AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for Player, including all inherited members.
_activeCheats | Player | private |
_addAttacker(Unit *pAttacker) | Unit | inlineprivate |
_AddAura(UnitAura *aura, Unit *caster) | Unit | |
_addSpell(uint32 spellId, uint8 addSpecMask, bool temporary, bool learnFromSkill=false) | Player | |
_AddSpellCooldown(uint32 spell_id, uint16 categoryId, uint32 itemid, uint32 end_time, bool needSendToClient=false, bool forceSendToSpectator=false) | Player | |
_addTalentAurasAndSpells(uint32 spellId) | Player | |
_allowedLooters | WorldObject | private |
_ApplyAllAuraStatMods() | Unit | |
_ApplyAllItemMods() | Player | |
_ApplyAllLevelScaleItemMods(bool apply) | Player | |
_ApplyAllStatBonuses() | Player | |
_ApplyAmmoBonuses() | Player | |
_ApplyAura(AuraApplication *aurApp, uint8 effMask) | Unit | |
_ApplyAuraEffect(Aura *aura, uint8 effIndex) | Unit | |
_ApplyItemBonuses(ItemTemplate const *proto, uint8 slot, bool apply, bool only_level_scale=false) | Player | |
_ApplyItemMods(Item *item, uint8 slot, bool apply) | Player | |
_ApplyWeaponDamage(uint8 slot, ItemTemplate const *proto, ScalingStatValuesEntry const *ssv, bool apply) | Player | |
_ApplyWeaponDependentAuraCritMod(Item *item, WeaponAttackType attackType, AuraEffect const *aura, bool apply) | Player | |
_ApplyWeaponDependentAuraDamageMod(Item *item, WeaponAttackType attackType, AuraEffect const *aura, bool apply) | Player | |
_ApplyWeaponDependentAuraMods(Item *item, WeaponAttackType attackType, bool apply) | Player | |
_areaId | WorldObject | protected |
_BgBattlegroundQueueID | Player | protected |
_changesMask | Object | protected |
_charmThreatInfo | Unit | protected |
_cinematicMgr | Player | private |
_ConcatFields(uint16 startIndex, uint16 size) const | Object | protected |
_corpseLocation | Player | private |
_Create(ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, HighGuid guidhigh, uint32 phaseMask) | WorldObject | |
Object::_Create(ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, uint32 entry, HighGuid guidhigh) | Object | protected |
_CreateAuraApplication(Aura *aura, uint8 effMask) | Unit | |
_DeleteRemovedAuras() | Unit | protected |
_EnterVehicle(Vehicle *vehicle, int8 seatId, AuraApplication const *aurApp=nullptr) | Unit | |
_ExitVehicle(Position const *exitPosition=nullptr) | Unit | |
_farSightDistance | Player | private |
_fieldNotifyFlags | Object | protected |
_floorZ | WorldObject | protected |
_gridRef | GridObject< Player > | private |
_InitValues() | Object | protected |
_innTriggerId | Player | protected |
_instanceResetTimes | Player | private |
_instantCast | Unit | protected |
_IsNoStackAuraDueToAura(Aura *appliedAura, Aura *existingAura) const | Unit | |
_IsValidAssistTarget(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *bySpell) const | Unit | |
_IsValidAttackTarget(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *bySpell, WorldObject const *obj=nullptr) const | Unit | |
_isWalkingBeforeCharm | Unit | private |
_IsWithinDist(WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const | WorldObject | privatevirtual |
_lastDamagedTargetGuid | Unit | private |
_lastExtraAttackSpell | Unit | private |
_lastLiquid | Unit | protected |
_liquidData | WorldObject | protected |
_LoadActions(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadArenaTeamInfo() | Player | protected |
_LoadAuras(PreparedQueryResult result, uint32 timediff) | Player | protected |
_LoadBrewOfTheMonth(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadCharacterSettings(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadDailyQuestStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadDeclinedNames(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadEntryPointData(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadEquipmentSets(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadFriendList(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadGlyphAuras() | Player | protected |
_LoadGlyphs(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadGroup() | Player | protected |
_LoadHomeBind(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadInstanceTimeRestrictions(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadIntoDataField(std::string const &data, uint32 startOffset, uint32 count) | Object | protected |
_LoadInventory(PreparedQueryResult result, uint32 timeDiff) | Player | protected |
_LoadItem(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans, uint32 zoneId, uint32 timeDiff, Field *fields) | Player | private |
_LoadMail(PreparedQueryResult mailsResult, PreparedQueryResult mailItemsResult) | Player | protected |
_LoadMailedItem(ObjectGuid const &playerGuid, Player *player, uint32 mailId, Mail *mail, Field *fields) | Player | protectedstatic |
_LoadMonthlyQuestStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadPetStable(uint8 petStableSlots, PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadQuestStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadQuestStatusRewarded(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadRandomBGStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadSeasonalQuestStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadSkills(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadSpellCooldowns(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | |
_LoadSpells(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadTalents(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_LoadWeeklyQuestStatus(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | protected |
_oldFactionId | Unit | private |
_outdoors | WorldObject | protected |
_pendingBindId | Player | private |
_pendingBindTimer | Player | private |
_redirectThreatInfo | Unit | private |
_RegisterAuraEffect(AuraEffect *aurEff, bool apply) | Unit | |
_RegisterDynObject(DynamicObject *dynObj) | Unit | |
_RemoveAllAuraStatMods() | Unit | |
_RemoveAllItemMods() | Player | |
_RemoveAllStatBonuses() | Player | |
_removeAttacker(Unit *pAttacker) | Unit | inlineprivate |
_RemoveNoStackAuraApplicationsDueToAura(Aura *aura) | Unit | |
_RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura(Aura *aura) | Unit | |
_removeTalent(PlayerTalentMap::iterator &itr, uint8 specMask) | Player | |
_removeTalent(uint32 spellId, uint8 specMask) | Player | |
_removeTalentAurasAndSpells(uint32 spellId) | Player | |
_restBonus | Player | protected |
_restFlagMask | Player | protected |
_restTime | Player | protected |
_SaveActions(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveAuras(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans, bool logout) | Player | protected |
_SaveCharacter(bool create, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveDailyQuestStatus(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveEntryPoint(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveEquipmentSets(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveGlyphs(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveInstanceTimeRestrictions(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveInventory(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveMail(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveMonthlyQuestStatus(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SavePlayerSettings(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveQuestStatus(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveSeasonalQuestStatus(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveSkills(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | |
_SaveSpellCooldowns(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans, bool logout) | Player | |
_SaveSpells(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveStats(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveTalents(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_SaveWeeklyQuestStatus(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | protected |
_StoreItem(uint16 pos, Item *pItem, uint32 count, bool clone, bool update) | Player | private |
_StoreOrEquipNewItem(uint32 vendorslot, uint32 item, uint8 count, uint8 bag, uint8 slot, int32 price, ItemTemplate const *pProto, Creature *pVendor, VendorItem const *crItem, bool bStore) | Player | inline |
_TryStackingOrRefreshingExistingAura(SpellInfo const *newAura, uint8 effMask, Unit *caster, int32 *baseAmount=nullptr, Item *castItem=nullptr, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, bool periodicReset=false) | Unit | |
_UnapplyAura(AuraApplicationMap::iterator &i, AuraRemoveMode removeMode) | Unit | |
_UnapplyAura(AuraApplication *aurApp, AuraRemoveMode removeMode) | Unit | |
_UnregisterDynObject(DynamicObject *dynObj) | Unit | |
_UpdateAutoRepeatSpell() | Unit | protected |
_updatePositionData | WorldObject | protected |
_UpdateSpells(uint32 time) | Unit | protected |
_valuesUpdateCache | Unit | private |
_wasOutdoor | Player | private |
_zoneId | WorldObject | protected |
AbandonQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
ActivateSpec(uint8 spec) | Player | |
ActivateTaxiPathTo(std::vector< uint32 > const &nodes, Creature *npc=nullptr, uint32 spellid=1) | Player | |
ActivateTaxiPathTo(uint32 taxi_path_id, uint32 spellid=1) | Player | |
addActionButton(uint8 button, uint32 action, uint8 type) | Player | |
AddAllowedLooter(ObjectGuid guid) | WorldObject | |
AddArmorProficiency(uint32 newflag) | Player | inline |
AddAura(uint32 spellId, Unit *target) | Unit | |
AddAura(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint8 effMask, Unit *target) | Unit | |
AddBattlegroundQueueId(BattlegroundQueueTypeId val) | Player | |
AddComboPointHolder(Unit *unit) | Unit | inline |
AddComboPoints(Unit *target, int8 count) | Unit | |
AddComboPoints(int8 count) | Unit | inline |
AddEnchantmentDuration(Item *item, EnchantmentSlot slot, uint32 duration) | Player | |
AddEnchantmentDurations(Item *item) | Player | |
AddExtraAttacks(uint32 count) | Unit | |
AddExtraUnitMovementFlag(uint16 f) | Unit | inline |
addFollower(FollowerReference *pRef) | Unit | inline |
AddGameObject(GameObject *gameObj) | Unit | |
AddGuidValue(uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) | Object | |
addHatedBy(HostileReference *pHostileReference) | Unit | inline |
AddInstanceEnterTime(uint32 instanceId, time_t enterTime) | Player | inline |
AddInterruptMask(uint32 mask) | Unit | inline |
AddItem(uint32 itemId, uint32 count) | Player | |
AddItemDurations(Item *item) | Player | |
AddItemToBuyBackSlot(Item *pItem, uint32 money) | Player | |
AdditionalSavingAddMask(uint8 mask) | Player | inline |
AddKnownCurrency(uint32 itemId) | Player | private |
AddMail(Mail *mail) | Player | inline |
AddMItem(Item *it) | Player | inline |
AddNewMailDeliverTime(time_t deliver_time) | Player | |
AddObjectToRemoveList() | WorldObject | |
AddPetAura(PetAura const *petSpell) | Unit | |
AddPlayerToVision(Player *player) | Unit | |
AddPointedBy(SafeUnitPointer *sup) | Unit | inline |
AddQuest(Quest const *quest, Object *questGiver) | Player | |
AddQuestAndCheckCompletion(Quest const *quest, Object *questGiver) | Player | |
AddReceivedSpectatorResetFor(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
AddRefundReference(ObjectGuid itemGUID) | Player | |
AddRuneByAuraEffect(uint8 index, RuneType newType, AuraEffect const *aura) | Player | inline |
AddRunePower(uint8 index) | Player | |
addSpell(uint32 spellId, uint8 addSpecMask, bool updateActive, bool temporary=false, bool learnFromSkill=false) | Player | |
AddSpellAndCategoryCooldowns(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint32 itemId, Spell *spell=nullptr, bool infinityCooldown=false) | Player | |
AddSpellCooldown(uint32 spell_id, uint32 itemid, uint32 end_time, bool needSendToClient=false, bool forceSendToSpectator=false) override | Player | virtual |
AddSpellMod(SpellModifier *mod, bool apply) | Player | |
addTalent(uint32 spellId, uint8 addSpecMask, uint8 oldTalentRank) | Player | |
AddThreat(Unit *victim, float fThreat, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, SpellInfo const *threatSpell=nullptr) | Unit | |
AddTimedQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | inline |
AddToGrid(GridRefMgr< Player > &m) | GridObject< Player > | inline |
AddToNotify(uint16 f) | WorldObject | |
AddToObjectUpdate() override | WorldObject | virtual |
AddToObjectUpdateIfNeeded() | Object | protected |
AddToWorld() override | Player | virtual |
AddTradeableItem(Item *item) | Player | |
AddUnitMovementFlag(uint32 f) | Unit | inline |
AddUnitState(uint32 f) | Unit | inline |
AddUnitTypeMask(uint32 mask) | Unit | inline |
AddWeaponProficiency(uint32 newflag) | Player | inline |
AddWhisperWhiteList(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
AdjustQuestReqItemCount(Quest const *quest, QuestStatusData &questStatusData) | Player | private |
ApplyAttackTimePercentMod(WeaponAttackType att, float val, bool apply) | Unit | |
ApplyCastTimePercentMod(float val, bool apply) | Unit | |
ApplyDiminishingAura(DiminishingGroup group, bool apply) | Unit | |
ApplyDiminishingToDuration(DiminishingGroup group, int32 &duration, Unit *caster, DiminishingLevels Level, int32 limitduration) | Unit | |
ApplyEffectModifiers(SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint8 effect_index, float value) const | Unit | |
ApplyEnchantment(Item *item, EnchantmentSlot slot, bool apply, bool apply_dur=true, bool ignore_condition=false) | Player | |
ApplyEnchantment(Item *item, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyEquipCooldown(Item *pItem) | Player | |
ApplyEquipSpell(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, Item *item, bool apply, bool form_change=false) | Player | |
ApplyFeralAPBonus(int32 amount, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyHealthRegenBonus(int32 amount, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyItemEquipSpell(Item *item, bool apply, bool form_change=false) | Player | |
ApplyManaRegenBonus(int32 amount, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyModFlag(uint16 index, uint32 flag, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModFlag64(uint16 index, uint64 flag, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModInt32Value(uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModPositiveFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModSignedFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModUInt32Value(uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyModUInt64Value(uint16 index, int32 val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyPercentModFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool apply) | Object | |
ApplyRatingMod(CombatRating cr, int32 value, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyResilience(Unit const *victim, float *crit, int32 *damage, bool isCrit, CombatRating type) | Unit | static |
ApplyResistanceBuffModsMod(SpellSchools school, bool positive, float val, bool apply) | Unit | inline |
ApplyResistanceBuffModsPercentMod(SpellSchools school, bool positive, float val, bool apply) | Unit | inline |
ApplySpellDispelImmunity(SpellInfo const *spellProto, DispelType type, bool apply) | Unit | |
ApplySpellImmune(uint32 spellId, uint32 op, uint32 type, bool apply, SpellImmuneBlockType blockType=SPELL_BLOCK_TYPE_ALL) | Unit | |
ApplySpellMod(uint32 spellId, SpellModOp op, T &basevalue, Spell *spell=nullptr, bool temporaryPet=false) | Player | |
ApplySpellPenetrationBonus(int32 amount, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplySpellPowerBonus(int32 amount, bool apply) | Player | |
ApplyStatBuffMod(Stats stat, float val, bool apply) | Unit | inline |
ApplyStatPercentBuffMod(Stats stat, float val, bool apply) | Unit | |
ApplyTotalThreatModifier(float fThreat, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) | Unit | |
AreaExploredOrEventHappens(uint32 questId) | Player | |
Attack(Unit *victim, bool meleeAttack) | Unit | |
AttackerSet typedef | Unit | |
AttackerStateUpdate(Unit *victim, WeaponAttackType attType=BASE_ATTACK, bool extra=false, bool ignoreCasting=false) | Unit | |
AttackStop() | Unit | |
AuraApplicationList typedef | Unit | |
AuraApplicationMap typedef | Unit | |
AuraApplicationMapBounds typedef | Unit | |
AuraApplicationMapBoundsNonConst typedef | Unit | |
AuraEffectList typedef | Unit | |
AuraList typedef | Unit | |
AuraMap typedef | Unit | |
AuraMapBounds typedef | Unit | |
AuraMapBoundsNonConst typedef | Unit | |
AuraStateAurasMap typedef | Unit | |
AuraStateAurasMapBounds typedef | Unit | |
autoReplyMsg | Player | |
AutoStoreLoot(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, uint32 loot_id, LootStore const &store, bool broadcast=false) | Player | |
AutoStoreLoot(uint32 loot_id, LootStore const &store, bool broadcast=false) | Player | inline |
AutoUnequipOffhandIfNeed(bool force=false) | Player | |
BankItem(ItemPosCountVec const &dest, Item *pItem, bool update) | Player | inline |
BankItem(uint16 pos, Item *pItem, bool update) | Player | |
bgZoneIdToFillWorldStates | Player | static |
BindToInstance() | Player | |
bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate | Unit | |
BuildAuraStateUpdateForTarget(Unit *target) const | Unit | |
BuildCooldownPacket(WorldPacket &data, uint8 flags, uint32 spellId, uint32 cooldown) | Unit | |
BuildCooldownPacket(WorldPacket &data, uint8 flags, PacketCooldowns const &cooldowns) | Unit | |
BuildCreateUpdateBlockForPlayer(UpdateData *data, Player *target) override | Player | virtual |
BuildEnchantmentsInfoData(WorldPacket *data) | Player | |
BuildEnumData(PreparedQueryResult result, WorldPacket *data) | Player | static |
BuildFieldsUpdate(Player *, UpdateDataMapType &) | Object | |
BuildHeartBeatMsg(WorldPacket *data) const | Unit | |
BuildMovementPacket(ByteBuffer *data) const | Unit | |
BuildMovementUpdate(ByteBuffer *data, uint16 flags) const | Object | protected |
BuildMovementUpdateBlock(UpdateData *data, uint32 flags=0) const | Object | |
BuildOutOfRangeUpdateBlock(UpdateData *data) const | Object | |
BuildPetTalentsInfoData(WorldPacket *data) | Player | |
BuildPlayerRepop() | Player | |
BuildPlayerTalentsInfoData(WorldPacket *data) | Player | |
BuildUpdate(UpdateDataMapType &data_map, UpdatePlayerSet &player_set) override | WorldObject | virtual |
BuildValuesUpdate(uint8 updateType, ByteBuffer *data, Player *target) override | Unit | protectedvirtual |
BuildValuesUpdateBlockForPlayer(UpdateData *data, Player *target) | Object | |
BuyItemFromVendorSlot(ObjectGuid vendorguid, uint32 vendorslot, uint32 item, uint8 count, uint8 bag, uint8 slot) | Player | |
CalcAbsorbResist(DamageInfo &dmgInfo, bool Splited=false) | Unit | static |
CalcArmorReducedDamage(Unit const *attacker, Unit const *victim, const uint32 damage, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint8 attackerLevel=0, WeaponAttackType attackType=MAX_ATTACK) | Unit | static |
CalcHealAbsorb(HealInfo &healInfo) | Unit | static |
CalcRage(uint32 damage, bool attacker) | Player | |
CalcSpellDuration(SpellInfo const *spellProto) | Unit | |
CalculateAOEDamageReduction(int32 damage, uint32 schoolMask, Unit *caster) const | Unit | |
CalculateCorpseReclaimDelay(bool load=false) | Player | |
CalculateDamage(WeaponAttackType attType, bool normalized, bool addTotalPct, uint8 itemDamagesMask=0) | Unit | |
CalculateDefaultCoefficient(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, DamageEffectType damagetype) const | Unit | |
CalculateLevelPenalty(SpellInfo const *spellProto) const | Unit | |
CalculateMeleeDamage(Unit *victim, CalcDamageInfo *damageInfo, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, const bool sittingVictim=false) | Unit | |
CalculateMinMaxDamage(WeaponAttackType attType, bool normalized, bool addTotalPct, float &minDamage, float &maxDamage, uint8 damageIndex) override | Player | virtual |
CalculateQuestRewardXP(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
CalculateReputationGain(ReputationSource source, uint32 creatureOrQuestLevel, float rep, int32 faction, bool noQuestBonus=false) | Player | |
