn().
Unit * GameObject::GetOwner | ( | ) | const |
References GetOwnerGUID(), and ObjectAccessor::GetUnit().
Referenced by CastSpell(), Spell::EffectOpenLock(), getLevelForTarget(), go_soulwell::go_soulwellAI::GossipHello(), IsAlwaysVisibleFor(), TriggeringLinkedGameObject(), Update(), and Use().
inline |
References Object::GetGuidValue(), and OBJECT_FIELD_CREATED_BY.
Referenced by Unit::AddGameObject(), BuildValuesUpdate(), CheckRitualList(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), GetOwner(), SmartScript::GetTargets(), WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(), WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(), IsAlwaysVisibleFor(), RemoveFromOwner(), Unit::RemoveGameObject(), Player::SendLoot(), SetOwnerGUID(), Update(), and Use().
inline |
References m_packedRotation.
inline |
References m_respawnDelayTime.
Referenced by gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectTargetCommand(), and Player::SendLoot().
void GameObject::GetRespawnPosition | ( | float & | x, |
float & | y, | ||
float & | z, | ||
float * | ori = nullptr |
) | const |
References Position::GetOrientation(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), m_spawnId, and sObjectMgr.
inline |
References m_respawnTime.
Referenced by spell_q9452_cast_net::CheckCast(), Spell::EffectDummy(), and Player::SendLoot().
time_t GameObject::GetRespawnTimeEx | ( | ) | const |
References GameTime::GetGameTime(), and m_respawnTime.
Referenced by gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectTargetCommand().
virtual |
References gameObjectData, GetGameObjectData(), GetGOInfo(), and GameObjectTemplate::ScriptId.
Referenced by Create(), GetDebugInfo(), ScriptMgr::GetDialogStatus(), ScriptMgr::GetGameObjectAI(), WorldSession::HandleGossipSelectOptionOpcode(), ScriptMgr::OnAddCreaturePassenger(), ScriptMgr::OnAddPassenger(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectDamaged(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectDestroyed(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectLootStateChanged(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectModifyHealth(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectStateChanged(), ScriptMgr::OnGameObjectUpdate(), ScriptMgr::OnGossipHello(), ScriptMgr::OnGossipSelect(), ScriptMgr::OnGossipSelectCode(), ScriptMgr::OnQuestAccept(), ScriptMgr::OnQuestReward(), ScriptMgr::OnRelocate(), ScriptMgr::OnRemovePassenger(), and ScriptMgr::OnTransportUpdate().
inline |
References m_spawnId.
Referenced by Create(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), GetDebugInfo(), SmartScript::GetScript(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectDeleteCommand(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectMoveCommand(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectRespawn(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectTurnCommand(), OPvPCapturePoint::HandleOpenGo(), instance_deadmines::instance_deadmines_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), OutdoorPvP::OnGameObjectCreate(), OutdoorPvP::OnGameObjectRemove(), and SaveStateToDB().
References GetGOInfo(), GameObjectTemplate::GetLockId(), Player::GetSpellMap(), LockEntry::Index, LOCK_KEY_SKILL, LOCK_KEY_SPELL, MAX_LOCK_CASE, LockEntry::Skill, sLockStore, SPELL_EFFECT_OPEN_LOCK, sSpellMgr, and LockEntry::Type.
Referenced by IsAtInteractDistance().
inline |
References m_spellId.
Referenced by Unit::AddGameObject(), CheckRitualList(), ClearRitualList(), Unit::RemoveGameObject(), Update(), and Use().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), Position::GetOrientation(), and m_stationaryPosition.
Referenced by StaticTransport::RelocateToProgress().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), Position::GetPositionX(), and m_stationaryPosition.
Referenced by StaticTransport::RelocateToProgress().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), Position::GetPositionY(), and m_stationaryPosition.
Referenced by StaticTransport::RelocateToProgress().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), Position::GetPositionZ(), and m_stationaryPosition.
Referenced by StaticTransport::RelocateToProgress().
GameObjectTemplateAddon const * GameObject::GetTemplateAddon | ( | ) | const |
References GetGOInfo(), and sObjectMgr.
Referenced by CastSpell(), Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), Delete(), DespawnOrUnsummon(), Spell::EffectActivateObject(), Player::SendLoot(), and Update().
inline |
inline |
G3D::Quat GameObject::GetWorldRotation | ( | ) | const |
References GetLocalRotation(), and WorldObject::GetTransport().
