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The `npc_spellclick_spells` table

This table holds information about spells to be cast upon receiving聽CMSG_SPELLCLICK.

That opcode is sent for quests in which you have to loot creatures, who are already dead at spawning. Examples are聽Planning for the Future聽and聽Rifle the bodies.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
npc_entry INT UNSIGNED PRI NO NULL Reference to the creature_template table
spell_id INT UNSIGNED PRI NO NULL The ID of the spell to be cast
cast_flags TINYINT UNSIGNED NO NULL Who casts the spell on who, creature <=> player (values: 0-3)
user_type SMALLINT UNSIGNED NO 0 Relation with summoner: 0-no 1-friendly 2-raid 3-party player can click

Description of the fields


Reference to creature_template.entry


The spell which should be cast.

Note that for several quests there are more than one spell per click.

Planing for the Future聽for example has聽Planning for the Future: Create Snowfall Glade Pup聽which will create the item in the player鈥檚 inventory and聽Planning for the Future: Create Snowfall Glade Pup Cover聽which despawns the creature.

This creates the illusion that the creature has been looted.


On every spellclick event, a player and a creature "participate". This field defines who casts the spell on who. Lower bit defines caster: 1=Clicker, 0=Clickee; higher bit defines target, same mapping as caster bit. You can use that table for the actual value:

Caster Target cast_flags value
Creature Clickee 0
Clicker Clickee 1
Clickee Clicker 2
Clicker Clicker 3


Relation with summoner: defines who is able to use this spellclick.

Value Description
0 Only self
1 Friendly
2 Raid
3 Party