CalculateSpellDamage(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint8 effect_index, int32 const *basePoints=nullptr) const | Unit | |
CalculateSpellDamageTaken(SpellNonMeleeDamage *damageInfo, int32 damage, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, bool crit=false) | Unit | |
CalculateTalentsPoints() const | Player | |
CanAddQuest(Quest const *quest, bool msg) | Player | |
CanAlwaysSee(WorldObject const *obj) const override | Player | protectedvirtual |
CanApplyResilience() const | Unit | inline |
CanBankItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, ItemPosCountVec &dest, Item *pItem, bool swap, bool not_loading=true) const | Player | |
CanBlock() const | Player | inline |
CanCaptureTowerPoint() const | Player | |
CanCompleteQuest(uint32 quest_id, const QuestStatusData *q_savedStatus=nullptr) | Player | |
CanCompleteRepeatableQuest(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
CanDetect(WorldObject const *obj, bool ignoreStealth, bool checkClient, bool checkAlert=false) const | WorldObject | private |
CanDetectInvisibilityOf(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | private |
CanDetectStealthOf(WorldObject const *obj, bool checkAlert=false) const | WorldObject | private |
CanDualWield() const | Unit | inline |
CanEnterWater() const override | Player | inlinevirtual |
CanEquipItem(uint8 slot, uint16 &dest, Item *pItem, bool swap, bool not_loading=true) const | Player | |
CanEquipNewItem(uint8 slot, uint16 &dest, uint32 item, bool swap) const | Player | |
CanEquipUniqueItem(Item *pItem, uint8 except_slot=NULL_SLOT, uint32 limit_count=1) const | Player | |
CanEquipUniqueItem(ItemTemplate const *itemProto, uint8 except_slot=NULL_SLOT, uint32 limit_count=1) const | Player | |
CanFly() const override | Player | inlinevirtual |
canFlyInZone(uint32 mapid, uint32 zone, SpellInfo const *bySpell) | Player | |
CanFreeMove() const | Unit | inline |
CanHaveThreatList(bool skipAliveCheck=false) const | Unit | |
CanInstantCast() const | Unit | inline |
CanInteractWithQuestGiver(Object *questGiver) | Player | |
CanJoinConstantChannelInZone(ChatChannelsEntry const *channel, AreaTableEntry const *zone) | Player | |
CanJoinToBattleground() const | Player | |
CanKnockback() | Player | inline |
CanModifyStats() const | Unit | inline |
CanNeverSee(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | private |
CanNoReagentCast(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Player | |
CanParry() const | Player | inline |
CanPetResurrect() | Player | |
CanProc() | Unit | inline |
CanReportAfkDueToLimit() | Player | |
CanRestoreMana(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
CanResummonPet(uint32 spellid) | Player | |
CanRewardQuest(Quest const *quest, bool msg) | Player | |
CanRewardQuest(Quest const *quest, uint32 reward, bool msg) | Player | |
CanRollForItemInLFG(ItemTemplate const *item, WorldObject const *lootedObject) const | Player | |
CanSeeDKPet() const | Player | inline |
CanSeeOrDetect(WorldObject const *obj, bool ignoreStealth=false, bool distanceCheck=false, bool checkAlert=false) const | WorldObject | |
CanSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const *creature) const | Player | |
CanSeeStartQuest(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
CanSeeVendor(Creature const *creature) const | Player | |
CanShareQuest(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | |
CanSpeak() const | Player | |
CanStoreItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, ItemPosCountVec &dest, Item *pItem, bool swap=false) const | Player | inline |
CanStoreItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, ItemPosCountVec &dest, uint32 entry, uint32 count, Item *pItem=nullptr, bool swap=false, uint32 *no_space_count=nullptr) const | Player | |
CanStoreItem_InBag(uint8 bag, ItemPosCountVec &dest, ItemTemplate const *pProto, uint32 &count, bool merge, bool non_specialized, Item *pSrcItem, uint8 skip_bag, uint8 skip_slot) const | Player | private |
CanStoreItem_InInventorySlots(uint8 slot_begin, uint8 slot_end, ItemPosCountVec &dest, ItemTemplate const *pProto, uint32 &count, bool merge, Item *pSrcItem, uint8 skip_bag, uint8 skip_slot) const | Player | private |
CanStoreItem_InSpecificSlot(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, ItemPosCountVec &dest, ItemTemplate const *pProto, uint32 &count, bool swap, Item *pSrcItem) const | Player | private |
CanStoreItems(Item **pItem, int32 count) const | Player | |
CanStoreNewItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, ItemPosCountVec &dest, uint32 item, uint32 count, uint32 *no_space_count=nullptr) const | Player | inline |
CanSwim() const | Unit | virtual |
CanTakeMoreSimilarItems(Item *pItem) const | Player | inline |
CanTakeMoreSimilarItems(uint32 entry, uint32 count) const | Player | inline |
CanTakeMoreSimilarItems(uint32 entry, uint32 count, Item *pItem, uint32 *no_space_count=nullptr) const | Player | |
CanTakeQuest(Quest const *quest, bool msg) | Player | |
CanTameExoticPets() const | Player | inline |
CanTeleport() | Player | inline |
CanTitanGrip() const | Player | inline |
CanUnequipItem(uint16 src, bool swap) const | Player | |
CanUnequipItems(uint32 item, uint32 count) const | Player | |
CanUninviteFromGroup(ObjectGuid targetPlayerGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty) const | Player | |
CanUseAmmo(uint32 item) const | Player | |
CanUseAttackType(uint8 attacktype) const | Unit | inline |
CanUseBattlegroundObject(GameObject *gameobject) const | Player | |
CanUseItem(Item *pItem, bool not_loading=true) const | Player | |
CanUseItem(ItemTemplate const *pItem) const | Player | |
CastCustomSpell(Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, int32 const *bp0, int32 const *bp1, int32 const *bp2, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastCustomSpell(uint32 spellId, SpellValueMod mod, int32 value, Unit *victim, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastCustomSpell(uint32 spellId, SpellValueMod mod, int32 value, Unit *victim=nullptr, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastCustomSpell(uint32 spellId, CustomSpellValues const &value, Unit *victim=nullptr, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastDelayedSpellWithPeriodicAmount(Unit *caster, uint32 spellId, AuraType auraType, int32 addAmount, uint8 effectIndex=0) | Unit | |
CastItemCombatSpell(Unit *target, WeaponAttackType attType, uint32 procVictim, uint32 procEx) | Player | |
CastItemCombatSpell(Unit *target, WeaponAttackType attType, uint32 procVictim, uint32 procEx, Item *item, ItemTemplate const *proto) | Player | |
CastItemUseSpell(Item *item, SpellCastTargets const &targets, uint8 cast_count, uint32 glyphIndex) | Player | |
CastPetAura(PetAura const *aura) | Unit | |
CastSpell(SpellCastTargets const &targets, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, CustomSpellValues const *value, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(float x, float y, float z, uint32 spellId, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastSpell(GameObject *go, uint32 spellId, bool triggered, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
CastStop(uint32 except_spellid=0, bool withInstant=true) | Unit | |
ChangeSeat(int8 seatId, bool next=true) | Unit | |
CharmSpellInitialize() | Player | |
CharmThreatMap typedef | Unit | protected |
CheckAllAchievementCriteria() | Player | |
CheckAmmoCompatibility(ItemTemplate const *ammo_proto) const | Player | |
CheckAreaExploreAndOutdoor() | Player | |
CheckDuelDistance(time_t currTime) | Player | |
CheckInstanceCount(uint32 instanceId) const | Player | |
CheckInstanceLoginValid() | Player | |
CinematicMgr | Player | friend |
CleanupAfterTaxiFlight() | Player | |
CleanupBeforeRemoveFromMap(bool finalCleanup) | Unit | |
CleanupChannels() | Player | |
CleanupsBeforeDelete(bool finalCleanup=true) override | Player | virtual |
ClearAfkReports() | Player | inline |
ClearAllReactives() | Unit | |
ClearChannelWatch() | Player | |
ClearComboPointHolders() | Unit | |
ClearComboPoints() | Unit | |
ClearDiminishings() | Unit | inline |
ClearInCombat() | Unit | |
ClearInPetCombat() | Unit | |
ClearReceivedSpectatorResetFor() | Player | inline |
clearResurrectRequestData() | Player | inline |
ClearUnitState(uint32 f) | Unit | inline |
ClearUpdateMask(bool remove) | Object | |
ClearWhisperWhiteList() | Player | inline |
ClearZoneScript() | WorldObject | |
CombatStart(Unit *target, bool initialAggro=true) | Unit | |
CombatStartOnCast(Unit *target, bool initialAggro=true, uint32 duration=0) | Unit | |
CombatStop(bool includingCast=false) | Unit | |
CombatStopWithPets(bool includingCast=false) | Unit | |
ComboPointHolderSet typedef | Unit | |
CompletedAchievement(AchievementEntry const *entry) | Player | |
CompleteQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
ContinueTaxiFlight() | Player | |
ControlSet typedef | Unit | |
ConvertRune(uint8 index, RuneType newType) | Player | |
CorrectMetaGemEnchants(uint8 slot, bool apply) | Player | |
CountPctFromCurHealth(int32 pct) const | Unit | inline |
CountPctFromMaxHealth(int32 pct) const | Unit | inline |
Create(ObjectGuid::LowType guidlow, CharacterCreateInfo *createInfo) | Player | |
CreateCorpse() | Player | |
CreatePet(Creature *creatureTarget, uint32 spellID=0) | Player | |
CreatePet(uint32 creatureEntry, uint32 spellID=0) | Player | |
CreateTamedPetFrom(Creature *creatureTarget, uint32 spell_id=0) | Unit | |
CreateTamedPetFrom(uint32 creatureEntry, uint32 spell_id=0) | Unit | |
CreateVehicleKit(uint32 id, uint32 creatureEntry) | Unit | |
CustomData | Object | |
Customize(CharacterCustomizeInfo const *customizeInfo, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | static |
DealDamage(Unit *attacker, Unit *victim, uint32 damage, CleanDamage const *cleanDamage=nullptr, DamageEffectType damagetype=DIRECT_DAMAGE, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, bool durabilityLoss=true, bool allowGM=false, Spell const *spell=nullptr) | Unit | static |
DealDamageMods(Unit const *victim, uint32 &damage, uint32 *absorb) | Unit | static |
DealHeal(Unit *healer, Unit *victim, uint32 addhealth) | Unit | static |
DealMeleeDamage(CalcDamageInfo *damageInfo, bool durabilityLoss) | Unit | |
DealSpellDamage(SpellNonMeleeDamage *damageInfo, bool durabilityLoss, Spell const *spell=nullptr) | Unit | |
DelayOwnedAuras(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid caster, int32 delaytime) | Unit | |
DeleteCharmInfo() | Unit | |
DeleteEquipmentSet(uint64 setGuid) | Player | |
DeleteFromDB(ObjectGuid::LowType lowGuid, uint32 accountId, bool updateRealmChars, bool deleteFinally) | Player | static |
DeleteOldCharacters() | Player | static |
DeleteOldCharacters(uint32 keepDays) | Player | static |
DeleteOldRecoveryItems() | Player | static |
DeleteOldRecoveryItems(uint32 keepDays) | Player | static |
DeleteRefundReference(ObjectGuid itemGUID) | Player | |
DeMorph() | Unit | |
DestroyConjuredItems(bool update) | Player | |
DestroyForNearbyPlayers() | WorldObject | |
DestroyForPlayer(Player *target, bool onDeath=false) const override | Player | virtual |
DestroyItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, bool update) | Player | |
DestroyItemCount(uint32 item, uint32 count, bool update, bool unequip_check=false) | Player | |
DestroyItemCount(Item *item, uint32 &count, bool update) | Player | |
DestroyZoneLimitedItem(bool update, uint32 new_zone) | Player | |
DFQuestsDoneList typedef | Player | |
Diminishing typedef | Unit | |
DisableRotate(bool apply) | Unit | |
DisableSpline() | Unit | |
Dismount() | Unit | |
DoRandomRoll(uint32 minimum, uint32 maximum) | Player | |
DropModCharge(SpellModifier *mod, Spell *spell) | Player | |
duel | Player | |
DuelComplete(DuelCompleteType type) | Player | |
DurabilityLoss(Item *item, double percent) | Player | |
DurabilityLossAll(double percent, bool inventory) | Player | |
DurabilityPointLossForEquipSlot(EquipmentSlots slot) | Player | |
DurabilityPointsLoss(Item *item, int32 points) | Player | |
DurabilityPointsLossAll(int32 points, bool inventory) | Player | |
DurabilityRepair(uint16 pos, bool cost, float discountMod, bool guildBank) | Player | |
DurabilityRepairAll(bool cost, float discountMod, bool guildBank) | Player | |
DynObjectList typedef | Unit | protected |
elunaEvents | WorldObject | |
EnchantmentFitsRequirements(uint32 enchantmentcondition, int8 slot) | Player | |
EnergizeBySpell(Unit *victim, uint32 SpellID, uint32 Damage, Powers powertype) | Unit | |
EnterVehicle(Unit *base, int8 seatId=-1) | Unit | |
EnterVehicleUnattackable(Unit *base, int8 seatId=-1) | Unit | |
EnvironmentalDamage(EnviromentalDamage type, uint32 damage) | Player | |
EquipItem(uint16 pos, Item *pItem, bool update) | Player | |
EquipNewItem(uint16 pos, uint32 item, bool update) | Player | |
ExecuteDelayedUnitAINotifyEvent() | Unit | |
ExecuteDelayedUnitRelocationEvent() | Unit | |
ExitVehicle(Position const *exitPosition=nullptr) | Unit | |
extraAttacksTargets | Unit | private |
FailQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
FindCurrentSpellBySpellId(uint32 spell_id) const | Unit | |
FindEquipSlot(ItemTemplate const *proto, uint32 slot, bool swap) const | Player | |
FindMap() const | WorldObject | inline |
FindNearestCreature(uint32 entry, float range, bool alive=true) const | WorldObject | |
FindNearestGameObject(uint32 entry, float range, bool onlySpawned=false) const | WorldObject | |
FindNearestGameObjectOfType(GameobjectTypes type, float range) const | WorldObject | |
FindQuestSlot(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | |
FinishSpell(CurrentSpellTypes spellType, bool ok=true) | Unit | |
ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(uint32) | Object | |
GameObjectList typedef | Unit | protected |
GetAbsoluteAngle(float x, float y) const | Position | inline |
GetAbsoluteAngle(Position const &pos) const | Position | inline |
GetAbsoluteAngle(Position const *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetAchievementMgr() const | Player | inline |
GetActionButton(uint8 button) | Player | |
GetActiveSpec() const | Player | inline |
GetActiveSpecMask() const | Player | inline |
GetAffectingPlayer() const | Unit | |
GetAI() | Unit | inline |
GetAllMinionsByEntry(std::list< Creature * > &Minions, uint32 entry) | Unit | |
GetAllowedLooters() const | WorldObject | |
GetAmmoDPS() const | Player | inline |
GetAngle(const Position *pos) const | Position | |
GetAngle(float x, float y) const | Position | |
GetAPMultiplier(WeaponAttackType attType, bool normalized) | Unit | |
GetAppliedAuras() | Unit | inline |
GetAppliedAuras() const | Unit | inline |
GetAreaId() const | WorldObject | |
GetArenaPersonalRating(uint8 slot) const | Player | |
GetArenaPoints() const | Player | inline |
GetArenaTeamId(uint8 slot) const | Player | |
GetArenaTeamIdFromDB(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 slot) | Player | static |
GetArenaTeamIdInvited() | Player | inline |
GetArmor() const | Unit | inline |
GetArmorProficiency() const | Player | inline |
GetAttackBySlot(uint8 slot) | Player | static |
getAttackerForHelper() const | Unit | |
getAttackers() const | Unit | inline |
GetAttackTime(WeaponAttackType att) const | Unit | inline |
getAttackTimer(WeaponAttackType type) const | Unit | inline |
GetAura(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0) const | Unit | |
GetAuraApplication(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, AuraApplication *except=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetAuraApplicationOfRankedSpell(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, AuraApplication *except=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetAuraCount(uint32 spellId) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffect(uint32 spellId, uint8 effIndex, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffect(AuraType type, SpellFamilyNames name, uint32 iconId, uint8 effIndex) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffect(AuraType type, SpellFamilyNames family, uint32 familyFlag1, uint32 familyFlag2, uint32 familyFlag3, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffectDummy(uint32 spellid) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffectOfRankedSpell(uint32 spellId, uint8 effIndex, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty) const | Unit | |
GetAuraEffectsByType(AuraType type) const | Unit | inline |
GetAuraOfRankedSpell(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0) const | Unit | |
GetAurasForTarget(Unit *target, bool force=false) | Player | |
GetAuraUpdateMaskForRaid() const | Player | inline |
GetAverageItemLevel() | Player | |
GetAverageItemLevelForDF() | Player | |
GetBagByPos(uint8 slot) const | Player | |
GetBankBagSlotCount() const | Player | inline |
GetBarberShopCost(uint8 newhairstyle, uint8 newhaircolor, uint8 newfacialhair, BarberShopStyleEntry const *newSkin=nullptr) | Player | |
GetBaseDefenseSkillValue() const | Player | inline |
GetBaseModValue(BaseModGroup modGroup, BaseModType modType) const | Player | |
GetBaseRune(uint8 index) const | Player | inline |
GetBaseSkillValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetBaseSpellPowerBonus() | Player | inline |
GetBaseWeaponSkillValue(WeaponAttackType attType) const | Player | |
GetBattleground(bool create=false) const | Player | |
GetBattlegroundId() const | Player | inline |
GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) const | Player | |
GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(uint32 index) const | Player | |
GetBattlegroundTypeId() const | Player | inline |
GetBGAccessByLevel(BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId) const | Player | |
GetBGData() | Player | inline |
GetBgTeamId() const | Player | inline |
GetByteValue(uint16 index, uint8 offset) const | Object | |
GetCastingTimeForBonus(SpellInfo const *spellProto, DamageEffectType damagetype, uint32 CastingTime) const | Unit | |
GetChampioningFaction() const | Player | inline |
GetChargeContactPoint(WorldObject const *obj, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d=CONTACT_DISTANCE) const | WorldObject | |
GetCharm() const | Unit | |
GetCharmer() const | Unit | |
GetCharmerGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmerOrOwner() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmerOrOwnerGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmerOrOwnerOrOwnGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmerOrOwnerOrSelf() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmerOrOwnerPlayerOrPlayerItself() const | Unit | |
GetCharmGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCharmInfo() | Unit | inline |
GetChatTag() const | Player | |
getCinematic() const | Player | inline |
GetCinematicMgr() const | Player | inline |
getClass() const | Unit | inline |
getClassMask() const | Unit | inline |
GetClosePoint(float &x, float &y, float &z, float size, float distance2d=0, float angle=0, WorldObject const *forWho=nullptr, bool force=false) const | WorldObject | |
GetCollisionHeight() const override | Unit | virtual |
GetCollisionRadius() const override | Unit | virtual |
GetCollisionWidth() const override | Unit | virtual |
GetCombatRatingDamageReduction(CombatRating cr, float rate, float cap, uint32 damage) const | Unit | private |
GetCombatRatingReduction(CombatRating cr) const | Unit | private |
GetCombatReach() const override | Unit | inlinevirtual |
GetCombatTimer() const | Unit | inline |
GetComboPoints(Unit const *who=nullptr) const | Unit | inline |
GetComboPoints(ObjectGuid const &guid) const | Unit | inline |
GetComboTarget() const | Unit | inline |
GetComboTargetGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCommandStatus(uint32 command) const | Player | inline |
GetCompanionPet() const | Unit | |
GetContactPoint(WorldObject const *obj, float &x, float &y, float &z, float distance2d=CONTACT_DISTANCE) const | WorldObject | |
GetCorpse() const | Player | |