Referenced by IsAtInteractDistance().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, and Object::HasFlag().
Referenced by GetDestructibleState(), WorldSession::HandleGameobjectReportUse(), and Use().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
References Object::GetEntry(), and sObjectMgr.
inline |
References m_LootMode.
inline |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
References Object::GetEntry(), and sObjectMgr.
inline |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References Object::GetGUID(), GetOwner(), GetOwnerGUID(), WorldObject::IsAlwaysVisibleFor(), IsDestructibleBuilding(), Unit::IsFriendlyTo(), IsTransport(), Object::isType(), Object::ToUnit(), and TYPEMASK_UNIT.
bool GameObject::IsAtInteractDistance | ( | Player const * | player, |
SpellInfo const * | spell = nullptr |
) | const |
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS, Position::GetExactDistSq(), GetGOInfo(), GetGoType(), GetInteractionDistance(), SpellInfo::GetMaxRange(), GetSpellForLock(), IsAtInteractDistance(), SpellInfo::IsPositive(), and sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.
bool GameObject::IsAtInteractDistance | ( | Position const & | pos, |
float | radius | ||
) | const |
References Position::GetExactDist(), GetGOInfo(), Object::GetObjectScale(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), GetWorldRotation(), and sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.
Referenced by IsAtInteractDistance(), and IsWithinDistInMap().
bool GameObject::IsDestructibleBuilding | ( | ) | const |
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING, GetGOInfo(), and GameObjectTemplate::type.
Referenced by IsAlwaysVisibleFor(), and ModifyHealth().
bool GameObject::IsInRange | ( | float | x, |
float | y, | ||
float | z, | ||
float | radius | ||
) | const |
Check if the distance between the 2 objects is 0, can happen if both objects are on the same position. The code below this check wont crash if dist is 0 because 0/0 in float operations is valid, and returns infinite
References GameObjectTemplate::displayId, Object::GetObjectScale(), Position::GetOrientation(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), WorldObject::IsWithinDist3d(), m_goInfo, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::maxX, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::maxY, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::maxZ, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::minX, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::minY, GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry::minZ, and sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.
Referenced by _IsWithinDist(), Acore::GameObjectInRangeCheck::operator()(), Acore::AnyPlayerExactPositionInGameObjectRangeCheck::operator()(), and Acore::WorldObjectSpellAreaTargetCheck::operator()().
bool GameObject::IsInSkillupList | ( | ObjectGuid | playerGuid | ) | const |
References m_SkillupList.
Referenced by Spell::EffectOpenLock().
bool GameObject::IsInstanceGameobject | ( | ) | const |
References WorldObject::FindMap(), and ValidateGameobjectType().
Referenced by Create(), SaveStateToDB(), and SetGoState().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References WorldObject::IsInvisibleDueToDespawn(), and isSpawned().
bool GameObject::IsLootAllowedFor | ( | Player const * | player | ) | const |
References Player::GetGroup(), Object::GetGUID(), GetLootRecipientGroup(), WorldObject::HasAllowedLooter(), Player::HasPendingBind(), m_lootRecipient, and m_lootRecipientGroup.
Referenced by BuildValuesUpdate().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), and GameObjectTemplate::type.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS, GetGOInfo(), GetGoType(), WorldObject::IsNeverVisible(), and GameObjectTemplate::serverOnly.
inline |
References m_respawnDelayTime, m_respawnTime, and m_spawnedByDefault.
Referenced by spell_q10612_10613_the_fel_and_the_furious::HandleScriptEffect(), SmartGameObjectAI::InitializeAI(), IsInvisibleDueToDespawn(), GameObjectModelOwnerImpl::IsSpawned(), Acore::NearestGameObjectFishingHole::operator()(), Acore::NearestGameObjectEntryInObjectRangeCheck::operator()(), Acore::GameObjectFocusCheck::operator()(), Refresh(), Map::ScriptsProcess(), Spell::SendLoot(), Update(), and go_tadpole_cage::go_tadpole_cageAI::UpdateAI().
inline |
References m_spawnedByDefault.
Referenced by GameEventMgr::GameEventSpawn(), Player::SendLoot(), PoolGroup< T >::Spawn1Object(), and Update().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT, GetGOInfo(), and GameObjectTemplate::type.