GetCorpseLocation() const | Player | inline |
GetCorpseReclaimDelay(bool pvp) const | Player | |
GetCreateHealth() const | Unit | inline |
GetCreateMana() const | Unit | inline |
GetCreatePowers(Powers power) const | Unit | |
GetCreateStat(Stats stat) const | Unit | inline |
GetCreationTime() const | Player | inline |
GetCreatorGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCreatureListWithEntryInGrid(std::list< Creature * > &lList, uint32 uiEntry, float fMaxSearchRange) const | WorldObject | |
GetCreaturesWithEntryInRange(std::list< Creature * > &creatureList, float radius, uint32 entry) | WorldObject | |
GetCreatureType() const | Unit | |
GetCreatureTypeMask() const | Unit | inline |
GetCritterGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetCurrentBattlegroundQueueSlot() const | Player | inline |
GetCurrentRune(uint8 index) const | Player | inline |
GetCurrentSpell(CurrentSpellTypes spellType) const | Unit | inline |
GetCurrentSpell(uint32 spellType) const | Unit | inline |
GetCurrentSpellCastTime(uint32 spell_id) const | Unit | |
GetDeadCreatureListInGrid(std::list< Creature * > &lList, float maxSearchRange, bool alive=false) const | WorldObject | |
getDeathState() | Unit | inline |
GetDeathTimer() const | Player | inline |
GetDebugInfo() const override | Player | virtual |
GetDeclinedNames() const | Player | inline |
GetDefaultGossipMenuForSource(WorldObject *source) | Player | static |
GetDefaultMovementType() const | Unit | virtual |
GetDefenseSkillValue(Unit const *target=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetDelayedOperations() const | Player | inline |
GetDifficulty(bool isRaid) const | Player | inline |
GetDiminishing(DiminishingGroup group) | Unit | |
GetDirectTransport() const | Unit | |
GetDiseasesByCaster(ObjectGuid casterGUID, uint8 mode=0) | Unit | |
GetDispellableAuraList(Unit *caster, uint32 dispelMask, DispelChargesList &dispelList, SpellInfo const *dispelSpell) | Unit | |
GetDisplayId() const | Unit | inline |
GetDisplayRace() const | Unit | inline |
GetDisplayRaceFromModelId(uint32 modelId) const | Unit | |
GetDistance(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistance(const Position &pos) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistance(float x, float y, float z) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistance2d(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistance2d(float x, float y) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistanceOrder(WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, bool is3D=true) const | WorldObject | |
GetDistanceZ(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | |
GetDivider() | Player | inline |
GetDodgeFromAgility(float &diminishing, float &nondiminishing) | Player | |
GetDoTsByCaster(ObjectGuid casterGUID) const | Unit | |
GetDrunkenstateByValue(uint8 value) | Player | static |
GetDrunkValue() const | Player | inline |
GetDummyAuraEffect(SpellFamilyNames name, uint32 iconId, uint8 effIndex) const | Unit | inline |
GetDungeonDifficulty() const | Player | inline |
GetDynamicFlags() const override | Unit | inlinevirtual |
GetDynObject(uint32 spellId) | Unit | |
GetEffectiveResistChance(Unit const *owner, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, Unit const *victim) | Unit | static |
GetEntry() const | Object | inline |
GetEntryPoint() const | Player | inline |
GetExactDist(float x, float y, float z) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist(Position const &pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist(Position const *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2d(const float x, const float y) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2d(Position const &pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2d(Position const *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2dSq(const float x, const float y) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2dSq(Position const &pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDist2dSq(Position const *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDistSq(float x, float y, float z) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDistSq(Position const &pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExactDistSq(Position const *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetExpertiseDodgeOrParryReduction(WeaponAttackType attType) const | Player | |
GetExtraUnitMovementFlags() const | Unit | inline |
GetFaction() const | Unit | inline |
GetFactionReactionTo(FactionTemplateEntry const *factionTemplateEntry, Unit const *target) const | Unit | |
GetFactionTemplateEntry() const | Unit | |
GetFakeDrunkValue() const | Player | inline |
GetFarSightDistance() const | Player | |
GetFirstCollisionPosition(float startX, float startY, float startZ, float destX, float destY) | WorldObject | |
GetFirstCollisionPosition(float destX, float destY, float destZ) | WorldObject | |
GetFirstCollisionPosition(float dist, float angle) | WorldObject | |
GetFirstControlled() const | Unit | |
GetFirstMinion() const | Unit | |
GetFloatValue(uint16 index) const | Object | |
GetFloorZ() const | WorldObject | |
GetFollowAngle() const | Unit | inlinevirtual |
GetFreeInventorySpace() const | Player | |
GetFreePrimaryProfessionPoints() const | Player | inline |
GetFreeTalentPoints() const | Player | inline |
GetGameObject(uint32 spellId) const | Unit | |
GetGameObjectIfCanInteractWith(ObjectGuid guid, GameobjectTypes type) const | Player | |
GetGameObjectListWithEntryInGrid(std::list< GameObject * > &lList, uint32 uiEntry, float fMaxSearchRange) const | WorldObject | |
getGender() const | Unit | inline |
GetGlobalCooldownMgr() | Player | inline |
GetGlyph(uint8 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetGlyphSlot(uint8 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetGossipTextId(uint32 menuId, WorldObject *source) | Player | |
GetGossipTextId(WorldObject *source) | Player | |
GetGracePeriod(uint8 index) const | Player | inline |
GetGrantableLevels() | Player | inline |
GetGridActivationRange() const | WorldObject | |
GetGroup() | Player | inline |
GetGroup() const | Player | inline |
GetGroupInvite() | Player | inline |
GetGroupRef() | Player | inline |
GetGroupUpdateFlag() const | Player | inline |
GetGuardianPet() const | Unit | |
GetGUID(Object const *o) | Object | inlinestatic |
GetGUID() const | Object | inline |
GetGuidValue(uint16 index) const | Object | |
GetGuild() const | Player | |
GetGuildId() const | Player | inline |
GetGuildIdInvited() | Player | inline |
GetGuildName() | Player | |
GetHealth() const | Unit | inline |
GetHealthBonusFromStamina() | Player | |
GetHealthGain(int32 dVal) | Unit | |
GetHealthPct() const | Unit | inline |
GetHitSpherePointFor(Position const &dest, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const | WorldObject | |
GetHitSpherePointFor(Position const &dest, float &x, float &y, float &z, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const | WorldObject | |
GetHonorPoints() const | Player | inline |
getHostileRefMgr() | Unit | inline |
GetHoverHeight() const | Unit | inline |
GetInGameTime() | Player | inline |
GetInitialVisiblePackets(Unit *target) | Player | |
GetInnTriggerId() const | Player | inline |
GetInstanceId() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetInstanceScript() const | WorldObject | |
GetInt32Value(uint16 index) const | Object | |
GetInterruptMask() const | Unit | inline |
GetItemByEntry(uint32 entry) const | Player | |
GetItemByGuid(ObjectGuid guid) const | Player | |
GetItemByPos(uint16 pos) const | Player | |
GetItemByPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot) const | Player | |
GetItemCount(uint32 item, bool inBankAlso=false, Item *skipItem=nullptr) const | Player | |
GetItemCountWithLimitCategory(uint32 limitCategory, Item *skipItem=nullptr) const | Player | |
GetItemFromBuyBackSlot(uint32 slot) | Player | |
GetItemUpdateQueue() | Player | inline |
GetLastDamagedTargetGuid() const | Unit | inline |
GetLastExtraAttackSpell() const | Unit | inline |
GetLastPetNumber() const | Player | inline |
GetLastPetSpell() const | Player | inline |
GetLastPotionId() | Player | inline |
GetLastUsedRune() | Player | inline |
GetLevel() const | Unit | inline |
getLevelForTarget(WorldObject const *) const override | Unit | inlinevirtual |
GetLevelPlayedTime() | Player | inline |
GetLiquidData() const | WorldObject | |
GetLootGUID() const | Player | inline |
GetMagicHitRedirectTarget(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) | Unit | |
GetMail(uint32 id) | Player | |
GetMails() const | Player | inline |
GetMailSize() | Player | inline |
GetManaBonusFromIntellect() | Player | |
GetMap() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetMapHeight(float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float distanceToSearch=50.0f) const | WorldObject | |
GetMapId() const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetMapRef() | Player | inline |
GetMapWaterOrGroundLevel(float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr) const | WorldObject | |
GetMaxHealth() const | Unit | inline |
GetMaxKeyringSize() const | Player | inline |
GetMaxNegativeAuraModifier(AuraType auratype) const | Unit | |
GetMaxNegativeAuraModifierByAffectMask(AuraType auratype, SpellInfo const *affectedSpell) const | Unit | |
GetMaxNegativeAuraModifierByMiscMask(AuraType auratype, uint32 misc_mask) const | Unit | |
GetMaxNegativeAuraModifierByMiscValue(AuraType auratype, int32 misc_value) const | Unit | |
GetMaxPersonalArenaRatingRequirement(uint32 minarenaslot) const | Player | |
GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(AuraType auratype) | Unit | |
GetMaxPositiveAuraModifierByAffectMask(AuraType auratype, SpellInfo const *affectedSpell) const | Unit | |
GetMaxPositiveAuraModifierByMiscMask(AuraType auratype, uint32 misc_mask, const AuraEffect *except=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetMaxPositiveAuraModifierByMiscValue(AuraType auratype, int32 misc_value) const | Unit | |
GetMaxPower(Powers power) const | Unit | inline |
GetMaxSkillValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetMaxSkillValueForLevel() const | Player | |
Unit::GetMaxSkillValueForLevel(Unit const *target=nullptr) const | Unit | inline |
getMaxTimer(MirrorTimerType timer) | Player | protected |
GetMechanicResistChance(SpellInfo const *spell) | Unit | |
GetMeleeAttackPoint(Unit *attacker, Position &pos) | Unit | |
GetMeleeCritChanceReduction() const | Unit | inline |
GetMeleeCritDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetMeleeCritFromAgility() | Player | |
GetMeleeDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetMeleeDamageSchoolMask(WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, uint8 damageIndex=0) const override | Player | virtual |
GetMeleeHitRedirectTarget(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellInfo=nullptr) | Unit | |
GetMeleeRange(Unit const *target) const | Unit | |
GetMeleeReach() const | Unit | inline |
GetMinHeightInWater() const | WorldObject | |
GetMinionGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetMissPercentageFromDefence() const | Player | |
GetMItem(ObjectGuid::LowType itemLowGuid) | Player | inline |
GetModelForForm(ShapeshiftForm form, uint32 spellId) const | Unit | |
GetModelForTotem(PlayerTotemType totemType) | Unit | |
GetModifierValue(UnitMods unitMod, UnitModifierType modifierType) const | Unit | |
GetMoney() const | Player | inline |
GetMostPointsTalentTree() const | Player | |
GetMotionMaster() | Unit | inline |
GetMotionMaster() const | Unit | inline |
GetMountBlockId() | Player | inline |
GetMountID() const | Unit | inline |
GetName() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetNameForLocaleIdx(LocaleConstant) const | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
GetNativeDisplayId() const | Unit | inline |
GetNativeObjectScale() const | Unit | inlinevirtual |
GetNearPoint(WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float &z, float searcher_size, float distance2d, float absAngle, float controlZ=0, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const | WorldObject | |
GetNearPoint2D(WorldObject const *searcher, float &x, float &y, float distance, float absAngle, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const | WorldObject | |
GetNearPoint2D(float &x, float &y, float distance, float absAngle, Position const *startPos=nullptr) const | WorldObject | |
GetNearPosition(float dist, float angle, bool disableWarning=false) | WorldObject | |
GetNegStat(Stats stat) const | Unit | inline |
GetNextQuest(ObjectGuid guid, Quest const *quest) | Player | |
GetNextRandomRaidMember(float radius) | Player | |
GetNextRandomRaidMemberOrPet(float radius) | Unit | |
GetNextSave() const | Player | inline |
GetNotifyFlags() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetNpcFlags() const | Unit | inline |
GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 npcflagmask) | Player | |
GetObjectScale() const | Object | inline |
GetObjectSize() const | WorldObject | |
GetOldFactionId() const | Unit | inline |
GetOrientation() const | Position | inline |
GetOriginalGroup() | Player | inline |
GetOriginalGroupRef() | Player | inline |
GetOriginalSubGroup() const | Player | inline |
GetOrInitPetStable() | Player | |
GetOutdoorPvP() const | Player | |
GetOwnedAura(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, Aura *except=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetOwnedAuras() | Unit | inline |
GetOwnedAuras() const | Unit | inline |
GetOwner() const | Unit | |
GetOwnerGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetPackGUID() const | Object | inline |
GetPartyMembers(std::list< Unit * > &units) | Unit | |
GetPassOnGroupLoot() const | Player | inline |
GetPendingBind() const | Player | inline |
GetPendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId() const | Player | inline |
GetPet() const | Player | |
GetPetGUID() const | Unit | inline |
GetPetStable() | Player | inline |
GetPetStable() const | Player | inline |
GetPhaseByAuras() const | Unit | |
GetPhaseMask() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetPhaseMaskForSpawn() const | Player | |
GetPlayerFlags() const | Player | inline |
GetPlayerName() | Player | |
GetPlayerSetting(std::string source, uint8 index) | Player | |
GetPosition(float &x, float &y) const | Position | inline |
GetPosition(float &x, float &y, float &z) const | Position | inline |
GetPosition(float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o) const | Position | inline |
GetPosition() const | Position | inline |
GetPositionOffsetTo(const Position &endPos, Position &retOffset) const | Position | |
GetPositionWithOffset(Position const &offset) const | Position | |
GetPositionX() const | Position | inline |
GetPositionY() const | Position | inline |
GetPositionZ() const | Position | inline |
GetPosStat(Stats stat) const | Unit | inline |
GetPower(Powers power) const | Unit | inline |
GetPowerPct(Powers power) const | Unit | inline |
getPowerType() const | Unit | inline |
GetPowerTypeByAuraGroup(UnitMods unitMod) const | Unit | |
GetPPMProcChance(uint32 WeaponSpeed, float PPM, SpellInfo const *spellProto) const | Unit | |
GetProcAurasTriggeredOnEvent(std::list< AuraApplication * > &aurasTriggeringProc, std::list< AuraApplication * > *procAuras, ProcEventInfo eventInfo) | Unit | |
GetPureMaxSkillValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetPureSkillValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetQuestDialogStatus(Object *questGiver) | Player | |
GetQuestLevel(Quest const *quest) const | Player | inline |
GetQuestRate(bool isDFQuest=false) | Player | |
GetQuestRewardStatus(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | |
GetQuestSlotCounter(uint16 slot, uint8 counter) const | Player | inline |
GetQuestSlotQuestId(uint16 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetQuestSlotState(uint16 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetQuestSlotTime(uint16 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetQuestStatus(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | |
getQuestStatusMap() | Player | inline |
GetQuestStatusSaveMap() | Player | inline |
getRace(bool original=false) const | Unit | |
getRaceMask() const | Unit | inline |
GetRaidDifficulty() const | Player | inline |
GetRandomContactPoint(Unit const *target, float &x, float &y, float &z, bool force=false) const | Unit | |
GetRandomNearPosition(float radius, bool disableWarning=false) | WorldObject | |
GetRandomPoint(const Position &srcPos, float distance, float &rand_x, float &rand_y, float &rand_z) const | WorldObject | |
GetRandomPoint(const Position &srcPos, float distance) const | WorldObject | |
GetRandomWinner() | Player | inline |
GetRangedCritChanceReduction() const | Unit | inline |
GetRangedCritDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetRangedDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetRank() const | Player | inline |
GetRatingBonusValue(CombatRating cr) const | Player | |
GetRatingMultiplier(CombatRating cr) const | Player | |
GetReactionTo(Unit const *target, bool checkOriginalFaction=false) const | Unit | |
GetRealDodge() const | Player | inline |
GetRealParry() const | Player | inline |
GetRedirectThreatPercent() | Unit | inline |
GetRedirectThreatTarget() const | Unit | |
GetRelativeAngle(const Position *pos) const | Position | inline |
GetRelativeAngle(float x, float y) const | Position | inline |
GetReputation(uint32 factionentry) const | Player | |
GetReputationMgr() | Player | inline |
GetReputationMgr() const | Player | inline |
GetReputationPriceDiscount(Creature const *creature) const | Player | |
GetReputationPriceDiscount(FactionTemplateEntry const *factionTemplate) const | Player | |
GetReputationRank(uint32 faction_id) const | Player | |
GetReqKillOrCastCurrentCount(uint32 quest_id, int32 entry) | Player | |
GetResistance(SpellSchoolMask mask) const | Unit | |
GetResistance(SpellSchools school) const | Unit | inline |
GetResistanceBuffMods(SpellSchools school, bool positive) const | Unit | inline |
GetRestBonus() const | Player | inline |
GetResurrectionSpellId() | Player | |
GetRewardedQuestCount() const | Player | inline |
getRewardedQuests() const | Player | inline |
GetRuneBaseCooldown(uint8 index, bool skipGrace) | Player | |
GetRuneCooldown(uint8 index) const | Player | inline |
GetRunesState() const | Player | inline |
getRuneWeaponGUID() | Player | inline |
GetSaveTimer() const | Player | inline |
GetSelectedPlayer() const | Player | |
GetSelectedUnit() const | Player | |
GetSemaphoreTeleportFar() const | Player | inline |
GetSemaphoreTeleportNear() const | Player | inline |
GetSession() const | Player | inline |
GetShapeshiftForm() const | Unit | inline |
GetSharedVisionList() | Unit | inline |
GetSheath() const | Unit | inline |
GetShield(bool useable=false) const | Player | |
GetShieldBlockValue() const override | Player | virtual |
Unit::GetShieldBlockValue(uint32 soft_cap, uint32 hard_cap) const | Unit | inline |
GetSightRange(WorldObject const *target=nullptr) const override | Player | virtual |
GetSinCos(float x, float y, float &vsin, float &vcos) const | Position | |
GetSingleCastAuras() | Unit | inline |
GetSingleCastAuras() const | Unit | inline |
GetSkillPermBonusValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetSkillStep(uint16 skill) const | Player | |
GetSkillTempBonusValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetSkillValue(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
GetSocial() | Player | inline |
GetSpec(int8 spec=-1) | Player | |
GetSpecsCount() const | Player | inline |
GetSpeed(UnitMoveType mtype) const | Unit | |
GetSpeedRate(UnitMoveType mtype) const | Unit | inline |
GetSpellByProto(ItemTemplate *proto) | Player | |
GetSpellCooldownDelay(uint32 spell_id) const | Player | |
GetSpellCooldownMap() const | Player | inline |
GetSpellCooldownMap() | Player | inline |
GetSpellCooldowns() const | Player | inline |
GetSpellCritChanceReduction() const | Unit | inline |
GetSpellCritDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetSpellCritFromIntellect() | Player | |
GetSpellDamageReduction(uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
GetSpellMap() const | Player | inline |
GetSpellMap() | Player | inline |
GetSpellMaxRangeForTarget(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
GetSpellMinRangeForTarget(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
GetSpellModList(uint32 type) const | Player | inline |
GetSpellModOwner() const | Unit | |
GetSpellPenetrationItemMod() const | Player | inline |
GetSpellSchoolByAuraGroup(UnitMods unitMod) const | Unit | |
GetsRecruitAFriendBonus(bool forXP) | Player | |
getStandState() const | Unit | inline |
GetStartPosition() const | Player | |
GetStat(Stats stat) const | Unit | inline |
GetStatByAuraGroup(UnitMods unitMod) const | Unit | |
GetStationaryO() const | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
GetStationaryX() const | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
GetStationaryY() const | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
GetStationaryZ() const | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
GetStoredRaidDifficulty() const | Player | inline |
GetSubGroup() const | Player | inline |
GetSummonExpireTimer() const | Player | inline |
GetTalentMap() const | Player | inline |
GetTalentTreePoints(uint8(&specPoints)[3]) const | Player | |
GetTarget() const | Unit | inline |
GetTeamId(bool original=false) const | Player | inline |
GetTeleportDest() | Player | inline |
GetTemporaryUnsummonedPetNumber() const | Player | inline |
GetThreatMgr() | Unit | inline |
GetThreatMgr() const | Unit | inline |
GetTotalAttackPowerValue(WeaponAttackType attType, Unit *pVictim=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModifier(AuraType auratype) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModifierAreaExclusive(AuraType auratype) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModifierByAffectMask(AuraType auratype, SpellInfo const *affectedSpell) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModifierByMiscMask(AuraType auratype, uint32 misc_mask) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModifierByMiscValue(AuraType auratype, int32 misc_value) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraModValue(UnitMods unitMod) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraMultiplier(AuraType auratype) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraMultiplierByAffectMask(AuraType auratype, SpellInfo const *affectedSpell) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraMultiplierByMiscMask(AuraType auratype, uint32 misc_mask) const | Unit | |
GetTotalAuraMultiplierByMiscValue(AuraType auratype, int32 misc_value) const | Unit | |
GetTotalBaseModValue(BaseModGroup modGroup) const | Player | |
GetTotalPercentageModValue(BaseModGroup modGroup) const | Player | inline |
GetTotalPlayedTime() | Player | inline |
GetTotalStatValue(Stats stat, float additionalValue=0.0f) const | Unit | |
GetTradeData() const | Player | inline |
GetTrader() const | Player | inline |
GetTrainerSpellState(TrainerSpell const *trainer_spell) const | Player | |
getTransForm() const | Unit | inline |
GetTransGUID() const override | Unit | virtual |
GetTransOffsetO() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransOffsetX() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransOffsetY() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransOffsetZ() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransport() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransSeat() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTransTime() const | WorldObject | inline |
GetTypeId() const | Object | inline |
GetUInt16Value(uint16 index, uint8 offset) const | Object | |
GetUInt32Value(uint16 index) const | Object | |
GetUInt64Value(uint16 index) const | Object | |
GetUnitBlockChance() const | Unit | |
GetUnitCriticalChance(WeaponAttackType attackType, Unit const *victim) const | Unit | |
GetUnitDodgeChance() const | Unit | |
GetUnitFlags() const | Unit | inline |
GetUnitFlags2() const | Unit | inline |
GetUnitMeleeSkill(Unit const *target=nullptr) const | Unit | inline |
GetUnitMissChance(WeaponAttackType attType) const | Unit | |
GetUnitMovementFlags() const | Unit | inline |
GetUnitParryChance() const | Unit | |
GetUnitState() const | Unit | inline |
GetUnitTypeMask() const | Unit | inline |
GetUpdateFieldData(Player const *target, uint32 *&flags) const | Object | protected |
GetUseableItemByPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot) const | Player | inline |
GetValuesCount() const | Object | inline |
GetVehicle() const | Unit | inline |
GetVehicleBase() const | Unit | |
GetVehicleCreatureBase() const | Unit | |
GetVehicleKit() const | Unit | inline |
GetVictim() const | Unit | inline |
GetViewpoint() const | Player | |
GetVirtualItemId(uint32 slot) const | Unit | |
GetVisibilityRange() const | WorldObject | |
GetVisibleAura(uint8 slot) | Unit | inline |
GetVisibleAuras() | Unit | inline |
GetVoidClosePoint(float &x, float &y, float &z, float size, float distance2d=0, float relAngle=0, float controlZ=0) const | WorldObject | |
GetWeaponDamageRange(WeaponAttackType attType, WeaponDamageRange type, uint8 damageIndex=0) const | Unit | |
GetWeaponForAttack(WeaponAttackType attackType, bool useable=false) const | Player | |
GetWeaponProcChance() const | Unit | |
GetWeaponProficiency() const | Player | inline |
GetWeaponSkillValue(WeaponAttackType attType, Unit const *target=nullptr) const | Unit | |
GetWorldLocation(uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y) const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetWorldLocation(uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y, float &z) const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetWorldLocation(uint32 &mapId, float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o) const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetWorldLocation(WorldLocation *location) const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetWorldLocation() const | WorldLocation | inline |
GetXPRestBonus(uint32 xp) | Player | |
GetZoneAndAreaId(uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid) const | WorldObject | |
GetZoneId() const | WorldObject | |
GetZoneIdFromDB(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | static |
GetZoneScript() const | WorldObject | inline |
GiveLevel(uint8 level) | Player | |
GiveQuestSourceItem(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
GiveXP(uint32 xp, Unit *victim, float group_rate=1.0f, bool isLFGReward=false) | Player | |
GroupEventHappens(uint32 questId, WorldObject const *pEventObject) | Player | |
HandleAuraProc(Unit *victim, uint32 damage, Aura *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procEx, uint32 cooldown, bool *handled) | Unit | private |
HandleAuraRaidProcFromCharge(AuraEffect *triggeredByAura) | Unit | private |
HandleAuraRaidProcFromChargeWithValue(AuraEffect *triggeredByAura) | Unit | private |
HandleBaseModValue(BaseModGroup modGroup, BaseModType modType, float amount, bool apply) | Player | |
HandleDrowning(uint32 time_diff) | Player | protected |
HandleDummyAuraProc(Unit *victim, uint32 damage, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procEx, uint32 cooldown, ProcEventInfo const &eventInfo) | Unit | private |
HandleEmoteCommand(uint32 emoteId) | Unit | |
HandleFall(MovementInfo const &movementInfo) | Player | |
HandleOverrideClassScriptAuraProc(Unit *victim, uint32 damage, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 cooldown) | Unit | private |
HandleProcExtraAttackFor(Unit *victim, uint32 count) | Unit | |
HandleProcTriggerSpell(Unit *victim, uint32 damage, AuraEffect *triggeredByAura, SpellInfo const *procSpell, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procEx, uint32 cooldown, uint32 procPhase, ProcEventInfo &eventInfo) | Unit | private |
HandleSafeUnitPointersOnDelete(Unit *thisUnit) | Unit | static |
HandleSobering() | Player | protected |
HandleSpellClick(Unit *clicker, int8 seatId=-1) | Unit | |
HandleStatModifier(UnitMods unitMod, UnitModifierType modifierType, float amount, bool apply) | Unit | |
Has310Flyer(bool checkAllSpells, uint32 excludeSpellId=0) | Player | |
HasAchieved(uint32 achievementId) const | Player | |
HasActivePowerType(Powers power) override | Player | virtual |
HasActiveSpell(uint32 spell) const | Player | |
HasAllowedLooter(ObjectGuid guid) const | WorldObject | |
HasAllowOnlyAbilityAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasAOECharmAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasAtLoginFlag(AtLoginFlags f) const | Player | inline |
HasAttackerSpellCritChanceAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasAura(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, ObjectGuid itemCasterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0) const | Unit | |
HasAuraEffect(uint32 spellId, uint8 effIndex, ObjectGuid caster=ObjectGuid::Empty) const | Unit | |
HasAuraState(AuraStateType flag, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, Unit const *Caster=nullptr) const | Unit | |
HasAuraType(AuraType auraType) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithAffectMask(AuraType auratype, SpellInfo const *affectedSpell) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithCaster(AuraType auratype, ObjectGuid caster) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithFamilyFlags(AuraType auraType, uint32 familyName, uint32 familyFlags) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithMiscvalue(AuraType auratype, int32 miscvalue) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithTriggerSpell(AuraType auratype, uint32 triggerSpell) const | Unit | |
HasAuraTypeWithValue(AuraType auratype, int32 value) const | Unit | |
HasAuraWithMechanic(uint32 mechanicMask) const | Unit | |
HasBreakableByDamageAuraType(AuraType type, uint32 excludeAura=0) const | Unit | |
HasBreakableByDamageCrowdControlAura(Unit *excludeCasterChannel=nullptr) const | Unit | |
HasByteFlag(uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 flag) const | Object | |
HasCasterSpec() | Player | |
HasCloneCasterAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasConfuseAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasControlVehicleAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasCorpse() const | Player | inline |
HasDecreaseSpeedAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasDelayedTeleport() const | Player | inlineprivate |
HasDetectAmoreAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasDetectSpellsAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasDynamicFlag(uint32 flag) const | Object | inline |
HasEnoughMoney(uint32 amount) const | Player | inline |
HasEnoughMoney(int32 amount) const | Player | inline |
HasExtraUnitMovementFlag(uint16 f) const | Unit | inline |
HasFearAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasFeatherFallAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasFlag(uint16 index, uint32 flag) const | Object | |
HasFlag64(uint16 index, uint64 flag) const | Object | |
HasFlyAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasFreeBattlegroundQueueId() const | Player | |
HasGhostAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasHealSpec() | Player | |
HasHealthRegenInCombatAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasHoverAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasIgnoreHitDirectionAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasIgnoreTargetResistAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasInArc(float arcangle, const Position *pos, float targetRadius=0.0f) const | Position | |
HasIncreaseMountedFlightSpeedAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasIncreaseMountedSpeedAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasInLine(Position const *pos, float width) const | Position | |
HasInterruptRegenAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasInvisibilityAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasInvisibilityDetectAura() const | Unit | inline |
hasInvolvedQuest(uint32) const | Object | inlinevirtual |
HasItemCount(uint32 item, uint32 count=1, bool inBankAlso=false) const | Player | |
HasItemFitToSpellRequirements(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, Item const *ignoreItem=nullptr) const | Player | |
HasItemOrGemWithIdEquipped(uint32 item, uint32 count, uint8 except_slot=NULL_SLOT) const | Player | |
HasItemOrGemWithLimitCategoryEquipped(uint32 limitCategory, uint32 count, uint8 except_slot=NULL_SLOT) const | Player | |
HasItemTotemCategory(uint32 TotemCategory) const | Player | |
HasMainhandWeapon() const | Unit | inline |
hasMainhandWeaponForAttack() const | Unit | inline |
HasMainhandWeaponForAttack() const | Unit | inline |
HasMeleeSpec() | Player | |
HasMountedAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasNegativeAuraWithAttribute(uint32 flag, ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
HasNegativeAuraWithInterruptFlag(uint32 flag, ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Unit | |
HasNoPVPCreditAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasNpcFlag(NPCFlags flags) const | Unit | inline |
HasOffhandWeapon() const | Unit | inline |
HasOffhandWeaponForAttack() const | Unit | inline |
HasOpenStableAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPacifyAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPacifySilenceAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPendingBind() const | Player | inline |
HasPendingSpectatorForBG(uint32 bgInstanceId) const | Player | inline |
HasPeriodicDummyAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPlayerFlag(PlayerFlags flags) const | Player | inline |
HasPreventDurabilityLossAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPreventResurectionAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPreventsFleeingAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasPvPForcingQuest() const | Player | |
hasQuest(uint32) const | Object | inlinevirtual |
HasQuest(uint32 questId) const | Player | |
HasQuestForGO(int32 GOId) const | Player | |
HasQuestForItem(uint32 itemId, uint32 excludeQuestId=0, bool turnIn=false, bool *showInLoot=nullptr) const | Player | |
HasRangedWeapon() const | Unit | inline |
HasRangedWeaponForAttack() const | Unit | inline |
HasReceivedSpectatorResetFor(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
HasReflectSpellsAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasRegenDuringCombatAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasRestFlag(RestFlag restFlag) const | Player | inline |
HasRootAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasShapeshiftAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasSharedVision() const | Unit | inline |
HasSilenceAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasSkill(uint32 skill) const | Player | |
hasSpanishClient() | Player | inline |
HasSpell(uint32 spell) const override | Player | virtual |
HasSpellCooldown(uint32 spell_id) const override | Player | virtual |
HasSpellItemCooldown(uint32 spell_id, uint32 itemid) const override | Player | virtual |
HasSpellMagnetAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasSpellMod(SpellModifier *mod, Spell *spell) | Player | |
HasSpiritOfRedemptionAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasStealthAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasStealthDetectAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasStunAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasTalent(uint32 spell_id, uint8 spec) const | Player | |
HasTankSpec() | Player | |
HasTauntAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasThreatAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasTitle(uint32 bitIndex) const | Player | |
HasTitle(CharTitlesEntry const *title) const | Player | inline |
HasTransformAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasUnattackableAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasUnitFlag(UnitFlags flags) const | Unit | inline |
HasUnitFlag2(UnitFlags2 flags) const | Unit | inline |
HasUnitMovementFlag(uint32 f) const | Unit | inline |
HasUnitState(const uint32 f) const | Unit | inline |
HasUnitTypeMask(uint32 mask) const | Unit | inline |
HasVisibleAuraType(AuraType auraType) const | Unit | |
HasWaterBreathingAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasWaterWalkAura() const | Unit | inline |
HasWeapon(WeaponAttackType type) const override | Player | inlinevirtual |
HasWeaponForAttack(WeaponAttackType type) const override | Player | inlinevirtual |
HaveAtClient(WorldObject const *u) const | Player | |
HaveAtClient(ObjectGuid guid) const | Player | |
haveOffhandWeapon() const | Unit | |
HealBySpell(HealInfo &healInfo, bool critical=false) | Unit | |
HealthAbovePct(int32 pct) const | Unit | inline |
HealthAbovePctHealed(int32 pct, uint32 heal) const | Unit | inline |
healthBeforeDuel | Player | private |
HealthBelowPct(int32 pct) const | Unit | inline |
HealthBelowPctDamaged(int32 pct, uint32 damage) const | Unit | inline |
i_AI | Unit | protected |
i_disabledAI | Unit | protected |
i_motionMaster | Unit | protected |
InArena() const | Player | |
InBattleground() const | Player | inline |
InBattlegroundQueue(bool ignoreArena=false) const | Player | |
InBattlegroundQueueForBattlegroundQueueType(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) const | Player | |
IncompleteQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
IncrDiminishing(DiminishingGroup group) | Unit | |
InitCharmInfo() | Unit | |
InitDataForForm(bool reapplyMods=false) | Player | |
InitDisplayIds() | Player | |
InitGlyphsForLevel() | Player | |
Initialize(ObjectGuid::LowType guid) | Player | |
InitPrimaryProfessions() | Player | |
InitRunes() | Player | |
InitStatBuffMods() | Unit | inline |
InitStatsForLevel(bool reapplyMods=false) | Player | |
InitTalentForLevel() | Player | |
InitTamedPet(Pet *pet, uint8 level, uint32 spell_id) | Unit | |
InitTaxiNodesForLevel() | Player | inline |
inRandomLfgDungeon() | Player | |
InSamePhase(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | inline |
InSamePhase(uint32 phasemask) const | WorldObject | inline |
InterruptNonMeleeSpells(bool withDelayed, uint32 spellid=0, bool withInstant=true, bool bySelf=false) | Unit | |
InterruptSpell(CurrentSpellTypes spellType, bool withDelayed=true, bool withInstant=true, bool bySelf=false) | Unit | |
InvalidateValuesUpdateCache() | Unit | inlineprivate |
isAcceptWhispers() const | Player | inline |
IsActionButtonDataValid(uint8 button, uint32 action, uint8 type) | Player | |
isActiveObject() const | WorldObject | inline |
IsActiveQuest(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | |
IsAffectedBySpellmod(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, SpellModifier *mod, Spell *spell=nullptr) | Player | |
isAFK() const | Player | inline |
IsAIEnabled | Unit | |
IsAlive() const | Unit | inline |
isAllowedToLoot(Creature const *creature) | Player | |
IsAlwaysDetectableFor(WorldObject const *seer) const override | Player | protectedvirtual |
IsAlwaysVisibleFor(WorldObject const *seer) const override | Unit | protectedvirtual |
IsArmorer() const | Unit | inline |
IsAtGroupRewardDistance(WorldObject const *pRewardSource) const | Player | |
IsAtLootRewardDistance(WorldObject const *pRewardSource) const | Player | |
IsAtRecruitAFriendDistance(WorldObject const *pOther) const | Player | |
isAttackingPlayer() const | Unit | |
isAttackReady(WeaponAttackType type=BASE_ATTACK) const | Unit | inline |
IsAttackSpeedOverridenShapeShift() const | Unit | |
IsAuctioner() const | Unit | inline |
IsBagPos(uint16 pos) | Player | static |
IsBanker() const | Unit | inline |
IsBankPos(uint16 pos) | Player | inlinestatic |
IsBankPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot) | Player | static |