Referenced by Unit::isInAccessiblePlaceFor().
bool GameObject::IsTransport | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by AddToWorld(), GameObjectModelOwnerImpl::GetPhaseMask(), IsAlwaysVisibleFor(), and SetGoState().
bool GameObject::IsWithinDistInMap | ( | Player const * | player | ) | const |
References WorldObject::InSamePhase(), IsAtInteractDistance(), and WorldObject::IsInMap().
Referenced by WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode(), WorldSession::HandleGameobjectReportUse(), WorldSession::HandleLootMoneyOpcode(), Acore::GameObjectFocusCheck::operator()(), Player::SendLoot(), BfCapturePoint::Update(), OPvPCapturePoint::Update(), and OPvPCapturePointNA::Update().
bool WorldObject::IsWithinDistInMap | ( | WorldObject const * | obj, |
float | dist2compare, | ||
bool | is3D = true , |
bool | useBoundingRadius = true |
) | const |
inline |
References LoadGameObjectFromDB().
Referenced by LoadHelper().
bool GameObject::LoadGameObjectFromDB | ( | ObjectGuid::LowType | guid, |
Map * | map, | ||
bool | addToMap = true |
) |
References GameObjectData::animprogress, GameObjectData::artKit, Create(), Map::GenerateLowGuid(), GameTime::GetGameTime(), GetGOInfo(), Map::GetGORespawnTime(), WorldObject::GetMap(), GO_FLAG_NODESPAWN, GameObjectData::go_state, GameObjectData::id, LOG_ERROR, m_goData, m_respawnDelayTime, m_respawnTime, m_spawnedByDefault, m_spawnId, GameObjectData::orientation, GameObjectData::phaseMask, GameObjectData::posX, GameObjectData::posY, GameObjectData::posZ, Map::RemoveGORespawnTime(), GameObjectData::rotation, SetGameObjectFlag(), sObjectMgr, and GameObjectData::spawntimesecs.
Referenced by ObjectMgr::AddGOData(), MotionTransport::CreateGOPassenger(), GameEventMgr::GameEventSpawn(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectAddCommand(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectMoveCommand(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectTurnCommand(), LoadFromDB(), and PoolGroup< T >::Spawn1Object().
GameObject * GameObject::LookupFishingHoleAround | ( | float | range | ) |
References Cell::VisitGridObjects().
Referenced by Use().
void GameObject::ModifyHealth | ( | int32 | change, |
Unit * | attackerOrHealer = nullptr , |
uint32 | spellId = 0 |
) |
References GameObjectValue::Building, GameObjectTemplate::damagedNumHits, Unit::GetCharmerOrOwnerPlayerOrPlayerItself(), GetDestructibleState(), GetGOInfo(), Object::GetPackGUID(), Player::GetSession(), GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_DAMAGED, GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_DESTROYED, GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_INTACT, GameObjectValue::Health, IsDestructibleBuilding(), m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding, m_goValue, GameObjectValue::MaxHealth, WorldSession::SendPacket(), SetDestructibleState(), SetGoAnimProgress(), SMSG_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING_DAMAGE, sScriptMgr, and sSpellMgr.
Referenced by Spell::EffectGameObjectDamage(), and Spell::EffectGameObjectRepair().
void GameObject::Refresh | ( | ) |
References Map::AddToMap(), WorldObject::GetMap(), isSpawned(), m_respawnTime, and m_spawnedByDefault.
Referenced by BattlegroundSA::ResetObjs().
private |
References ASSERT, ObjectGuid::Empty, GetGOInfo(), Object::GetGUID(), GetOwnerGUID(), ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(), LOG_DEBUG, m_spellId, SetOwnerGUID(), ObjectGuid::ToString(), and Position::ToString().
Referenced by CleanupsBeforeDelete(), Delete(), RemoveFromWorld(), and Use().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Object.
References Object::GetGUID(), GetLinkedTrap(), WorldObject::GetMap(), Map::GetObjectsStore(), WorldObject::GetTransport(), Object::IsInWorld(), m_model, m_spawnId, WorldObject::m_zoneScript, Acore::Containers::MultimapErasePair(), ZoneScript::OnGameObjectRemove(), TypeUnorderedMapContainer< OBJECT_TYPES, KEY_TYPE >::Remove(), RemoveFromOwner(), WorldObject::RemoveFromWorld(), Map::RemoveGameObjectModel(), and sScriptMgr.