IsBaseRuneSlotsOnCooldown(RuneType runeType) const | Player | |
IsBattleMaster() const | Unit | inline |
isBeingLoaded() const override | Player | virtual |
IsBeingTeleported() const | Player | inline |
IsBeingTeleportedFar() const | Player | inline |
IsBeingTeleportedNear() const | Player | inline |
isBlockCritical() | Unit | |
IsCharmed() const | Unit | inline |
IsCharmedOwnedByPlayerOrPlayer() const | Unit | inline |
IsClass(Classes playerClass, ClassContext context=CLASS_CONTEXT_NONE) const override | Player | virtual |
IsCommentator() const | Player | inline |
IsContestedGuard() const | Unit | inline |
IsControllableGuardian() const | Unit | inline |
IsControlledByPlayer() const | Unit | inline |
IsCorpse() const | Object | inline |
IsCreatedByPlayer() const | Unit | inline |
IsCreature() const | Object | inline |
IsCritter() const | Unit | inline |
IsCurrentBattlegroundRandom() const | Player | inline |
IsDailyQuestDone(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
IsDamageReducedByArmor(SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask, SpellInfo const *spellInfo=nullptr, uint8 effIndex=MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS) | Unit | static |
isDead() const | Unit | inline |
isDebugAreaTriggers | Player | |
IsDeserter() const | Player | inline |
IsDeveloper() const | Player | inline |
isDND() const | Player | inline |
IsDuringRemoveFromWorld() const | Unit | inline |
isDying() const | Unit | inline |
IsDynamicObject() const | Object | inline |
IsEngaged() const | Unit | inline |
IsEngagedBy(Unit const *who) const | Unit | inline |
IsEquipmentPos(uint16 pos) | Player | inlinestatic |
IsEquipmentPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot) | Player | static |
IsExistPet() | Player | |
IsFalling() const | Player | |
IsFarVisible() const | WorldObject | inline |
IsFFAPvP() | Player | |
Unit::IsFFAPvP() const | Unit | inline |
IsFlying() const | Unit | inline |
IsFriendlyTo(Unit const *unit) const | Unit | |
isFrozen() const | Unit | |
IsFullHealth() const | Unit | inline |
IsGameMaster() const | Player | inline |
IsGameObject() const | Object | inline |
isGMChat() const | Player | inline |
isGMVisible() const | Player | inline |
IsGossip() const | Unit | inline |
IsGroupVisibleFor(Player const *p) const | Player | |
IsGuardian() const | Unit | inline |
IsGuildMaster() const | Unit | inline |
isHonorOrXPTarget(Unit *victim) const | Player | |
IsHostileTo(Unit const *unit) const | Unit | |
IsHostileToPlayers() const | Unit | |
IsHovering() const | Unit | inline |
IsHunterPet() const | Unit | inline |
IsImmunedToDamage(SpellSchoolMask meleeSchoolMask) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToDamage(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToDamage(Spell const *spell) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToDamageOrSchool(SpellSchoolMask meleeSchoolMask) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToDamageOrSchool(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToSchool(SpellSchoolMask meleeSchoolMask) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToSchool(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToSchool(Spell const *spell) const | Unit | |
IsImmunedToSpell(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, Spell const *spell=nullptr) | Unit | virtual |
IsImmunedToSpellEffect(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint32 index) const | Unit | virtual |
IsImmuneToAll() const | Unit | inline |
IsImmuneToEnvironmentalDamage() | Player | |
IsImmuneToNPC() const | Unit | inline |
IsImmuneToPC() const | Unit | inline |
isInAccessiblePlaceFor(Creature const *c) const | Unit | |
IsInAreaTriggerRadius(AreaTrigger const *trigger, float delta=0.f) const | Player | |
isInBack(WorldObject const *target, float arc=M_PI) const | WorldObject | |
isInBackInMap(Unit const *target, float distance, float arc=M_PI) const | Unit | |
IsInBetween(WorldObject const *obj1, WorldObject const *obj2, float size=0) const | WorldObject | |
IsInCombat() const | Unit | inline |
IsInCombatWith(Unit const *who) const | Unit | |
IsInDisallowedMountForm() const | Unit | |
IsInDist(float x, float y, float z, float dist) const | Position | inline |
IsInDist(const Position *pos, float dist) const | Position | inline |
IsInDist2d(float x, float y, float dist) const | Position | inline |
IsInDist2d(const Position *pos, float dist) const | Position | inline |
IsInFeralForm() const | Unit | inline |
IsInFlight() const | Unit | inline |
isInFront(WorldObject const *target, float arc=M_PI) const | WorldObject | |
isInFrontInMap(Unit const *target, float distance, float arc=M_PI) const | Unit | |
IsInGrid() const | GridObject< Player > | inline |
IsInMap(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | |
IsInnkeeper() const | Unit | inline |
IsInPartyWith(Unit const *unit) const | Unit | |
IsInRaidWith(Unit const *unit) const | Unit | |
IsInRange(WorldObject const *obj, float minRange, float maxRange, bool is3D=true) const | WorldObject | |
IsInRange2d(float x, float y, float minRange, float maxRange) const | WorldObject | |
IsInRange3d(float x, float y, float z, float minRange, float maxRange) const | WorldObject | |
IsInSameGroupWith(Player const *p) const | Player | |
IsInSameRaidWith(Player const *p) const | Player | inline |
IsInSanctuary() const | Unit | inline |
IsInventoryPos(uint16 pos) | Player | inlinestatic |
IsInventoryPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot) | Player | static |
IsInvisibleDueToDespawn() const | WorldObject | inlineprotectedvirtual |
IsInvitedForBattlegroundInstance() const | Player | inline |
IsInvitedForBattlegroundInstance(uint32 instanceId) const | Player | |
IsInvitedForBattlegroundQueueType(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId) const | Player | |
IsInWater() const override | Player | inlinevirtual |
IsInWhisperWhiteList(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
IsInWintergrasp() const | WorldObject | inline |
IsInWorld() const | Object | inline |
IsItem() const | Object | inline |
IsLevitating() const | Unit | inline |
IsMaxLevel() const | Player | |
IsMirrorTimerActive(MirrorTimerType type) | Player | inline |
IsMounted() const | Unit | inline |
IsMovementPreventedByCasting() const | Unit | virtual |
isMoving() const | Unit | inline |
IsNeedCastPassiveSpellAtLearn(SpellInfo const *spellInfo) const | Player | |
isNeedNotify(uint16 f) const | WorldObject | inline |
IsNeutralToAll() const | Unit | |
IsNeverVisible() const override | Player | virtual |
IsNonMeleeSpellCast(bool withDelayed, bool skipChanneled=false, bool skipAutorepeat=false, bool isAutoshoot=false, bool skipInstant=true) const | Unit | |
IsOnVehicle(Unit const *vehicle) const | Unit | inline |
IsOutdoorPvPActive() | Player | |
IsOutdoors() const | WorldObject | |
IsPermanentWorldObject() const | WorldObject | inline |
IsPet() const | Unit | inline |
IsPetAura(Aura const *aura) | Unit | |
IsPetInCombat() const | Unit | inline |
IsPetNeedBeTemporaryUnsummoned() const | Player | inline |
IsPlayer() const | Object | inline |
IsPolymorphed() const | Unit | |
IsPositionValid() const | Position | |
isPossessed() const | Unit | inline |
isPossessedByPlayer() const | Unit | inline |
isPossessing() const | Unit | inline |
isPossessing(Unit *u) const | Unit | inline |
IsPvP() | Player | |
Unit::IsPvP() const | Unit | inline |
IsQuestGiver() const | Unit | inline |
IsQuestRewarded(uint32 quest_id) const | Player | inline |
isResurrectRequested() const | Player | inline |
isResurrectRequestedBy(ObjectGuid guid) const | Player | inline |
IsScriptOverriden(SpellInfo const *spell, int32 script) const | Unit | |
IsSelfOrInSameMap(WorldObject const *obj) const | WorldObject | |
IsServiceProvider() const | Unit | inline |
IsSitState() const | Unit | |
IsSpectator() const | Player | inline |
isSpellBlocked(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellProto, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK) | Unit | |
IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(uint32 spell_id) const | Player | |
IsSpiritGuide() const | Unit | inline |
IsSpiritHealer() const | Unit | inline |
IsSpiritService() const | Unit | inline |
IsStandState() const | Unit | |
IsStopped() const | Unit | inline |
IsSummon() const | Unit | inline |
IsSummonAsSpectator() const | Player | |
isSwimming() const | Unit | inline |
IsTabardDesigner() const | Unit | inline |
isTargetableForAttack(bool checkFakeDeath=true, Unit const *byWho=nullptr) const | Unit | |
IsTaxi() const | Unit | inline |
isTaxiCheater() const | Player | inline |
isTotalImmune() const | Player | |
IsTotem() const | Unit | inline |
IsTotemCategoryCompatiableWith(ItemTemplate const *pProto, uint32 requiredTotemCategoryId) const | Player | |
IsTrainer() const | Unit | inline |
IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent(Unit *victim, Aura *aura, WeaponAttackType attType, bool isVictim, bool active, SpellProcEventEntry const *&spellProcEvent, ProcEventInfo const &eventInfo) | Unit | private |
isTurning() const | Unit | inline |
IsTwoHandUsed() const | Player | inline |
isType(uint16 mask) const | Object | inline |
IsUnderLastManaUseEffect() const | Unit | |
IsUnderWater() const | Unit | virtual |
IsUnit() const | Object | inline |
isUsingLfg() | Player | |
IsValidAssistTarget(Unit const *target) const | Unit | |
IsValidAttackTarget(Unit const *target, SpellInfo const *bySpell=nullptr) const | Unit | |
IsValidGender(uint8 Gender) | Player | inlinestatic |
IsValidPos(uint16 pos, bool explicit_pos) | Player | inline |
IsValidPos(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, bool explicit_pos) | Player | |
IsVehicle() const | Unit | inline |
IsVendor() const | Unit | inline |
IsVisibilityOverridden() const | WorldObject | inline |
IsVisible() const | Unit | inline |
IsVisibleGloballyFor(Player const *player) const | Player | |
IsWalking() const | Unit | inline |
IsWithinBox(const Position ¢er, float xradius, float yradius, float zradius) const | Position | |
IsWithinCombatRange(Unit const *obj, float dist2compare) const | Unit | |
IsWithinDist(WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinDist2d(float x, float y, float dist) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinDist2d(const Position *pos, float dist) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinDist3d(float x, float y, float z, float dist) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinDist3d(const Position *pos, float dist) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinDistInMap(WorldObject const *obj, float dist2compare, bool is3D=true, bool useBoundingRadius=true) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinLOS(float x, float y, float z, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinLOSInMap(WorldObject const *obj, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags=VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags::Nothing, LineOfSightChecks checks=LINEOFSIGHT_ALL_CHECKS, Optional< float > collisionHeight={ }, Optional< float > combatReach={ }) const | WorldObject | |
IsWithinMeleeRange(Unit const *obj, float dist=0.f) const | Unit | |
IsWithinRange(Unit const *obj, float dist) const | Unit | |
IsWorldObject() const | WorldObject | |
Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf | Player | friend |
Item::RemoveFromUpdateQueueOf | Player | friend |
ItemAddedQuestCheck(uint32 entry, uint32 count) | Player | |
ItemMap typedef | Player | |
ItemRemovedQuestCheck(uint32 entry, uint32 count) | Player | |
ItemSetEff | Player | |
JoinedChannel(Channel *c) | Player | |
JoinedChannelsList typedef | Player | protected |
JumpTo(float speedXY, float speedZ, bool forward=true) | Unit | |
JumpTo(WorldObject *obj, float speedZ) | Unit | |
Kill(Unit *killer, Unit *victim, bool durabilityLoss=true, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, Spell const *spell=nullptr) | Unit | static |
KillCreditGO(uint32 entry, ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Player | |
KilledMonster(CreatureTemplate const *cInfo, ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
KilledMonsterCredit(uint32 entry, ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Player | |
KilledPlayerCredit(uint16 count=1) | Player | |
KilledPlayerCreditForQuest(uint16 count, Quest const *quest) | Player | |
KillPlayer() | Player | |
KillSelf(bool durabilityLoss=true, WeaponAttackType attackType=BASE_ATTACK, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, Spell const *spell=nullptr) | Unit | inline |
KnockbackFrom(float x, float y, float speedXY, float speedZ) | Unit | |
LastUsedScriptID | WorldObject | |
LearnCustomSpells() | Player | |
LearnDefaultSkill(uint32 skillId, uint16 rank) | Player | |
LearnDefaultSkills() | Player | |
LearnPetTalent(ObjectGuid petGuid, uint32 talentId, uint32 talentRank) | Player | |
learnQuestRewardedSpells() | Player | |
learnQuestRewardedSpells(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
learnSkillRewardedSpells(uint32 id, uint32 value) | Player | |
learnSpell(uint32 spellId, bool temporary=false, bool learnFromSkill=false) | Player | |
learnSpellHighRank(uint32 spellid) | Player | |
LearnTalent(uint32 talentId, uint32 talentRank, bool command=false) | Player | |
LeaveAllArenaTeams(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | static |
LeaveBattleground(Battleground *bg=nullptr) | Player | |
LeftChannel(Channel *c) | Player | |
LoadActions(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | |
LoadCorpse(PreparedQueryResult result) | Player | |
LoadFromDB(ObjectGuid guid, CharacterDatabaseQueryHolder const &holder) | Player | |
LoadPet() | Player | |
LoadPositionFromDB(uint32 &mapid, float &x, float &y, float &z, float &o, bool &in_flight, ObjectGuid::LowType guid) | Player | static |
m_achievementMgr | Player | private |
m_actionButtons | Player | protected |
m_activeSpec | Player | protected |
m_additionalSaveMask | Player | protected |
m_additionalSaveTimer | Player | protected |
m_ammoDPS | Player | protected |
m_appliedAuras | Unit | protected |
m_applyResilience | Unit | protected |
m_AreaID | Player | protected |
m_areaUpdateId | Player | protected |
m_ArenaTeamIdInvited | Player | protected |
m_ArmorProficiency | Player | protected |
m_atLoginFlags | Player | protected |
m_attackers | Unit | protected |
m_attacking | Unit | protected |
m_attackTimer | Unit | protected |
m_auraBaseMod | Player | protected |
m_auraModifiersGroup | Unit | protected |
m_auraRaidUpdateMask | Player | protected |
m_auraStateAuras | Unit | protected |
m_auraUpdateIterator | Unit | protected |
m_AutoRepeatFirstCast | Unit | protected |
m_baseFeralAP | Player | protected |
m_baseHealthRegen | Player | protected |
m_baseManaRegen | Player | protected |
m_baseRatingValue | Player | protected |
m_baseSpellCritChance | Unit | |
m_baseSpellPower | Player | protected |
m_bgData | Player | protected |
m_bHasDelayedTeleport | Player | private |
m_bMustDelayTeleport | Player | private |
m_bPassOnGroupLoot | Player | protected |
m_canBlock | Player | protected |
m_canDualWield | Unit | |
m_canKnockback | Player | private |
m_canModifyStats | Unit | protected |
m_canParry | Player | protected |
m_canTeleport | Player | private |
m_canTitanGrip | Player | protected |
m_ChampioningFaction | Player | private |
m_channels | Player | protected |
m_charmAISpells | Player | protected |
m_charmInfo | Unit | protected |
m_charmUpdateTimer | Player | |
m_charSettingsMap | Player | private |
m_chatFloodData | Player | protected |
m_cinematic | Player | protected |
m_cleanupDone | Unit | private |
m_clientGUIDs | Player | |
m_CombatTimer | Unit | private |
m_ComboPointHolders | Unit | private |
m_comboPoints | Unit | private |
m_comboTarget | Unit | private |
m_contestedPvPTimer | Player | protected |
m_Controlled | Unit | |
m_ControlledByPlayer | Unit | |
m_CreatedByPlayer | Unit | |
m_createStats | Unit | protected |
m_creationTime | Player | private |
m_currentBuybackSlot | Player | protected |
m_currentSpells | Unit | protected |
m_currMap | WorldObject | private |
m_DailyQuestChanged | Player | protected |
m_deathExpireTime | Player | protected |
m_deathState | Unit | protected |
m_deathTimer | Player | protected |
m_declinedname | Player | protected |
m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer | Unit | |
m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer | Unit | |
m_DelayedOperations | Player | private |
m_DFQuests | Player | |
m_Diminishing | Unit | private |
m_divider | Player | protected |
m_drunkTimer | Player | protected |
m_drwGUID | Player | |
m_dungeonDifficulty | Player | protected |
m_duringRemoveFromWorld | Unit | private |
m_dynObj | Unit | protected |
m_enchantDuration | Player | protected |
m_entryPointData | Player | protected |
m_EquipmentSets | Player | protected |
m_Events | Unit | |
m_executed_notifies | WorldObject | private |
m_extraAttacks | Unit | |
m_extraBonusTalentCount | Player | protected |
m_ExtraFlags | Player | protected |
m_flightSpellActivated | Player | private |
m_floatValues | Object | |
m_FollowingRefMgr | Unit | private |
m_foodEmoteTimerCount | Player | protected |
m_forced_speed_changes | Player | |
m_gameObj | Unit | protected |
m_GlobalCooldownMgr | Player | protected |
m_Glyphs | Player | protected |
m_grantableLevels | Player | protected |
m_group | Player | protected |
m_groupInvite | Player | protected |
m_groupUpdateMask | Player | protected |
m_GuildIdInvited | Player | protected |
m_homebindAreaId | Player | |
m_homebindMapId | Player | |
m_HomebindTimer | Player | |
m_homebindX | Player | |
m_homebindY | Player | |
m_homebindZ | Player | |
m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer | Player | protected |
m_HostileRefMgr | Unit | private |
m_ingametime | Player | protected |
m_InstanceId | WorldObject | private |
m_InstanceValid | Player | |
m_int32Values | Object | |
m_interruptableAuras | Unit | protected |
m_interruptMask | Unit | protected |
m_invisibility | WorldObject | |
m_invisibilityDetect | WorldObject | |
m_inWorld | Object | private |
m_isActive | WorldObject | protected |
m_IsBGRandomWinner | Player | protected |
m_isFarVisible | WorldObject | protected |
m_isInSharedVisionOf | Player | |
m_isInstantFlightOn | Player | private |
m_isInWater | Player | private |
m_isWorldObject | WorldObject | protected |
m_itemDuration | Player | protected |
m_items | Player | protected |
m_itemSoulboundTradeable | Player | protected |
m_itemUpdateQueue | Player | protected |
m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked | Player | protected |
m_last_notify_mstime | Unit | |
m_last_notify_position | Unit | |
m_Last_tick | Player | |
m_lastDailyQuestTime | Player | protected |
m_lastFallTime | Player | private |
m_lastFallZ | Player | private |
m_lastHonorUpdateTime | Player | protected |
m_lastManaUse | Unit | private |
m_lastpetnumber | Player | protected |
m_lastPotionId | Player | protected |
m_lastSanctuaryTime | Unit | |
m_logintime | Player | |
m_lootGuid | Player | protected |
m_mail | Player | protected |
m_mailsUpdated | Player | |
m_mapId | WorldLocation | |
m_mapRef | Player | private |
m_MirrorTimer | Player | private |
m_MirrorTimerFlags | Player | private |
m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast | Player | private |
m_modAttackSpeedPct | Unit | |
m_modAuras | Unit | protected |
m_modMeleeHitChance | Unit | |
m_modRangedHitChance | Unit | |
m_modSpellHitChance | Unit | |
m_MonthlyQuestChanged | Player | protected |
m_monthlyquests | Player | protected |
m_MountBlockId | Player | protected |
m_movedByPlayer | Unit | |
m_movementInfo | WorldObject | |
m_mover | Player | |
m_name | WorldObject | protected |
m_NeedToSaveGlyphs | Player | protected |
m_needZoneUpdate | Player | protected |
m_newVisible | Player | |
m_nextMailDelivereTime | Player | |
m_nextSave | Player | protected |
m_notifyflags | WorldObject | private |
m_ObjectSlot | Unit | |
m_objectType | Object | protected |
m_objectTypeId | Object | protected |
m_objectUpdated | Object | protected |
m_oldpetspell | Player | private |
m_orientation | Position | |
m_originalGroup | Player | protected |
m_ownedAuras | Unit | protected |
m_PackGUID | Object | private |
m_pendingSpectatorForBG | Player | |
m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId | Player | |
m_petAuras | Unit | |
m_petStable | Player | private |
m_phaseMask | WorldObject | private |
m_Played_time | Player | |
m_positionX | Position | |
m_positionY | Position | |
m_positionZ | Position | |
m_powerFraction | Player | protected |
m_procDeep | Unit | protected |
m_questRewardTalentCount | Player | protected |
m_QuestStatus | Player | protected |
m_QuestStatusSave | Player | protected |
m_race | Unit | protected |
m_raidDifficulty | Player | protected |
m_raidMapDifficulty | Player | protected |
m_reactiveTimer | Unit | protected |
m_realDodge | Player | protected |
m_realParry | Player | protected |
m_realRace | Unit | protected |
m_recallMap | Player | |
m_recallO | Player | |
m_recallX | Player | |
m_recallY | Player | |
m_recallZ | Player | |
m_receivedSpectatorResetFor | Player | |
m_refundableItems | Player | private |
m_regenTimer | Unit | protected |
m_regenTimerCount | Player | protected |
m_removedAuras | Unit | protected |
m_removedAurasCount | Unit | protected |
m_reputationMgr | Player | private |
m_resetTalentsCost | Player | protected |
m_resetTalentsTime | Player | protected |
m_resurrectGUID | Player | protected |
m_resurrectHealth | Player | protected |
m_resurrectMana | Player | protected |
m_resurrectMap | Player | protected |
m_resurrectX | Player | protected |
m_resurrectY | Player | protected |
m_resurrectZ | Player | protected |
m_RewardedQuests | Player | protected |
m_RewardedQuestsSave | Player | protected |
m_rootTimes | Unit | protected |
m_runes | Player | protected |
m_scAuras | Unit | protected |
m_SeasonalQuestChanged | Player | protected |
m_seasonalquests | Player | protected |
m_seer | Player | |
m_serverSideVisibility | WorldObject | |
m_serverSideVisibilityDetect | WorldObject | |
m_session | Player | protected |
m_sharedVision | Unit | protected |
m_social | Player | protected |
m_soulboundTradableLock | Player | protected |
m_specsCount | Player | protected |
m_speed_rate | Unit | protected |
m_spellCooldowns | Player | private |
m_spellImmune | Unit | |
m_spellMods | Player | protected |
m_spellModTakingSpell | Player | |
m_spellPenetrationItemMod | Player | protected |
m_spells | Player | protected |
m_state | Unit | private |
m_stealth | WorldObject | |
m_stealthDetect | WorldObject | |
m_summon_asSpectator | Player | protected |
m_summon_expire | Player | protected |
m_summon_mapid | Player | protected |
m_summon_x | Player | protected |
m_summon_y | Player | protected |
m_summon_z | Player | protected |
m_SummonSlot | Unit | |
m_swingErrorMsg | Player | protected |
m_talents | Player | protected |
m_taxi | Player | |
m_team | Player | protected |
m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber | Player | private |
m_ThreatMgr | Unit | protected |
m_threatModifier | Unit | |
m_timedquests | Player | protected |
m_trade | Player | protected |
m_transform | Unit | protected |
m_transport | WorldObject | protected |
m_uint32Values | Object | |
m_unitTypeMask | Unit | protected |
m_updateFlag | Object | protected |
m_useCombinedPhases | WorldObject | private |
m_usedTalentCount | Player | protected |
m_valuesCount | Object | protected |
m_vehicle | Unit | protected |
m_vehicleKit | Unit | protected |
m_visibilityDistanceOverride | WorldObject | protected |
m_visibleAuras | Unit | protected |
m_weaponChangeTimer | Player | protected |
m_weaponDamage | Unit | protected |
m_WeaponProficiency | Player | protected |
m_WeeklyQuestChanged | Player | protected |
m_weeklyquests | Player | protected |
m_zoneScript | WorldObject | protected |
m_zoneUpdateId | Player | protected |
m_zoneUpdateTimer | Player | protected |
MagicSpellHitResult(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spell) | Unit | |
manaBeforeDuel | Player | private |
MeleeDamageBonusDone(Unit *pVictim, uint32 damage, WeaponAttackType attType, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) | Unit | |
MeleeDamageBonusTaken(Unit *attacker, uint32 pdamage, WeaponAttackType attType, SpellInfo const *spellProto=nullptr, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask=SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) | Unit | |
MeleeSpellHitResult(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spell) | Unit | |
MeleeSpellMissChance(Unit const *victim, WeaponAttackType attType, int32 skillDiff, uint32 spellId) const | Unit | |
mMitems | Player | |
ModifyArenaPoints(int32 value, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans=CharacterDatabaseTransaction(nullptr)) | Player | |
ModifyAuraState(AuraStateType flag, bool apply) | Unit | |
ModifyHealth(int32 val) | Unit | |
ModifyHonorPoints(int32 value, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans=CharacterDatabaseTransaction(nullptr)) | Player | |
ModifyMoney(int32 amount, bool sendError=true) | Player | |
ModifyPower(Powers power, int32 val, bool withPowerUpdate=true) | Unit | |
ModifyPowerPct(Powers power, float pct, bool apply=true) | Unit | |
ModifyRedirectThreat(int32 amount) | Unit | inline |
ModifySkillBonus(uint32 skillid, int32 val, bool talent) | Player | |
ModifySpellCooldown(uint32 spellId, int32 cooldown) | Player | |
ModSpellCastTime(SpellInfo const *spellProto, int32 &castTime, Spell *spell=nullptr) | Unit | |
ModSpellDuration(SpellInfo const *spellProto, Unit const *target, int32 duration, bool positive, uint32 effectMask) | Unit | |
MoneyChanged(uint32 value) | Player | |
MonsterMoveWithSpeed(float x, float y, float z, float speed) | Unit | |
Mount(uint32 mount, uint32 vehicleId=0, uint32 creatureEntry=0) | Unit | |
MoveItemFromInventory(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, bool update) | Player | |
MoveItemToInventory(ItemPosCountVec const &dest, Item *pItem, bool update, bool in_characterInventoryDB=false) | Player | |
MovePosition(Position &pos, float dist, float angle, bool disableWarning=false) | WorldObject | |
MovePositionToFirstCollision(Position &pos, float dist, float angle) | WorldObject | |
movespline | Unit | |
mSemaphoreTeleport_Far | Player | private |
mSemaphoreTeleport_Near | Player | private |
mSkillStatus | Player | protected |
MustDelayTeleport() const | Player | inlineprivate |
NearTeleportTo(Position &pos, bool casting=false, bool vehicleTeleport=false, bool withPet=false, bool removeTransport=false) | Unit | |
NearTeleportTo(float x, float y, float z, float orientation, bool casting=false, bool vehicleTeleport=false, bool withPet=false, bool removeTransport=false) | Unit | |
NeedChangeAI | Unit | |
NeedSendSpectatorData() const | Player | |
NeedToSaveGlyphs() | Player | inline |
NormalizeOrientation(float o) | Position | inlinestatic |
NotifyExecuted(uint16 f) const | WorldObject | inline |
Object() | Object | protected |
Object(const Object &) | Object | private |
OCTRegenHPPerSpirit() | Player | |
OCTRegenMPPerSpirit() | Player | |
OfflineResurrect(ObjectGuid const guid, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | static |
OnGossipSelect(WorldObject *source, uint32 gossipListId, uint32 menuId) | Player | |
operator G3D::Vector3() const | Position | inline |
operator!=(Position const &a) | Position | inline |
Object::operator=(Object const &) | Object | private |
WorldLocation::operator=(const Position &)=default | Position | |
WorldLocation::operator=(Position &&)=default | Position | |
operator==(Position const &a) const | Position | |
OutDebugInfo() const | Unit | |
outDebugValues() const | Player | protected |
PatchValuesUpdate(ByteBuffer &valuesUpdateBuf, BuildValuesCachePosPointers &posPointers, Player *target) | Unit | private |
PauseMovement(uint32 timer=0, uint8 slot=0) | Unit | virtual |
PetAuraSet typedef | Unit | |
PetSpellFail(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, Unit *target, uint32 result) | Unit | |
PetSpellInitialize() | Player | |
PlayDirectMusic(uint32 music_id, Player *target=nullptr) | WorldObject | |
PlayDirectSound(uint32 sound_id, Player *target=nullptr) | WorldObject | |
PlayDistanceSound(uint32 sound_id, Player *target=nullptr) | WorldObject | |
Player(WorldSession *session) | Player | explicit |
PlayerTalkClass | Player | |
PlayRadiusMusic(uint32 music_id, float radius) | WorldObject | |
PlayRadiusSound(uint32 sound_id, float radius) | WorldObject | |
Position(float x=0, float y=0, float z=0, float o=0) | Position | inline |
Position(Position const &loc) | Position | inline |
Position(Position &&)=default | Position | |
PositionXYZOStream() | Position | inline |
PositionXYZStream() | Position | inline |
PossessSpellInitialize() | Player | |
PrepareCharmAISpells() | Player | |
PrepareGossipMenu(WorldObject *source, uint32 menuId=0, bool showQuests=false) | Player | |
PrepareQuestMenu(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
PrettyPrintRequirementsAchievementsList(const std::vector< const ProgressionRequirement * > &missingAchievements) const | Player | |
PrettyPrintRequirementsItemsList(const std::vector< const ProgressionRequirement * > &missingItems) const | Player | |
PrettyPrintRequirementsQuestList(const std::vector< const ProgressionRequirement * > &missingQuests) const | Player | |
PrintIndexError(uint32 index, bool set) const | Object | private |
ProcDamageAndSpell(Unit *actor, Unit *victim, uint32 procAttacker, uint32 procVictim, uint32 procEx, uint32 amount, WeaponAttackType attType=BASE_ATTACK, SpellInfo const *procSpellInfo=nullptr, SpellInfo const *procAura=nullptr, int8 procAuraEffectIndex=-1, Spell const *procSpell=nullptr, DamageInfo *damageInfo=nullptr, HealInfo *healInfo=nullptr, uint32 procPhase=2) | Unit | static |
ProcDamageAndSpellFor(bool isVictim, Unit *target, uint32 procFlag, uint32 procExtra, WeaponAttackType attType, SpellInfo const *procSpellInfo, uint32 damage, SpellInfo const *procAura=nullptr, int8 procAuraEffectIndex=-1, Spell const *procSpell=nullptr, DamageInfo *damageInfo=nullptr, HealInfo *healInfo=nullptr, uint32 procPhase=2) | Unit | |
ProcessDelayedOperations() | Player | |
processDummyAuras(float TakenTotalMod) const | Unit | private |
ProcessPositionDataChanged(PositionFullTerrainStatus const &data) override | Unit | virtual |
ProcessTerrainStatusUpdate() override | Player | virtual |
ProhibitSpellSchool(SpellSchoolMask idSchoolMask, uint32 unTimeMs) override | Player | virtual |
propagateSpeedChange() | Unit | inline |
pvpInfo | Player | |
QuestSet typedef | Player | protected |
QuickEquipItem(uint16 pos, Item *pItem) | Player | |
RecalculateObjectScale() | Unit | virtual |
RecalculateRating(CombatRating cr) | Player | inline |
RefundableItemsSet typedef | Player | private |
RefundItem(Item *item) | Player | private |
Regenerate(Powers power) | Player | |
RegenerateAll() | Player | |
RegenerateHealth() | Player | |
Relocate(float x, float y) | Position | inline |
Relocate(float x, float y, float z) | Position | inline |
Relocate(float x, float y, float z, float orientation) | Position | inline |
Relocate(const Position &pos) | Position | inline |
Relocate(const Position *pos) | Position | inline |
RelocateOffset(const Position &offset) | Position | |
RelocatePolarOffset(float angle, float dist, float z=0.0f) | Position | |
removeActionButton(uint8 button) | Player | |
RemoveActiveQuest(uint32 questId, bool update=true) | Player | |
RemoveAllAttackers() | Unit | |
RemoveAllAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveAllAurasExceptType(AuraType type) | Unit | |
RemoveAllAurasOnDeath() | Unit | |
RemoveAllAurasRequiringDeadTarget() | Unit | |
RemoveAllControlled(bool onDeath=false) | Unit | |
RemoveAllDynObjects() | Unit | |
RemoveAllGameObjects() | Unit | |
RemoveAllMinionsByEntry(uint32 entry) | Unit | |
RemoveAllowedLooter(ObjectGuid guid) | WorldObject | |
RemoveAllSpellCooldown() | Player | |
RemoveAmmo() | Player | |
RemoveAppliedAuras(std::function< bool(AuraApplication const *)> const &check) | Unit | |
RemoveAppliedAuras(uint32 spellId, std::function< bool(AuraApplication const *)> const &check) | Unit | |
RemoveAreaAurasDueToLeaveWorld() | Unit | |
RemoveArenaAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveArenaEnchantments(EnchantmentSlot slot) | Player | |
RemoveArenaSpellCooldowns(bool removeActivePetCooldowns=false) | Player | |
RemoveAtLoginFlag(AtLoginFlags flags, bool persist=false) | Player | |
RemoveAura(AuraApplicationMap::iterator &i, AuraRemoveMode mode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAura(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAura(AuraApplication *aurApp, AuraRemoveMode mode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAura(Aura *aur, AuraRemoveMode mode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAuraFromStack(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasByShapeShift() | Unit | |
RemoveAurasByType(AuraType auraType, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, Aura *except=nullptr, bool negative=true, bool positive=true) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasDueToItemSpell(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid castItemGuid) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasDueToSpell(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasDueToSpellByDispel(uint32 spellId, uint32 dispellerSpellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID, Unit *dispeller, uint8 chargesRemoved=1) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasDueToSpellBySteal(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID, Unit *stealer) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasWithAttribute(uint32 flags) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasWithFamily(SpellFamilyNames family, uint32 familyFlag1, uint32 familyFlag2, uint32 familyFlag3, ObjectGuid casterGUID) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasWithInterruptFlags(uint32 flag, uint32 except=0, bool isAutoshot=false) | Unit | |
RemoveAurasWithMechanic(uint32 mechanic_mask, AuraRemoveMode removemode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT, uint32 except=0) | Unit | |
RemoveBattlegroundQueueId(BattlegroundQueueTypeId val) | Player | |
RemoveBindSightAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveByteFlag(uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 newFlag) | Object | |
RemoveCategoryCooldown(uint32 cat) | Player | |
RemoveCharmAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveCharmedBy(Unit *charmer) | Unit | |
RemoveComboPointHolder(Unit *unit) | Unit | inline |
RemoveCorpse() | Player | |
RemovedInsignia(Player *looterPlr) | Player | |
RemoveDynamicFlag(uint32 flag) | Object | inlinevirtual |
RemoveDynObject(uint32 spellId) | Unit | |
RemoveEnchantmentDurations(Item *item) | Player | |
RemoveEnchantmentDurationsReferences(Item *item) | Player | |
RemoveEvadeAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveExtraUnitMovementFlag(uint16 f) | Unit | inline |
RemoveFieldNotifyFlag(uint16 flag) | Object | inline |
RemoveFlag(uint16 index, uint32 oldFlag) | Object | |
RemoveFlag64(uint16 index, uint64 oldFlag) | Object | |
removeFollower(FollowerReference *) | Unit | inline |
RemoveFromBattlegroundOrBattlefieldRaid() | Player | |
RemoveFromGrid() | GridObject< Player > | inline |
RemoveFromGroup(Group *group, ObjectGuid guid, RemoveMethod method=GROUP_REMOVEMETHOD_DEFAULT, ObjectGuid kicker=ObjectGuid::Empty, const char *reason=nullptr) | Player | static |
RemoveFromGroup(RemoveMethod method=GROUP_REMOVEMETHOD_DEFAULT) | Player | inline |
RemoveFromNotify(uint16 f) | WorldObject | inline |
RemoveFromObjectUpdate() override | WorldObject | virtual |
RemoveFromWhisperWhiteList(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
RemoveFromWorld() override | Player | virtual |
RemoveGameObject(GameObject *gameObj, bool del) | Unit | |
RemoveGameObject(uint32 spellid, bool del) | Unit | |
RemoveGuidValue(uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) | Object | |
removeHatedBy(HostileReference *) | Unit | inline |
RemoveItem(uint8 bag, uint8 slot, bool update, bool swap=false) | Player | |
RemoveItemDependentAurasAndCasts(Item *pItem) | Player | |
RemoveItemDurations(Item *item) | Player | |
RemoveItemFromBuyBackSlot(uint32 slot, bool del) | Player | |
RemoveMail(uint32 id) | Player | |
RemoveMItem(ObjectGuid::LowType itemLowGuid) | Player | inline |
RemoveMovementImpairingAuras(bool withRoot) | Unit | |
RemoveNotOwnSingleTargetAuras() | Unit | |
RemoveNpcFlag(NPCFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
RemoveOwnedAura(AuraMap::iterator &i, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveOwnedAura(uint32 spellId, ObjectGuid casterGUID=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 reqEffMask=0, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveOwnedAura(Aura *aura, AuraRemoveMode removeMode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT) | Unit | |
RemoveOwnedAuras(std::function< bool(Aura const *)> const &check) | Unit | |
RemoveOwnedAuras(uint32 spellId, std::function< bool(Aura const *)> const &check) | Unit | |
RemovePet(Pet *pet, PetSaveMode mode, bool returnreagent=false) | Player | |
RemovePetAura(PetAura const *petSpell) | Unit | |
RemovePetitionsAndSigns(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 type) | Player | static |
RemovePlayerFlag(PlayerFlags flags) | Player | inline |
RemovePlayerFromVision(Player *player) | Unit | |
RemovePointedBy(SafeUnitPointer *sup) | Unit | inline |
RemoveQuestSlotState(uint16 slot, uint32 state) | Player | inline |
RemoveReceivedSpectatorResetFor(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
RemoveRestFlag(RestFlag restFlag) | Player | |
RemoveRestState() | Player | |
RemoveRewardedQuest(uint32 questId, bool update=true) | Player | |
RemoveRunesByAuraEffect(AuraEffect const *aura) | Player | |
removeSpell(uint32 spellId, uint8 removeSpecMask, bool onlyTemporary) | Player | |
RemoveSpellCooldown(uint32 spell_id, bool update=false) | Player | |
RemoveSpellMods(Spell *spell) | Player | |
RemoveStandFlags(uint8 flags) | Unit | inline |
RemoveTimedAchievement(AchievementCriteriaTimedTypes type, uint32 entry) | Player | |
RemoveTimedQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | inline |
RemoveTradeableItem(Item *item) | Player | |
RemoveUnitFlag(UnitFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
RemoveUnitFlag2(UnitFlags2 flags) | Unit | inline |
RemoveUnitMovementFlag(uint32 f) | Unit | inline |
RemoveVehicleKit() | Unit | |
RemoveVisibleAura(uint8 slot) | Unit | inline |
ReplaceAllDynamicFlags(uint32 flag) override | Unit | inlinevirtual |
ReplaceAllNpcFlags(NPCFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
ReplaceAllPlayerFlags(PlayerFlags flags) | Player | inline |
ReplaceAllUnitFlags(UnitFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
ReplaceAllUnitFlags2(UnitFlags2 flags) | Unit | inline |
RepopAtGraveyard() | Player | |
ReportedAfkBy(Player *reporter) | Player | |
ReputationChanged(FactionEntry const *factionEntry) | Player | |
ReputationChanged2(FactionEntry const *factionEntry) | Player | |
ResetAchievementCriteria(AchievementCriteriaCondition condition, uint32 value, bool evenIfCriteriaComplete=false) | Player | |
ResetAchievements() | Player | |
ResetAllNotifies() | WorldObject | inline |
ResetAllowedLooters() | WorldObject | |
ResetAllPowers() | Player | |
resetAttackTimer(WeaponAttackType type=BASE_ATTACK) | Unit | |
ResetContestedPvP() | Player | inline |
ResetDailyQuestStatus() | Player | |
ResetFarSightDistance() | Player | |
ResetInstances(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 method, bool isRaid) | Player | static |
ResetMap() override | Player | virtual |
ResetMonthlyQuestStatus() | Player | |