Referenced by CleanupsBeforeDelete(), BattlegroundIC::PostUpdateImpl(), Map::RemoveFromMap(), Map::UnloadAll(), and go_bear_trap::go_bear_trapAI::UpdateAI().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, and Object::RemoveFlag().
Referenced by go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Activate(), instance_sunken_temple::instance_sunken_temple_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_blackfathom_deeps::instance_blackfathom_deeps_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_nexus::instance_nexus_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_karazhan::instance_karazhan_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_zulgurub::instance_zulgurub_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ahnkahet::instance_ahnkahet_InstanceScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_steam_vault::instance_steam_vault_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_naxxramas::instance_naxxramas_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), SetDestructibleState(), BattlegroundIC::StartingEventOpenDoors(), SwitchDoorOrButton(), Update(), and go_gilded_brazier::go_gilded_brazierAI::UpdateAI().
inline |
References m_LootMode.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, and Object::SetUInt32Value().
Referenced by boss_thorim::boss_thorimAI::CloseDoors(), Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), boss_thorim::boss_thorimAI::DamageTaken(), Delete(), DespawnOrUnsummon(), instance_sunken_temple::instance_sunken_temple_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), and Update().
void GameObject::ResetDoorOrButton | ( | ) |
References GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED, GO_READY, m_cooldownTime, m_lootState, SetLootState(), and SwitchDoorOrButton().
Referenced by InstanceScript::DoUseDoorOrButton(), Spell::EffectActivateObject(), go_bristlelimb_cage::OnGossipHello(), FrozenThroneResetWorker::operator()(), Update(), and npc_unworthy_initiate::npc_unworthy_initiateAI::UpdateAI().
inline |
void GameObject::Respawn | ( | ) |
References GameTime::GetGameTime(), WorldObject::GetMap(), m_respawnTime, m_spawnedByDefault, m_spawnId, and Map::RemoveGORespawnTime().
Referenced by go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Activate(), and Acore::RespawnDo::operator()().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References SaveRespawnTime().
Referenced by go_strange_pool::OnGossipHello(), Map::RemoveFromMap(), SaveRespawnTime(), and Update().
void GameObject::SaveRespawnTime | ( | uint32 | forceDelay | ) |
References GameObjectData::dbData, GameTime::GetGameTime(), WorldObject::GetMap(), m_goData, m_respawnTime, m_spawnedByDefault, m_spawnId, and Map::SaveGORespawnTime().
void GameObject::SaveStateToDB | ( | ) |
References CHAR_INSERT_INSTANCE_SAVED_DATA, CharacterDatabase, GameobjectStateToInt(), GetGoState(), WorldObject::GetInstanceId(), WorldObject::GetInstanceScript(), GetSpawnId(), IsInstanceGameobject(), and PreparedStatementBase::SetData().
Referenced by SetGoState().
void GameObject::SaveToDB | ( | bool | saveAddon = false | ) |
References WorldLocation::GetMapId(), LOG_ERROR, m_spawnId, GameObjectData::phaseMask, SaveToDB(), sObjectMgr, and GameObjectData::spawnMask.
Referenced by SaveToDB().
void GameObject::SaveToDB | ( | uint32 | mapid, |
uint8 | spawnMask, | ||
uint32 | phaseMask, | ||
bool | saveAddon = false |
) |
References GameObjectData::animprogress, GameObjectData::artKit, Object::GetEntry(), GetGoAnimProgress(), GetGoArtKit(), GetGOInfo(), GetGoState(), Position::GetOrientation(), WorldObject::GetPhaseMask(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), GameObjectData::go_state, GameObjectData::id, m_localRotation, m_respawnDelayTime, m_spawnedByDefault, m_spawnId, GameObjectData::mapid, GameObjectData::orientation, GameObjectData::phaseMask, GameObjectData::posX, GameObjectData::posY, GameObjectData::posZ, GameObjectData::rotation, PreparedStatementBase::SetData(), sObjectMgr, GameObjectData::spawnMask, GameObjectData::spawntimesecs, sScriptMgr, WORLD_DEL_GAMEOBJECT, WORLD_INS_GAMEOBJECT, WORLD_INS_GAMEOBJECT_ADDON, and WorldDatabase.
void GameObject::SendCustomAnim | ( | uint32 | anim | ) |
References Object::GetGUID(), WorldObject::SendMessageToSet(), and SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_CUSTOM_ANIM.