ResetPetTalents() | Player | |
ResetRedirectThreat() | Unit | inline |
ResetSeasonalQuestStatus(uint16 event_id) | Player | |
resetSpells() | Player | |
resetTalents(bool noResetCost=false) | Player | |
resetTalentsCost() const | Player | |
ResetWeeklyQuestStatus() | Player | |
RestoreAllSpellMods(uint32 ownerAuraId=0, Aura *aura=nullptr) | Player | |
RestoreBaseRune(uint8 index) | Player | |
RestoreDisplayId() | Unit | |
RestoreFaction() | Unit | |
RestoreHealthAfterDuel() | Player | inline |
RestoreManaAfterDuel() | Player | inline |
RestoreSpellMods(Spell *spell, uint32 ownerAuraId=0, Aura *aura=nullptr) | Player | |
ResumeMovement(uint32 timer=0, uint8 slot=0) | Unit | |
ResummonPetTemporaryUnSummonedIfAny() | Player | |
ResurectUsingRequestData() | Player | |
ResurrectPlayer(float restore_percent, bool applySickness=false) | Player | |
ResyncRunes(uint8 count) | Player | |
RewardExtraBonusTalentPoints(uint32 bonusTalentPoints) | Player | |
RewardHonor(Unit *victim, uint32 groupsize, int32 honor=-1, bool awardXP=true) | Player | |
RewardPlayerAndGroupAtEvent(uint32 creature_id, WorldObject *pRewardSource) | Player | |
RewardPlayerAndGroupAtKill(Unit *victim, bool isBattleGround) | Player | |
RewardQuest(Quest const *quest, uint32 reward, Object *questGiver, bool announce=true, bool isLFGReward=false) | Player | |
RewardRage(uint32 damage, uint32 weaponSpeedHitFactor, bool attacker) | Unit | |
RewardReputation(Unit *victim) | Player | |
RewardReputation(Quest const *quest) | Player | |
RollMeleeOutcomeAgainst(Unit const *victim, WeaponAttackType attType) const | Unit | |
RollMeleeOutcomeAgainst(Unit const *victim, WeaponAttackType attType, int32 crit_chance, int32 miss_chance, int32 dodge_chance, int32 parry_chance, int32 block_chance) const | Unit | |
SafeUnitPointerSet | Unit | |
Satisfy(DungeonProgressionRequirements const *ar, uint32 target_map, bool report=false) | Player | |
SatisfyQuestClass(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestConditions(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) | Player | |
SatisfyQuestDay(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestExclusiveGroup(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestLevel(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestLog(bool msg) | Player | |
SatisfyQuestMonth(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestNextChain(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestPrevChain(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestPreviousQuest(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestRace(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestReputation(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestSeasonal(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestSkill(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestStatus(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestTimed(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SatisfyQuestWeek(Quest const *qInfo, bool msg) const | Player | |
SaveGoldToDB(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | |
SaveHealthBeforeDuel() | Player | inline |
SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | |
SaveManaBeforeDuel() | Player | inline |
SavePositionInDB(uint32 mapid, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 zone, ObjectGuid guid) | Player | static |
SavePositionInDB(WorldLocation const &loc, uint16 zoneId, ObjectGuid guid, CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans) | Player | static |
SaveRecallPosition() | Player | |
SaveRespawnTime() | WorldObject | inlinevirtual |
SaveToDB(bool create, bool logout) | Player | |
SaveToDB(CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans, bool create, bool logout) | Player | |
Say(std::string_view text, Language language, WorldObject const *=nullptr) override | Player | virtual |
Say(uint32 textId, WorldObject const *target=nullptr) override | Player | virtual |
ScheduleDelayedOperation(uint32 operation) | Player | inline |
SeasonalEventQuestMap typedef | Player | protected |
SeasonalQuestSet typedef | Player | protected |
SelectNearbyNoTotemTarget(Unit *exclude=nullptr, float dist=NOMINAL_MELEE_RANGE) const | Unit | |
SelectNearbyTarget(Unit *exclude=nullptr, float dist=NOMINAL_MELEE_RANGE) const | Unit | |
SelectNearestPlayer(float distance=0) const | WorldObject | |
SendActionButtons(uint32 state) const | Player | |
SendAttackStateUpdate(CalcDamageInfo *damageInfo) | Unit | |
SendAttackStateUpdate(uint32 HitInfo, Unit *target, uint8 SwingType, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask, uint32 Damage, uint32 AbsorbDamage, uint32 Resist, VictimState TargetState, uint32 BlockedAmount) | Unit | |
SendAttackSwingBadFacingAttack() | Player | |
SendAttackSwingCancelAttack() | Player | |
SendAttackSwingCantAttack() | Player | |
SendAttackSwingDeadTarget() | Player | |
SendAttackSwingNotInRange() | Player | |
SendAutoRepeatCancel(Unit *target) | Player | |
SendBattlefieldWorldStates() | Player | |
SendBGWeekendWorldStates() | Player | |
SendBuyError(BuyResult msg, Creature *creature, uint32 item, uint32 param) | Player | |
SendCanTakeQuestResponse(uint32 msg) const | Player | |
SendChangeCurrentVictimOpcode(HostileReference *pHostileReference) | Unit | |
SendCinematicStart(uint32 CinematicSequenceId) const | Player | |
SendClearCooldown(uint32 spell_id, Unit *target) | Player | |
SendClearTarget() | Unit | |
SendClearThreatListOpcode() | Unit | |
SendComboPoints() | Unit | |
SendCooldownEvent(SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint32 itemId=0, Spell *spell=nullptr, bool setCooldown=true) | Player | |
SendCorpseReclaimDelay(uint32 delay) | Player | |
SendDirectMessage(WorldPacket const *data) const | Player | |
SendDuelCountdown(uint32 counter) | Player | |
SendDungeonDifficulty(bool IsInGroup) | Player | |
SendDurabilityLoss() | Player | |
SendEnchantmentDurations() | Player | |
SendEnergizeSpellLog(Unit *victim, uint32 SpellID, uint32 Damage, Powers powertype) | Unit | |
SendEquipError(InventoryResult msg, Item *pItem, Item *pItem2=nullptr, uint32 itemid=0) | Player | |
SendEquipmentSetList() | Player | |
SendExplorationExperience(uint32 Area, uint32 Experience) | Player | |
SendHealSpellLog(HealInfo const &healInfo, bool critical=false) | Unit | |
SendInitialActionButtons() const | Player | inline |
SendInitialPacketsAfterAddToMap() | Player | |
SendInitialPacketsBeforeAddToMap() | Player | |
SendInitialSpells() | Player | |
SendInitWorldStates(uint32 zone, uint32 area) | Player | |
SendInstanceResetWarning(uint32 mapid, Difficulty difficulty, uint32 time, bool onEnterMap) | Player | |
SendItemDurations() | Player | |
SendItemRetrievalMail(uint32 itemEntry, uint32 count) | Player | |
SendItemRetrievalMail(std::vector< std::pair< uint32, uint32 > > mailItems) | Player | |
SendLearnPacket(uint32 spellId, bool learn) | Player | |
SendLogXPGain(uint32 GivenXP, Unit *victim, uint32 BonusXP, bool recruitAFriend=false, float group_rate=1.0f) | Player | |
SendLoot(ObjectGuid guid, LootType loot_type) | Player | |
SendLootError(ObjectGuid guid, LootError error) | Player | |
SendLootRelease(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
SendMailResult(uint32 mailId, MailResponseType mailAction, MailResponseResult mailError, uint32 equipError=0, ObjectGuid::LowType item_guid=0, uint32 item_count=0) | Player | |
SendMeleeAttackStart(Unit *victim, Player *sendTo=nullptr) | Unit | |
SendMeleeAttackStop(Unit *victim=nullptr) | Unit | |
SendMessageToSet(WorldPacket const *data, bool self) const override | Player | virtual |
SendMessageToSet(WorldPacket const *data, Player const *skipped_rcvr) const override | Player | virtual |
SendMessageToSetInRange(WorldPacket const *data, float dist, bool self) const override | Player | virtual |
SendMessageToSetInRange(WorldPacket const *data, float dist, bool self, bool includeMargin, bool ownTeamOnly, bool required3dDist=false) const | Player | |
SendMirrorTimer(MirrorTimerType Type, uint32 MaxValue, uint32 CurrentValue, int32 Regen) | Player | protected |
SendMonsterMove(float NewPosX, float NewPosY, float NewPosZ, uint32 TransitTime, SplineFlags sf=SPLINEFLAG_WALK_MODE) | Unit | |
SendMovementFeatherFall(Player *sendTo) | Unit | |
SendMovementFlagUpdate(bool self=false) | Unit | |
SendMovementHover(Player *sendTo) | Unit | |
SendMovementWaterWalking(Player *sendTo) | Unit | |
SendMovieStart(uint32 MovieId) | Player | |
SendNewItem(Item *item, uint32 count, bool received, bool created, bool broadcast=false, bool sendChatMessage=true) | Player | |
SendNewMail() | Player | |
SendNotifyLootItemRemoved(uint8 lootSlot) | Player | |
SendNotifyLootMoneyRemoved() | Player | |
SendObjectDeSpawnAnim(ObjectGuid guid) | WorldObject | |
SendPeriodicAuraLog(SpellPeriodicAuraLogInfo *pInfo) | Unit | |
SendPetActionFeedback(uint8 msg) | Unit | |
SendPetAIReaction(ObjectGuid guid) | Unit | |
SendPetTalk(uint32 pettalk) | Unit | |
SendPlayMusic(uint32 Music, bool OnlySelf) | WorldObject | |
SendPlaySpellImpact(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 id) | Unit | |
SendPlaySpellVisual(uint32 id) | Unit | |
SendPreparedGossip(WorldObject *source) | Player | |
SendPreparedQuest(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
SendProficiency(ItemClass itemClass, uint32 itemSubclassMask) | Player | |
SendPushToPartyResponse(Player const *player, uint8 msg) const | Player | |
SendQuestComplete(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SendQuestConfirmAccept(Quest const *quest, Player *pReceiver) | Player | |
SendQuestFailed(uint32 questId, InventoryResult reason=EQUIP_ERR_OK) | Player | |
SendQuestGiverStatusMultiple() | Player | protected |
SendQuestReward(Quest const *quest, uint32 XP) | Player | |
SendQuestTimerFailed(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SendQuestUpdate(uint32 questId) | Player | |
SendQuestUpdateAddCreatureOrGo(Quest const *quest, ObjectGuid guid, uint32 creatureOrGO_idx, uint16 old_count, uint16 add_count) | Player | |
SendQuestUpdateAddItem(Quest const *quest, uint32 item_idx, uint16 count) | Player | |
SendQuestUpdateAddPlayer(Quest const *quest, uint16 old_count, uint16 add_count) | Player | |
SendRaidDifficulty(bool IsInGroup, int32 forcedDifficulty=-1) | Player | |
SendRaidInfo() | Player | |
SendRefundInfo(Item *item) | Player | private |
SendRemoveControlBar() | Player | |
SendRemoveFromThreatListOpcode(HostileReference *pHostileReference) | Unit | |
SendResetFailedNotify(uint32 mapid) | Player | |
SendResetInstanceFailed(uint32 reason, uint32 MapId) | Player | |
SendResetInstanceSuccess(uint32 MapId) | Player | |
SendRespondInspectAchievements(Player *player) const | Player | |
SendSavedInstances() | Player | |
SendSellError(SellResult msg, Creature *creature, ObjectGuid guid, uint32 param) | Player | |
SendSpellDamageImmune(Unit *target, uint32 spellId) | Unit | |
SendSpellDamageResist(Unit *target, uint32 spellId) | Unit | |
SendSpellMiss(Unit *target, uint32 spellID, SpellMissInfo missInfo) | Unit | |
SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(SpellNonMeleeDamage *log) | Unit | |
SendSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, uint32 Damage, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask, uint32 AbsorbedDamage, uint32 Resist, bool PhysicalDamage, uint32 Blocked, bool CriticalHit=false, bool Split=false) | Unit | |
SendSpellNonMeleeReflectLog(SpellNonMeleeDamage *log, Unit *attacker) | Unit | |
SendSystemMessage(std::string_view msg, bool escapeCharacters=false) | Player | |
SendTalentsInfoData(bool pet) | Player | |
SendTalentWipeConfirm(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
SendTameFailure(uint8 result) | Unit | |
SendTaxiNodeStatusMultiple() | Player | |
SendTeleportAckPacket() | Player | |
SendTeleportPacket(Position &pos) | Unit | |
SendThreatListUpdate() | Unit | |
SendTransferAborted(uint32 mapid, TransferAbortReason reason, uint8 arg=0) | Player | |
SendUpdateToOutOfRangeGroupMembers() | Player | |
SendUpdateToPlayer(Player *player) | Object | |
SendUpdateWorldState(uint32 variable, uint32 value) const | Player | |
SetAcceptWhispers(bool on) | Player | inline |
setActive(bool isActiveObject) | WorldObject | |
SetActiveSpec(uint8 spec) | Player | inline |
SetAI(UnitAI *newAI) | Unit | inline |
SetAllowedLooters(GuidUnorderedSet const looters) | WorldObject | |
SetAmmo(uint32 item) | Player | |
SetArenaPoints(uint32 value) | Player | |
SetArenaTeamIdInvited(uint32 ArenaTeamId) | Player | inline |
SetArenaTeamInfoField(uint8 slot, ArenaTeamInfoType type, uint32 value) | Player | |
SetArmor(int32 val) | Unit | inline |
SetAtLoginFlag(AtLoginFlags f) | Player | inline |
SetAttackTime(WeaponAttackType att, uint32 val) | Unit | inline |
setAttackTimer(WeaponAttackType type, int32 time) | Unit | inline |
SetAuraStack(uint32 spellId, Unit *target, uint32 stack) | Unit | |
SetAuraUpdateMaskForRaid(uint8 slot) | Player | inline |
SetBankBagSlotCount(uint8 count) | Player | inline |
SetBaseModValue(BaseModGroup modGroup, BaseModType modType, float value) | Player | inline |
SetBaseRune(uint8 index, RuneType baseRune) | Player | inline |
SetBaseWeaponDamage(WeaponAttackType attType, WeaponDamageRange damageRange, float value, uint8 damageIndex=0) | Unit | inline |
SetBattlegroundId(uint32 id, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, uint32 queueSlot, bool invited, bool isRandom, TeamId teamId) | Player | |
SetBattlegroundOrBattlefieldRaid(Group *group, int8 subgroup=-1) | Player | |
SetBGData(BGData &bgdata) | Player | inline |
SetBindPoint(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
SetByteFlag(uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 newFlag) | Object | |
SetByteValue(uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint8 value) | Object | |
SetCanBlock(bool value) | Player | |
SetCanDualWield(bool value) | Unit | inlinevirtual |
SetCanFly(bool apply, bool packetOnly=false) override | Player | virtual |
SetCanKnockback(bool value) | Player | inline |
SetCanModifyStats(bool modifyStats) | Unit | inline |
SetCanParry(bool value) | Player | |
SetCanTeleport(bool value) | Player | inline |
SetCanTitanGrip(bool value) | Player | |
SetCantProc(bool apply) | Unit | |
SetChampioningFaction(uint32 faction) | Player | inline |
SetCharm(Unit *target, bool apply) | Unit | |
SetCharmedBy(Unit *charmer, CharmType type, AuraApplication const *aurApp=nullptr) | Unit | |
SetCharmerGUID(ObjectGuid owner) | Unit | inline |
setCinematic(uint8 cine) | Player | inline |
SetClientControl(Unit *target, bool allowMove, bool packetOnly=false) | Player | |
SetCombatTimer(uint32 timer) | Unit | inline |
SetCommandStatusOff(uint32 command) | Player | inline |
SetCommandStatusOn(uint32 command) | Player | inline |
SetCommentator(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetConfused(bool apply) | Unit | protected |
SetContestedPvP(Player *attackedPlayer=nullptr, bool lookForNearContestedGuards=true) | Unit | |
SetContestedPvPTimer(uint32 newTime) | Player | inline |
SetControlled(bool apply, UnitState state, Unit *source=nullptr, bool isFear=false) | Unit | |
SetCreateHealth(uint32 val) | Unit | inline |
SetCreateMana(uint32 val) | Unit | inline |
SetCreateStat(Stats stat, float val) | Unit | inline |
SetCreationTime(Seconds creationTime) | Player | inline |
SetCreatorGUID(ObjectGuid creator) | Unit | inline |
SetCritterGUID(ObjectGuid guid) | Unit | inline |
SetCurrentCastedSpell(Spell *pSpell) | Unit | |
SetCurrentRune(uint8 index, RuneType currentRune) | Player | inline |
SetCurrentTitle(CharTitlesEntry const *title, bool clear=false) | Player | inline |
SetDailyQuestStatus(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
setDeathState(DeathState s, bool despawn=false) override | Player | virtual |
SetDeveloper(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetDisableGravity(bool disable, bool packetOnly=false, bool updateAnimationTier=true) override | Player | virtual |
SetDisplayId(uint32 modelId, float displayScale=1.f) | Unit | virtual |
SetDivider(ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | Player | inline |
SetDrunkValue(uint8 newDrunkValue, uint32 itemId=0) | Player | |
SetDungeonDifficulty(Difficulty dungeon_difficulty) | Player | inline |
SetDynamicFlag(uint32 flag) | Object | inlinevirtual |
SetEntry(uint32 entry) | Object | inline |
SetEntryPoint() | Player | |
SetEquipmentSet(uint32 index, EquipmentSet eqset) | Player | |
SetExtraUnitMovementFlags(uint16 f) | Unit | inline |
SetFacingTo(float ori) | Unit | |
SetFacingToObject(WorldObject *object) | Unit | |
SetFaction(uint32 faction) | Unit | |
SetFactionForRace(uint8 race) | Player | |
SetFallInformation(uint32 time, float z) | Player | inline |
SetFarSightDistance(float radius) | Player | |
SetFeared(bool apply, Unit *fearedBy=nullptr, bool isFear=false) | Unit | protected |
SetFeatherFall(bool apply, bool packetOnly=false) override | Player | virtual |
SetFieldNotifyFlag(uint16 flag) | Object | inline |
SetFlag(uint16 index, uint32 newFlag) | Object | |
SetFlag64(uint16 index, uint64 newFlag) | Object | |
SetFloatValue(uint16 index, float value) | Object | |
SetFreePrimaryProfessions(uint16 profs) | Player | inline |
SetFreeTalentPoints(uint32 points) | Player | |
SetFullHealth() | Unit | inline |
SetGameMaster(bool on) | Player | |
SetGlyph(uint8 slot, uint32 glyph, bool save) | Player | inline |
SetGlyphSlot(uint8 slot, uint32 slottype) | Player | inline |
SetGMChat(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetGMVisible(bool on) | Player | |
SetGracePeriod(uint8 index, uint32 period) | Player | inline |
SetGrantableLevels(uint8 val) | Player | inline |
SetGroup(Group *group, int8 subgroup=-1) | Player | |
SetGroupInvite(Group *group) | Player | inline |
SetGroupUpdateFlag(uint32 flag) | Player | inline |
SetGuidValue(uint16 index, ObjectGuid value) | Object | |
SetGuildIdInvited(uint32 GuildId) | Player | inline |
SetHas310Flyer(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetHasDelayedTeleport(bool setting) | Player | inlineprivate |
SetHealth(uint32 val) | Unit | |
SetHomebind(WorldLocation const &loc, uint32 areaId) | Player | |
SetHonorPoints(uint32 value) | Player | |
SetHover(bool enable, bool packetOnly=false, bool updateAnimationTier=true) override | Player | virtual |
SetImmuneToAll(bool apply, bool keepCombat=false) | Unit | inline |
SetImmuneToNPC(bool apply, bool keepCombat=false) | Unit | |
SetImmuneToPC(bool apply, bool keepCombat=false) | Unit | |
SetInArenaTeam(uint32 ArenaTeamId, uint8 slot, uint8 type) | Player | inline |
SetInCombatState(bool PvP, Unit *enemy=nullptr, uint32 duration=0) | Unit | |
SetInCombatWith(Unit *enemy, uint32 duration=0) | Unit | |
SetInFront(WorldObject const *target) | Unit | |
SetInGameTime(uint32 time) | Player | inline |
SetInGuild(uint32 GuildId) | Player | inline |
SetInstantCast(bool set) | Unit | inline |
SetInt16Value(uint16 index, uint8 offset, int16 value) | Object | inline |
SetInt32Value(uint16 index, int32 value) | Object | |
SetInviteForBattlegroundQueueType(BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId, uint32 instanceId) | Player | |
SetInWater(bool apply) | Player | |
SetIsSpectator(bool on) | Player | |
SetLastDamagedTargetGuid(ObjectGuid const &guid) | Unit | inline |
SetLastExtraAttackSpell(uint32 spellId) | Unit | inline |
SetLastManaUse(uint32 spellCastTime) | Unit | inline |
SetLastPetNumber(uint32 petnumber) | Player | inline |
SetLastPetSpell(uint32 petspell) | Player | inline |
SetLastPotionId(uint32 item_id) | Player | inline |
SetLastUsedRune(RuneType type) | Player | inline |
SetLevel(uint8 lvl, bool showLevelChange=true) | Unit | |
SetLocationInstanceId(uint32 _instanceId) | WorldObject | inlineprotected |
SetLocationMapId(uint32 _mapId) | WorldObject | inlineprotected |
SetLootGUID(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
SetMap(Map *map) override | Player | virtual |
SetMapId(uint32 mapId) | WorldLocation | inline |
SetMaxHealth(uint32 val) | Unit | |
SetMaxPower(Powers power, uint32 val) | Unit | |
SetMinion(Minion *minion, bool apply) | Unit | |
SetMinionGUID(ObjectGuid guid) | Unit | inline |
SetModelVisible(bool on) | Unit | |
SetModifierValue(UnitMods unitMod, UnitModifierType modifierType, float value) | Unit | inline |
SetMoney(uint32 value) | Player | inline |
SetMonthlyQuestStatus(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SetMountBlockId(uint32 mount) | Player | inline |
SetMovement(PlayerMovementType pType) | Player | |
SetMover(Unit *target) | Player | |
SetMustDelayTeleport(bool setting) | Player | inlineprivate |
SetName(std::string const &newname) | WorldObject | inline |
SetNativeDisplayId(uint32 displayId) | Unit | inline |
SetNeedToSaveGlyphs(bool val) | Player | inline |
SetNeedZoneUpdate(bool needUpdate) | Player | inline |
SetNotified(uint16 f) | WorldObject | inline |
SetNpcFlag(NPCFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
SetObjectScale(float scale) override | Player | inlinevirtual |
SetOrientation(float orientation) | Position | inline |
SetOriginalGroup(Group *group, int8 subgroup=-1) | Player | |
SetOwnerGUID(ObjectGuid owner) | Unit | |
SetPassOnGroupLoot(bool bPassOnGroupLoot) | Player | inline |
SetPendingBind(uint32 instanceId, uint32 bindTimer) | Player | inline |
SetPendingSpectatorForBG(uint32 bgInstanceId) | Player | inline |
SetPendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId(uint32 bgInstanceId) | Player | inline |
SetPetGUID(ObjectGuid guid) | Unit | inline |
SetPhaseMask(uint32 newPhaseMask, bool update) override | Unit | virtual |
SetPlayerFlag(PlayerFlags flags) | Player | inline |
SetPositionDataUpdate() | WorldObject | |
SetPower(Powers power, uint32 val, bool withPowerUpdate=true, bool fromRegenerate=false) | Unit | |
setPowerType(Powers power) | Unit | |
SetPvP(bool state) | Player | inline |
SetPvPDeath(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetQuestSlot(uint16 slot, uint32 quest_id, uint32 timer=0) | Player | inline |
SetQuestSlotCounter(uint16 slot, uint8 counter, uint16 count) | Player | inline |
SetQuestSlotState(uint16 slot, uint32 state) | Player | inline |
SetQuestSlotTimer(uint16 slot, uint32 timer) | Player | inline |
SetQuestStatus(uint32 questId, QuestStatus status, bool update=true) | Player | |
setRace(uint8 race) | Unit | |
SetRaidDifficulty(Difficulty raid_difficulty) | Player | inline |
SetRandomWinner(bool isWinner) | Player | |
SetRank(uint8 rankId) | Player | inline |
SetRedirectThreat(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 pct) | Unit | inline |
setRegenTimerCount(uint32 time) | Player | inline |
SetRegularAttackTime() | Player | |
SetReputation(uint32 factionentry, float value) | Player | |
SetResistance(SpellSchools school, int32 val) | Unit | inline |
SetResistanceBuffMods(SpellSchools school, bool positive, float val) | Unit | inline |
SetRestBonus(float rest_bonus_new) | Player | |
SetRestFlag(RestFlag restFlag, uint32 triggerId=0) | Player | |
SetRestState(uint32 triggerId) | Player | |
setResurrectRequestData(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 mapId, float X, float Y, float Z, uint32 health, uint32 mana) | Player | inline |
SetRewardedQuest(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SetRooted(bool apply, bool isStun=false) | Unit | protected |
SetRuneConvertAura(uint8 index, AuraEffect const *aura) | Player | inline |
SetRuneCooldown(uint8 index, uint32 cooldown) | Player | inline |
setRuneWeaponGUID(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | inline |
SetSaveTimer(uint32 timer) | Player | inline |
SetSeasonalQuestStatus(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SetSeer(WorldObject *target) | Player | inline |
SetSelection(ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
SetSemaphoreTeleportFar(time_t tm) | Player | inline |
SetSemaphoreTeleportNear(time_t tm) | Player | inline |
SetServerSideVisibility(ServerSideVisibilityType type, AccountTypes sec) | Player | |
SetServerSideVisibilityDetect(ServerSideVisibilityType type, AccountTypes sec) | Player | |
SetSession(WorldSession *sess) | Player | inline |
SetShapeshiftForm(ShapeshiftForm form) | Unit | inline |
SetSheath(SheathState sheathed) override | Player | virtual |
SetShowDKPet(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetSkill(uint16 id, uint16 step, uint16 currVal, uint16 maxVal) | Player | |
SetSpecsCount(uint8 count) | Player | inline |
SetSpeed(UnitMoveType mtype, float rate, bool forced=false) | Unit | |
SetSpeedRate(UnitMoveType mtype, float rate) | Unit | inline |
SetSpellModTakingSpell(Spell *spell, bool apply) | Player | |
SetStandFlags(uint8 flags) | Unit | inline |
SetStandState(uint8 state) | Unit | |
SetStat(Stats stat, int32 val) | Unit | inline |
SetStatFloatValue(uint16 index, float value) | Object | |
SetStatInt32Value(uint16 index, int32 value) | Object | |
SetStunned(bool apply) | Unit | protected |
SetSummonAsSpectator(bool on) | Player | inline |
SetSummonPoint(uint32 mapid, float x, float y, float z, uint32 delay=0, bool asSpectator=false) | Player | |
SetSwim(bool enable) | Unit | virtual |
SetTarget(ObjectGuid=ObjectGuid::Empty) override | Player | inlinevirtual |
SetTaxiCheater(bool on) | Player | inline |
setTeamId(TeamId teamid) | Player | inline |
SetTemporaryUnsummonedPetNumber(uint32 petnumber) | Player | inline |
SetTitle(CharTitlesEntry const *title, bool lost=false) | Player | |
setTransForm(uint32 spellid) | Unit | inline |
SetTransport(Transport *t) | WorldObject | inline |
SetUInt16Value(uint16 index, uint8 offset, uint16 value) | Object | |
SetUInt32Value(uint16 index, uint32 value) | Unit | |
SetUInt64Value(uint16 index, uint64 value) | Object | |
SetUnitFlag(UnitFlags flags) | Unit | inline |
SetUnitFlag2(UnitFlags2 flags) | Unit | inline |
SetUnitMovementFlags(uint32 f) | Unit | inline |
SetViewpoint(WorldObject *target, bool apply) | Player | |
SetVirtualItem(uint32 slot, uint32 itemId) | Unit | |
SetVirtualItemSlot(uint8 i, Item *item) | Player | |
SetVisibilityDistanceOverride(VisibilityDistanceType type) | WorldObject | |
SetVisible(bool x) | Unit | |
SetVisibleAura(uint8 slot, AuraApplication *aur) | Unit | inline |
SetVisibleItemSlot(uint8 slot, Item *pItem) | Player | |
SetWalk(bool enable) | Unit | virtual |
SetWaterWalking(bool apply, bool packetOnly=false) override | Player | virtual |
setWeaponChangeTimer(uint32 time) | Player | inline |
SetWeeklyQuestStatus(uint32 quest_id) | Player | |
SetWorldObject(bool apply) | WorldObject | |
SetZoneScript() | WorldObject | |
SpawnCorpseBones(bool triggerSave=true) | Player | |
SpellBaseDamageBonusDone(SpellSchoolMask schoolMask) | Unit | |
SpellBaseDamageBonusTaken(SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, bool isDoT=false) | Unit | |
SpellBaseHealingBonusDone(SpellSchoolMask schoolMask) | Unit | |
SpellBaseHealingBonusTaken(SpellSchoolMask schoolMask) | Unit | |
SpellCriticalDamageBonus(Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 damage, Unit const *victim) | Unit | static |
SpellCriticalHealingBonus(Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 damage, Unit const *victim) | Unit | static |
SpellDamageBonusDone(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 pdamage, DamageEffectType damagetype, uint8 effIndex, float TotalMod=0.0f, uint32 stack=1) | Unit | |
SpellDamageBonusTaken(Unit *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 pdamage, DamageEffectType damagetype, uint32 stack=1) | Unit | |
SpellDoneCritChance(Unit const *, SpellInfo const *spellProto, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, WeaponAttackType attackType, bool skipEffectCheck) const | Unit | |
SpellHealingBonusDone(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 healamount, DamageEffectType damagetype, uint8 effIndex, float TotalMod=0.0f, uint32 stack=1) | Unit | |
SpellHealingBonusTaken(Unit *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, uint32 healamount, DamageEffectType damagetype, uint32 stack=1) | Unit | |
SpellHitResult(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spell, bool canReflect=false) | Unit | |
SpellHitResult(Unit *victim, Spell const *spell, bool canReflect=false) | Unit | |
SpellPctDamageModsDone(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellProto, DamageEffectType damagetype) | Unit | |
SpellPctHealingModsDone(Unit *victim, SpellInfo const *spellProto, DamageEffectType damagetype) | Unit | |
SpellTakenCritChance(Unit const *caster, SpellInfo const *spellProto, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, float doneChance, WeaponAttackType attackType, bool skipEffectCheck) const | Unit | |
SplitItem(uint16 src, uint16 dst, uint32 count) | Player | |
StartReactiveTimer(ReactiveType reactive) | Unit | inline |
StartTimedAchievement(AchievementCriteriaTimedTypes type, uint32 entry, uint32 timeLost=0) | Player | |
StopAttackFaction(uint32 faction_id) | Unit | |
StopAttackingInvalidTarget() | Unit | |
StopCastingBindSight(Aura *except=nullptr) | Player | |
StopCastingCharm(Aura *except=nullptr) | Player | |
StopMirrorTimer(MirrorTimerType Type) | Player | protected |
StopMirrorTimers() | Player | inline |
StopMoving() | Unit | |
StopMovingOnCurrentPos() | Unit | |
StoreItem(ItemPosCountVec const &pos, Item *pItem, bool update) | Player | |
StoreLootItem(uint8 lootSlot, Loot *loot, InventoryResult &msg) | Player | |
StoreNewItem(ItemPosCountVec const &pos, uint32 item, bool update, int32 randomPropertyId=0) | Player | |
StoreNewItem(ItemPosCountVec const &pos, uint32 item, bool update, int32 randomPropertyId, AllowedLooterSet &allowedLooters) | Player | |
StoreNewItemInBestSlots(uint32 item_id, uint32 item_count) | Player | |
StoreRaidMapDifficulty() | Player | inline |
SummonCreature(uint32 id, const Position &pos, TempSummonType spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, uint32 despwtime=0, uint32 vehId=0, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false) const | WorldObject | |
SummonCreature(uint32 id, float x, float y, float z, float ang=0, TempSummonType spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN, uint32 despwtime=0, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false) | WorldObject | |
SummonCreatureGroup(uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr) | WorldObject | |
SummonGameObject(uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime, bool checkTransport=true, GOSummonType summonType=GO_SUMMON_TIMED_OR_CORPSE_DESPAWN) | WorldObject | |
SummonIfPossible(bool agree, ObjectGuid summoner_guid) | Player | |
SummonPet(uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, PetType petType, Milliseconds duration=0s, uint32 healthPct=0) | Player | |
SummonTrigger(float x, float y, float z, float ang, uint32 dur, bool setLevel=false, CreatureAI *(*GetAI)(Creature *)=nullptr) | WorldObject | |
SwapItem(uint16 src, uint16 dst) | Player | |
SwapQuestSlot(uint16 slot1, uint16 slot2) | Player | inline |
TakeQuestSourceItem(uint32 questId, bool msg) | Player | |
Talk(std::string_view text, ChatMsg msgType, Language language, float textRange, WorldObject const *target) | Unit | virtual |
Talk(uint32 textId, ChatMsg msgType, float textRange, WorldObject const *target) | Unit | virtual |
TalkedToCreature(uint32 entry, ObjectGuid guid) | Player | |
TauntApply(Unit *victim) | Unit | |
TauntFadeOut(Unit *taunter) | Unit | |
TeamIdForRace(uint8 race) | Player | static |
teleportStore_dest | Player | private |
teleportStore_options | Player | private |
TeleportTo(uint32 mapid, float x, float y, float z, float orientation, uint32 options=0, Unit *target=nullptr, bool newInstance=false) | Player | |
TeleportTo(WorldLocation const &loc, uint32 options=0, Unit *target=nullptr) | Player | inline |
TeleportToEntryPoint() | Player | |
TextEmote(std::string_view text, WorldObject const *=nullptr, bool=false) override | Player | virtual |
TextEmote(uint32 textId, WorldObject const *target=nullptr, bool isBossEmote=false) override | Player | virtual |
ToAbsoluteAngle(float relAngle) const | Position | inline |
ToCorpse() | Object | inline |
ToCorpse() const | Object | inline |
ToCreature() | Object | inline |
ToCreature() const | Object | inline |
ToDynObject() | Object | inline |
ToDynObject() const | Object | inline |
ToGameObject() | Object | inline |
ToGameObject() const | Object | inline |
ToggleAFK() | Player | |
ToggleDND() | Player | |
ToggleFlag(uint16 index, uint32 flag) | Object | |
ToggleFlag64(uint16 index, uint64 flag) | Object | |
ToggleInstantFlight() | Player | |
ToggleMetaGemsActive(uint8 exceptslot, bool apply) | Player | |
ToPet() | Unit | inline |
ToPlayer() | Object | inline |
ToPlayer() const | Object | inline |
ToString() const | Position | |
ToTempSummon() | Unit | inline |
ToTempSummon() const | Unit | inline |
ToTotem() | Unit | inline |
ToUnit() | Object | inline |
ToUnit() const | Object | inline |
TradeCancel(bool sendback) | Player | |
TriggerAurasProcOnEvent(CalcDamageInfo &damageInfo) | Unit | |
TriggerAurasProcOnEvent(std::list< AuraApplication * > *myProcAuras, std::list< AuraApplication * > *targetProcAuras, Unit *actionTarget, uint32 typeMaskActor, uint32 typeMaskActionTarget, uint32 spellTypeMask, uint32 spellPhaseMask, uint32 hitMask, Spell *spell, DamageInfo *damageInfo, HealInfo *healInfo) | Unit | |
TriggerAurasProcOnEvent(ProcEventInfo &eventInfo, std::list< AuraApplication * > &procAuras) | Unit | |
UninviteFromGroup() | Player | |
Unit(bool isWorldObject) | Unit | explicitprotected |
unReadMails | Player | |
UnsummonAllTotems(bool onDeath=false) | Unit | |
UnsummonPetTemporaryIfAny() | Player | |
Update(uint32 time) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateAchievementCriteria(AchievementCriteriaTypes type, uint32 miscValue1=0, uint32 miscValue2=0, Unit *unit=nullptr) | Player | |
UpdateAfkReport(time_t currTime) | Player | |
UpdateAllCritPercentages() | Player | |
UpdateAllowedPositionZ(float x, float y, float &z, float *groundZ=nullptr) const | WorldObject | |
UpdateAllRatings() | Player | |
UpdateAllResistances() | Unit | virtual |
UpdateAllSpellCritChances() | Player | |
UpdateAllStats() override | Player | virtual |
UpdateArea(uint32 newArea) | Player | |
UpdateAreaDependentAuras(uint32 area_id) | Player | |
UpdateArmor() override | Player | virtual |
UpdateArmorPenetration(int32 amount) | Player | |
UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(bool ranged=false) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateAuraForGroup(uint8 slot) | Unit | |
UpdateBlockPercentage() | Player | |
UpdateCharmAI() | Unit | |
UpdateCharmedAI() | Player | private |
UpdateCombatSkills(Unit *victim, WeaponAttackType attType, bool defence, Item *item=nullptr) | Player | |
UpdateContestedPvP(uint32 currTime) | Player | |
UpdateCorpseReclaimDelay() | Player | |
UpdateCraftSkill(uint32 spellid) | Player | |
UpdateCritPercentage(WeaponAttackType attType) | Player | |
UpdateDamagePhysical(WeaponAttackType attType) | Unit | virtual |
UpdateDefense() | Player | |
UpdateDefenseBonusesMod() | Player | |
UpdateDodgePercentage() | Player | |
UpdateDuelFlag(time_t currTime) | Player | |
UpdateEnchantmentDurations() | Player | |
UpdateEnchantTime(uint32 time) | Player | |
UpdateEquipSpellsAtFormChange() | Player | |
UpdateExpertise(WeaponAttackType attType) | Player | |
UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(MovementInfo const &minfo, uint16 opcode) | Player | |
UpdateFFAPvPFlag(time_t currTime) | Player | |
UpdateFFAPvPState(bool reset=true) | Player | |
UpdateFishingSkill() | Player | |
UpdateForQuestWorldObjects() | Player | |
UpdateGatherSkill(uint32 SkillId, uint32 SkillValue, uint32 RedLevel, uint32 Multiplicator=1) | Player | |
UpdateGroundPositionZ(float x, float y, float &z) const | WorldObject | |
UpdateHeight(float newZ) | Unit | |
UpdateHomebindTime(uint32 time) | Player | |
UpdateHonorFields() | Player | |
UpdateInterruptMask() | Unit | |
UpdateInvisibilityDrunkDetect() | Player | |
UpdateItemDuration(uint32 time, bool realtimeonly=false) | Player | |
UpdateLocalChannels(uint32 newZone) | Player | |
UpdateLootAchievements(LootItem *item, Loot *loot) | Player | |
UpdateManaRegen() | Player | |
UpdateMaxHealth() override | Player | virtual |
UpdateMaxPower(Powers power) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateMeleeHitChances() | Player | |
UpdateMirrorTimers() | Player | |
UpdateNextMailTimeAndUnreads() | Player | |
UpdateObjectVisibility(bool forced=true, bool fromUpdate=false) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateOrientation(float orientation) | Unit | |
UpdateParryPercentage() | Player | |
UpdatePlayerSetting(std::string source, uint8 index, uint32 value) | Player | |
UpdatePosition(float x, float y, float z, float orientation, bool teleport=false) override | Player | virtual |
UpdatePosition(const Position &pos, bool teleport=false) | Player | inline |
UpdatePositionData() | WorldObject | |
UpdatePotionCooldown(Spell *spell=nullptr) | Player | |
UpdatePvP(bool state, bool _override=false) | Player | |
UpdatePvPFlag(time_t currTime) | Player | |
UpdatePvPState() | Player | |
UpdateRangedHitChances() | Player | |
UpdateRating(CombatRating cr) | Player | |
UpdateReactives(uint32 p_time) | Unit | |
UpdateResistances(uint32 school) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateRuneRegen(RuneType rune) | Player | |
UpdateShieldBlockValue() | Player | |
UpdateSkill(uint32 skill_id, uint32 step) | Player | |
UpdateSkillEnchantments(uint16 skill_id, uint16 curr_value, uint16 new_value) | Player | |
UpdateSkillPro(uint16 SkillId, int32 Chance, uint32 step) | Player | |
UpdateSkillsForLevel() | Player | |
UpdateSkillsToMaxSkillsForLevel() | Player | |
UpdateSoulboundTradeItems() | Player | |
UpdateSpeakTime(ChatFloodThrottle::Index index) | Player | |
UpdateSpecCount(uint8 count) | Player | |
UpdateSpeed(UnitMoveType mtype, bool forced) | Unit | |
UpdateSpellCritChance(uint32 school) | Player | |
UpdateSpellDamageAndHealingBonus() | Player | |
UpdateSpellHitChances() | Player | |
UpdateSplineMovement(uint32 t_diff) | Unit | private |
UpdateSplinePosition() | Unit | private |
UpdateStats(Stats stat) override | Player | virtual |
UpdateTitansGrip() | Player | |
UpdateTriggerVisibility() | Player | |
UpdateUInt32Value(uint16 index, uint32 value) | Object | |
UpdateVisibilityForPlayer(bool mapChange=false) | Player | |
UpdateVisibilityOf(WorldObject *target) | Player | |
UpdateVisibilityOf(T *target, UpdateData &data, std::vector< Unit * > &visibleNow) | Player | |
UpdateWeaponSkill(Unit *victim, WeaponAttackType attType, Item *item=nullptr) | Player | |
UpdateZone(uint32 newZone, uint32 newArea) | Player | |
UpdateZoneDependentAuras(uint32 zone_id) | Player | |
ValuesUpdateCache typedef | Unit | private |
VehicleSpellInitialize() | Player | |
VisibleAuraMap typedef | Unit | |
VisualizeItem(uint8 slot, Item *pItem) | Player | |
Whisper(std::string_view text, Language language, Player *receiver, bool=false) override | Player | virtual |
Whisper(uint32 textId, Player *target, bool isBossWhisper=false) override | Player | virtual |
WhisperList | Player | protected |
WorldLocation(uint32 _mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f) | WorldLocation | inlineexplicit |
WorldLocation(uint32 mapId, Position const &position) | WorldLocation | inline |
WorldObject(bool isWorldObject) | WorldObject | explicitprotected |
WorldRelocate(const WorldLocation &loc) | WorldLocation | inline |
WorldRelocate(uint32 mapId=MAPID_INVALID, float x=0.f, float y=0.f, float z=0.f, float o=0.f) | WorldLocation | inline |
WorldSession | Player | friend |
Yell(std::string_view text, Language language, WorldObject const *=nullptr) override | Player | virtual |
Yell(uint32 textId, WorldObject const *target=nullptr) override | Player | virtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~Player() override | Player | |
~Unit() override | Unit | |
~WorldObject() override | WorldObject |