Referenced by Spell::EffectActivateObject(), Spell::EffectDummy(), go_gong_of_bethekk::OnGossipHello(), brann_bronzebeard::brann_bronzebeardAI::SwitchHeadVisaul(), Update(), go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::UpdateAI(), and Use().
inline |
References m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding.
void GameObject::SetDestructibleState | ( | GameObjectDestructibleState | state, |
Player * | eventInvoker = nullptr , |
bool | setHealth = false |
) |
References ASSERT, GameObjectValue::Building, GameObjectTemplate::building, GameObjectTemplate::damagedDisplayId, GameObjectTemplate::damagedEvent, GameObjectTemplate::damagedNumHits, GameObjectTemplate::destroyedDisplayId, GameObjectTemplate::destroyedEvent, GameObjectTemplate::destructibleData, GameObjectTemplate::displayId, EnableCollision(), EventInform(), GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING, GetGoType(), WorldObject::GetMap(), GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_DAMAGED, GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_DESTROYED, GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_INTACT, GO_DESTRUCTIBLE_REBUILDING, GO_FLAG_DAMAGED, GO_FLAG_DESTROYED, GameObjectValue::Health, m_goInfo, m_goValue, GameObjectValue::MaxHealth, GameObjectTemplate::rebuildingEvent, RemoveGameObjectFlag(), sDestructibleModelDataStore, SetDisplayId(), SetGameObjectFlag(), SetGoAnimProgress(), and sScriptMgr.
Referenced by Spell::EffectGameObjectSetDestructionState(), BfWGGameObjectBuilding::Init(), ModifyHealth(), instance_trial_of_the_crusader::instance_trial_of_the_crusader_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), FrozenThroneResetWorker::operator()(), BattlegroundIC::PostUpdateImpl(), and BfWGGameObjectBuilding::Rebuild().
void GameObject::SetDisplayId | ( | uint32 | displayid | ) |
References GAMEOBJECT_DISPLAYID, Object::SetUInt32Value(), and UpdateModel().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), and SetDestructibleState().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, and Object::SetFlag().
Referenced by go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Deactivate(), go_chromaggus_lever::go_chromaggus_leverAI::GossipHello(), go_gilded_brazier::go_gilded_brazierAI::GossipHello(), go_celestial_planetarium_access::go_celestial_planetarium_accessAI::GossipHello(), LoadGameObjectFromDB(), BattlefieldWG::OnBattleStart(), instance_uldaman::instance_uldaman_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_blackfathom_deeps::instance_blackfathom_deeps_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_old_hillsbrad::instance_old_hillsbrad_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_razorfen_downs::instance_razorfen_downs_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_karazhan::instance_karazhan_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_zulgurub::instance_zulgurub_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ahnkahet::instance_ahnkahet_InstanceScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_violet_hold::instance_violet_hold_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_gong_of_bethekk::OnGossipHello(), go_elune_fire::OnGossipHello(), go_palehoof_sphere::OnGossipHello(), go_main_chambers_access_panel::OnGossipHello(), SetDestructibleState(), SwitchDoorOrButton(), and Use().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, and Object::SetByteValue().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), ModifyHealth(), and SetDestructibleState().
void GameObject::SetGoArtKit | ( | uint8 | artkit | ) |
References GameObjectData::artKit, GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, m_spawnId, Object::SetByteValue(), and sObjectMgr.
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), Spell::EffectActivateObject(), and SetGoArtKit().
static |
References GetGameObjectData(), SetGoArtKit(), and sObjectMgr.
void GameObject::SetGoState | ( | GOState | state | ) |
References EnableCollision(), GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, GO_STATE_READY, IsAllowedToSaveToDB(), IsInstanceGameobject(), Object::IsInWorld(), IsTransport(), m_model, SaveStateToDB(), Object::SetByteValue(), and sScriptMgr.
Referenced by go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Activate(), boss_thorim::boss_thorimAI::CloseDoors(), Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), boss_thorim::boss_thorimAI::DamageTaken(), go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Deactivate(), Delete(), DespawnOrUnsummon(), go_chromaggus_lever::go_chromaggus_leverAI::GossipHello(), InstanceScript::HandleGameObject(), npc_midsummer_bonfire::Ignite(), instance_sunken_temple::instance_sunken_temple_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_blackfathom_deeps::instance_blackfathom_deeps_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_old_hillsbrad::instance_old_hillsbrad_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_dire_maul::instance_dire_maul_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_gundrak::instance_gundrak_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_karazhan::instance_karazhan_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_stratholme::instance_stratholme_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_culling_of_stratholme::instance_culling_of_stratholme_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ahnkahet::instance_ahnkahet_InstanceScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_pit_of_saron::instance_pit_of_saron_InstanceScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_halls_of_stone::instance_halls_of_stone_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_naxxramas::instance_naxxramas_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_halls_of_lightning::instance_halls_of_lightning_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_palehoof_sphere::OnGossipHello(), go_bristlelimb_cage::OnGossipHello(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OpenIfDone(), FrozenThroneResetWorker::operator()(), npc_wounded_blood_elf::npc_wounded_blood_elfAI::Reset(), BattlegroundIC::StartingEventOpenDoors(), SwitchDoorOrButton(), brann_bronzebeard::brann_bronzebeardAI::SwitchHeadVisaul(), boss_flame_leviathan::boss_flame_leviathanAI::TurnGates(), MotionTransport::Update(), Update(), InstanceScript::UpdateDoorState(), BattlegroundRV::UpdatePillars(), Use(), and npc_wounded_blood_elf::npc_wounded_blood_elfAI::WaypointReached().
inline |
References GAMEOBJECT_BYTES_1, and Object::SetByteValue().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), and MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans().
inline |
void GameObject::SetLocalRotation | ( | G3D::Quat const & | rot | ) |
References Position::GetOrientation(), m_localRotation, and UpdatePackedRotation().
Referenced by Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), and SetLocalRotationAngles().
void GameObject::SetLocalRotationAngles | ( | float | z_rot, |
float | y_rot, | ||
float | x_rot | ||
) |
References SetLocalRotation().
Referenced by Create(), and StaticTransport::Create().
void GameObject::SetLootGenerationTime | ( | ) |
References GameTime::GetGameTime(), and m_lootGenerationTime.
Referenced by Player::SendLoot().
inline |
References m_LootMode.
Referenced by instance_dire_maul::instance_dire_maul_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate().
void GameObject::SetLootRecipient | ( | Creature * | creature | ) |
References ObjectGuid::Clear(), WorldObject::GetAllowedLooters(), Creature::GetLootRecipientGroupGUID(), Creature::GetLootRecipientGUID(), m_lootRecipient, m_lootRecipientGroup, WorldObject::ResetAllowedLooters(), and WorldObject::SetAllowedLooters().
Referenced by boss_thorim::boss_thorimAI::DamageTaken(), and instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate().
void GameObject::SetLootRecipient | ( | Map * | map | ) |
References WorldObject::AddAllowedLooter(), MapRefMgr::begin(), MapRefMgr::end(), ObjectGuid::GetCounter(), Group::GetGUID(), Map::GetPlayers(), m_lootRecipient, and m_lootRecipientGroup.
References _lootStateUnitGUID, AI(), GameObjectTemplate::chestRestockTime, ObjectGuid::Clear(), GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GameTime::GetGameTime(), GetGOInfo(), GetGoType(), Object::GetGUID(), GO_ACTIVATED, m_lootState, m_restockTime, GameObjectAI::OnStateChanged(), and sScriptMgr.
Referenced by go_suppression_device::go_suppression_deviceAI::Activate(), Delete(), DespawnOrUnsummon(), WorldSession::DoLootRelease(), Spell::EffectOpenLock(), spell_q9452_cast_net::HandleActiveObject(), spell_q10612_10613_the_fel_and_the_furious::HandleScriptEffect(), instance_deadmines::instance_deadmines_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_oculus::instance_oculus_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_massive_seaforium_charge::OnGossipHello(), go_ulduar_working_harpoon::OnGossipHello(), go_suppression_device::OnLootStateChanged(), SmartScript::ProcessAction(), go_direbrew_mole_machine::go_direbrew_mole_machineAI::Reset(), ResetDoorOrButton(), Map::ScriptsProcess(), Player::SendLoot(), boss_flame_leviathan::boss_flame_leviathanAI::TurnHealStations(), Update(), Use(), and UseDoorOrButton().
inline |
References ABORT, GetOwnerGUID(), m_spawnedByDefault, OBJECT_FIELD_CREATED_BY, and Object::SetGuidValue().
Referenced by Unit::AddGameObject(), Spell::EffectTransmitted(), Unit::RemoveAllGameObjects(), RemoveFromOwner(), Unit::RemoveGameObject(), and Use().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from WorldObject.
References EnableCollision(), GameObjectModel::isEnabled(), m_model, and WorldObject::SetPhaseMask().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), instance_blackwing_lair::instance_blackwing_lair_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), and instance_halls_of_reflection::instance_halls_of_reflection_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate().
inline |
References Position::GetOrientation(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), and SetPosition().
Referenced by SetPosition().
void GameObject::SetPosition | ( | float | x, |
float | y, | ||
float | z, | ||
float | o | ||
) |
References Map::GameObjectRelocation(), WorldObject::GetMap(), and Acore::IsValidMapCoord().
Referenced by instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate().
void GameObject::SetRespawnDelay | ( | int32 | respawn | ) |
References m_respawnDelayTime.
Referenced by go_strange_pool::OnGossipHello(), and SetRespawnTime().
void GameObject::SetRespawnTime | ( | int32 | respawn | ) |
References GameTime::GetGameTime(), m_respawnTime, m_spawnedByDefault, SetRespawnDelay(), and WorldObject::UpdateObjectVisibility().
Referenced by OPvPCapturePoint::DelCapturePoint(), OPvPCapturePoint::DelObject(), DespawnOrUnsummon(), Spell::EffectDuel(), Spell::EffectDummy(), Spell::EffectOpenLock(), Spell::EffectSummonObject(), Spell::EffectSummonObjectWild(), Spell::EffectTransmitted(), spell_q9452_cast_net::HandleActiveObject(), OutdoorPvPSI::HandleCustomSpell(), OutdoorPvPSI::HandleDropFlag(), gobject_commandscript::HandleGameObjectAddCommand(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::OnGameObjectCreate(), go_ulduar_working_harpoon::OnGossipHello(), Unit::RemoveAllGameObjects(), Unit::RemoveGameObject(), Map::ScriptsProcess(), BattlegroundIC::SetupBattleground(), Map::SummonGameObject(), WorldObject::SummonGameObject(), and Update().
inline |
References m_spawnedByDefault.
Referenced by Map::SummonGameObject(), and WorldObject::SummonGameObject().
inline |
References m_spawnedByDefault, and m_spellId.
Referenced by Spell::EffectDuel(), Spell::EffectSummonObject(), Spell::EffectSummonObjectWild(), Spell::EffectTransmitted(), Map::SummonGameObject(), WorldObject::SummonGameObject(), and Use().
void GameObject::SetTransportPathRotation | ( | float | qx, |
float | qy, | ||
float | qz, | ||
float | qw | ||
) |
References GAMEOBJECT_PARENTROTATION, and Object::SetFloatValue().
Referenced by Create(), StaticTransport::Create(), MotionTransport::CreateMoTrans(), and BattlegroundSA::ResetObjs().
private |
References GetGoState(), GO_FLAG_IN_USE, GO_STATE_ACTIVE, GO_STATE_ACTIVE_ALTERNATIVE, GO_STATE_READY, RemoveGameObjectFlag(), SetGameObjectFlag(), and SetGoState().
Referenced by Create(), ResetDoorOrButton(), and UseDoorOrButton().
inline |
Referenced by BuildValuesUpdate(), ResetEncounterEvent::Execute(), npc_commandscript::HandleNpcAddCommand(), npc_gunship::npc_gunshipAI::JustDied(), npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igb::npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igbAI::npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igbAI(), npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igb::npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igbAI::npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igbAI(), instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::ProcessEvent(), Map::RemoveAllObjectsInRemoveList(), Creature::SaveToDB(), npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igb::npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igbAI::sGossipSelect(), npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igb::npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igbAI::sGossipSelect(), WaypointMovementGenerator< Creature >::StartMove(), npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igb::npc_high_overlord_saurfang_igbAI::UpdateAI(), and npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igb::npc_muradin_bronzebeard_igbAI::UpdateAI().
inline |
inline |
Referenced by BuildValuesUpdate(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::OnPlayerEnter(), instance_ulduar::instance_ulduar_InstanceMapScript::SetData(), and instance_icecrown_citadel::instance_icecrown_citadel_InstanceMapScript::Update().
inline |
inline |
Referenced by MotionTransport::AddPassenger(), StaticTransport::AddPassenger(), Object::BuildMovementUpdate(), CleanupsBeforeDelete(), Map::GetTransport(), Player::LoadFromDB(), npc_gunship_boarding_addAI::MovementInform(), MotionTransport::RemovePassenger(), and StaticTransport::RemovePassenger().
inline |